Data Management Procedures
Backup of Servers and Libraries
Each school should have one person who is responsible for backups. The Computer Resource Technician should verify the process on a weekly basis.
Mirroring drive will be maintained and checked for synchronization
Manual backup – Library system should be backed up weekly on floppy/zip disks or a different machine.
Network server backup – All network servers are backed up nightly to a centralized storage location offsite.
All confidential material such as electronic report cards MUST be maintained in a secure location with login and password. It is also recommended that the document require password; however, users need to be aware that if they do not remember the password, they will not be able to access their file.
- Current solution: Each teacher has access to a server space that may be used for this.
- Webmail has a secure space for each user that teachers may use if they want to work on report cards at home.
- Printed copy and copies saved to floppy/zip disks or USB drives (Pen Drive) must be maintained in a secure location.
Proposed: Investigate the use of ifolder for administrative use. Security issues will need to be considered.
United Streaming
Video files are very large and could potentially clog server and slow network services.
- Download to the United Streaming folder on the server. These files will be deleted every Friday. If the clips are needed for a longer period of time or over a period of years, it should be burned to a CD.
Proposed: Investigate housing files on a local server.
Older machines
Machines should be held for a period of at least one week to give teachers time to retrieve data before discarding.
Before discarded, hard drives need to be cleared of all sensitive files and software. This should be done by a qualified individual, such as the site technology coordinator or resource technician.
HCPS Technology Plan 2003-2009Page 12003