CIS 265 – Homework 5 – Implementing an Efficient HeapSort Algorithm

In this assignment you are asked to create a MaxHeapclass capable of holding generic comparable objects(the TYPE of elements to be inserted is <E extends Comparable<E>).

The class must expose three public methods:

  1. publicvoid add( E newItem )
  2. public E delete()
  3. publicvoid show()

Respectively, the methods (1) insert a new element in the heap, (2) remove the root of the heap, and (3) ‘nicely’ show the contents of the heap.

Test your application with the following two samples


int[] list = { 2, 9, 5, 4, 8, 1, 6, 7 };


GeometricObject[] list2 = {new Circle(2), new Circle(9), new Circle(5),

new Circle(4), new Circle(8), new Circle(1),

new Circle(6), new Circle(7),

new Rectangle(1,2) };

whereGeometricObject, Circle, and Rectangle are similar to the classes used in Homework2

In both cases begin with an empty MaxHeap, insert the items from each list, and finally remove one at the time, show this procedure could be used to sort generic data in ascending as well as descending order.




publicclass Driver3HeapSort {


* Author:V. Matos

* Date:April-11, 2013

* Goal: Create a generic MAX-HEAP and use it to sort a collection of objects


publicstaticvoid main(String[] args) {

// testing the MaxHeap with a list of Integer objects

int[] list = { 2, 9, 5, 4, 8, 1, 6, 7 };

// populate the heap

HeapSort<Integer> hs = newHeapSort<Integer>();

for (inti = 0; ilist.length; i++) {



// remove root of the tree until empty

ArrayList<Integer> solution1 = newArrayList<Integer>();

for (inti = 0; ilist.length; i++) {

Integer item = hs.delete();


System.out.println("\nRemoved " + item.toString() );;


System.out.println( solution1 );

//sorting geometric figures

GeometricObject[] list2 = { new Circle(2), new Circle(9), new Circle(5),

new Circle(4), new Circle(8), new Circle(1),

new Circle(6), new Circle(7),

new Rectangle(1,2) };

HeapSortGeometricObject> hs2 = newHeapSortGeometricObject>();

// populate heap

for (inti = 0; i < list2.length; i++) {



// remove root from the heap

ArrayListGeometricObject> solution2 = newArrayListGeometricObject>();

for (int j = 0; j < list2.length; j++) {

GeometricObject item = hs2.delete();


System.out.println("\nRemoved " + item.toString() );;


// show results


for (inti=0; i<solution2.size(); i++){

GeometricObject g = solution2.get(i);

System.out.printf ("\n%d \tArea:%4.2f \t %s", i, g.getArea(), g.getClass().toString() );







publicclass HeapSort <E extends Comparable<E> {

privateArrayList<E> a = newArrayList<E>();

publicvoid add( E newItem ){


int son = a.size()-1;

while ( son > 0 ){

int dad = (son -1)/2;

E dadItem = a.get(dad);

E sonItem = a.get(son);

if ( dadItem.compareTo(sonItem) >= 0 ){



E tempItem = dadItem;

a.set(dad, sonItem);

a.set(son, tempItem);

son = dad;



public E delete(){

int root = 0;

if (a.size() == 0)


if (a.size() == 1)


int n = a.size()-1;

E deletedItem = a.get(root);

E lastItem = a.remove(n);


a.set(root, lastItem);

int left, right, max;

E tempItem;

while( 2*root+1 <= n ){

left = 2*root + 1;

right = 2*root + 2;

//the root has a left and right child

if (( left <= n ) & ( right <= n)) {

max = getLocMax(a, left, right);

if ( a.get(root).compareTo(a.get(max)) < 0 ){

tempItem = a.get(root);

a.set(root, a.get(max) );

a.set(max, tempItem);

root = max;

} else {




//the root has left but not a right child

elseif (( left <= n ) & ( right > n)) {

max = getLocMax(a, left, root);

if ( a.get(root).compareTo(a.get(max)) < 0 ){

tempItem = a.get(root);

a.set(root, a.get(max) );

a.set(max, tempItem);

root = max;

} else {







/// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

privateintgetLocMax(ArrayList<E> a, int left, int right) {

if ( a.get(left).compareTo(a.get(right)) >= 0 )

return left;


return right;


publicvoid show(){


for (inti=0; ia.size(); i++ ){

System.out.print(" " + a.get(i) );






9 2

9 2 5

9 4 5 2

9 8 5 2 4

9 8 5 2 4 1

9 8 6 2 4 1 5

9 8 6 7 4 1 5 2

Removed 9

8 7 6 2 4 1 5

Removed 8

7 5 6 2 4 1

Removed 7

6 5 1 2 4

Removed 6

5 4 1 2

Removed 5

4 2 1

Removed 4

2 1

Removed 2


Removed 1

[1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:7.00 Area:153.94

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:7.00 Area:153.94

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Circle - white Radius:9.00 Area:254.47

> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:7.00 Area:153.94

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Circle - white Radius:8.00 Area:201.06

> Circle - white Radius:7.00 Area:153.94

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54


> Circle - white Radius:7.00 Area:153.94

> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14


> Circle - white Radius:6.00 Area:113.10

> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Circle - white Radius:5.00 Area:78.54

> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Circle - white Radius:4.00 Area:50.27

> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14


> Circle - white Radius:2.00 Area:12.57

> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Circle - white Radius:1.00 Area:3.14

> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0


> Rectangle white

created: Wed Apr 10 20:11:22 EDT 2013 color: white filled: true

> Height: 2.0 Width: 1.0 Perimeter: 6.0 Area: 2.0

0 Area:2.00 class csu.matos.Rectangle

1 Area:3.14 class csu.matos.Circle

2 Area:12.57 class csu.matos.Circle

3 Area:50.27 class csu.matos.Circle

4 Area:78.54 class csu.matos.Circle

5 Area:113.10 class csu.matos.Circle

6 Area:153.94 class csu.matos.Circle

7 Area:201.06 class csu.matos.Circle

8 Area:254.47 class csu.matos.Circle