ADDRESS: Department of Economics,
University of Melbourne,
Victoria 3010
Telephone: (w) 03-8344-5286
Fax No.: (w) 03-8344-6899
HOME PAGE http://www.economics.unimelb.edu.au/SITE/staffprofile/imcdonald.shtml
DATE AND PLACE 10 January, 1947, U.K.
OF BIRTH AND Australian and UK citizen
DEGREES: B.A. (Hons.) in the Social Sciences, 1968, University of Leicester, U.K.
M.A. (Economics), 1969, University of Warwick, U.K.
Ph.D. 1974, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Ph.D THESIS TITLE 'A Keynesian Theory of the Rate of Profit'.
TEACHING POSITIONS Professor of Economics, University of Melbourne, from 1 July 1990
Reader, University of Melbourne, from 1 July 1986 to 30 June 1990,
Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne, from 1 January 1981 to 30 June 1986,
Lecturer, University of Melbourne, Australia, limited tenure from 13 May 1974, continuing tenure from 1 April 1978,
Teaching Assistant, Simon Fraser University, Canada,
Tutor, University of Leicester, U.K. 1969-70.
ADMINISTRATIVE: Head of Department of Economics, 1 January 1993 to 31
POSITIONS December 1996
Associate Dean - Graduate Studies, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, 1 July 1990 to 31 December 1991
Chair, Teaching and Learning Quality Assurance Committee, University of Melbourne, 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2000
Deputy Dean, Faculty of Economic and Commerce, 1 January 1999 to 31 December 2002, 1 October 2004 to 31 December 2005.
Chair, Library Users Committee, Faculty of Economic and Commerce, April 2001 to April 2002.
VISITING POSITIONS Visitor, Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, 8 May 1995 to 12 May 1995.
Visitor, Oxford University, 1 May 1992 to 30 June 1992
Visiting Associate Professor, Queen's University, Canada, 1989-90.
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 10 February 1981 - 9 February 1982.
Visiting Lecturer, Nanyang University, Singapore 1976-7.
FIELDS: Macroeconomics, Behavioural Economics.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT: Macroeconomics,
Labour Economics,
Capital and Distribution Theory,
Mathematical Economics,
Advanced Economic Theory,
Welfare Economics,
Economics of Uncertainty.
RESEARCH POSITIONS Consultant on 'Productivity in the Non-Manufacturing Sector' to the Department of Employment and Productivity, U.K. Government, 1970.
Research Assistant to Professor D. Maki, Simon Fraser University, 1972.
RESEARCH GRANTS 1984 ARGS grant (ref. no. A18315914 R) for
RECEIVED: the research project "Australian Macroeconomic Policy (jointly with Professor J.O.N. Perkins and Dr. J. Horne). Amounts awarded: $10,000.
1985 ARGS grant renewed.
1986 ARGS grant renewed.
1987 Research Development Grant, Category (a), University of Melbourne for the research project "Australian Macroeconomic Policy (jointly with Professor J.O.N. Perkins). Amount awarded: $4,000.
1989 ARC grant (reference number A78831524) for the research project "The Optimal Allocation of Australia's Resources Between Present Consumption and Future Consumption". Amount awarded: $48,224 over three years.
1990 ARC grant for the research project "Testing Macroeconomic Models of Unemployment and Inflation" (jointly with Dr J. I. Borland). Amount awarded: $7000.
1992 ARC small grant for the research project "Asymmetric Patterns in Prices and Output in Australia" (jointly with Dr J. N. Lye). Amount awarded: $3000.
1993 Faculty Researh Grant for the research project "Empirical Investigations of the Range of Equilibria" (jointly with Dr J. N. Lye). Amount awarded: $11,200
1995 ARC Large Grant for the research project "Macroeconomics with a Range of Equilibria" (jointly with Dr J. N. Lye). Amounts awarded: $32,300 (1995), $34,000 (1996), $34,000 (1997).
1996 Committee for the Advancement of University Teaching for the project “Problem based learning in Micro-groups in First Year Economics” (jointly with Ms C.G.Johnston and Dr R. James).
1996 Faculty of Economics and Commerce for the project “Problem-based Learning for Second Year Macroeconomics” (jointly with Ms C.G.Johnston and Dr R. James).
1996 Faculty of Economics and Commerce for the project “The Development of Software for Teaching in Second Year Microeconomics” (jointly with Dr J.N.Lye).
2001 ARC Large Grant No. A00103574 for the research project “Population ageing, optimal national saving and future living standards: A multi-country perspective” (jointly with Dr R. Guest). Amounts awarded: $30,000 (2001), $20,000 (2002), $38,381 (2003).
2001 ARC Large Grant No. A00103650 for the research project “What is the limit to reducing the rate of unemployment? – testing theories of the range of equilibria” (jointly with Dr J. Lye). Amounts awarded: $36,277 (2001), $36,277 (2002).
2003 ARC Discovery – Project Grant No DP0343197 “Population ageing and national housing demand in Australia” (jointly with Assoc. Prof Ross Guest). Amounts awarded: $30,000 (2003), $23,750 (2004).
AWARDS Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Australia (elected 1991)
Dean’s Individual Award for Good Teaching and Innovation, 1999
OTHER PROFESSIONAL Member, Insights Advisory Board (since November
Research Associate, Behavioural Economics Program, Centre for Applied Macroeconomic Analysis, Australian National University (since October 2007)
Member, Social Justice Initiative Steering Committee, University of Melbourne (since 2007)
Member, Unimelb Obesity Network, University
of Melbourne (since November, 2006)
Joint Editor, Australian Economic Review (since
January, 2002)
Member of the Editorial Board, International Review of Economics Education (since 2001)
Member, Examination Setting Panel for VCE Economics, 1993-1998
Member, VCE Economics Accreditation Group
Chair VCE Economics Study Design Writing Committee, 1994
Member, Key Learning Area Committee for Studies in Society and the Environment, Department of Education, Victoria, 1993-1996
Associate Editor, Australian Economic Review, 1985-2001.
Book Review Editor, Economic Record, 1984-1989.
Associate Editor, Economic Record, 1975-1977.
Organiser of the Second Analytic Economics Workshop, Melbourne University, February, 1984.
Organiser (with Jeff Borland) of the conference "Policies for Economic Expansion" University of Melbourne, 8 August 1991.
Organiser (with Nilss Olekalns) of the First Macroeconomic Workshop, University of Melbourne, April 1996.
Organiser (with Carol Johnston and William Becker) of the Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching Economics, University of Melbourne, July 2000.
Joint-organiser of the workshop on “The quantitative analysis of teaching and learning at the tertiary level in business, economics and commerce”, University of Melbourne, February 2004, February 2005
Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (since 1991).
External reviewer of teaching, Economics Discipline, University of Wollongong, January, 2002
Member, Review Panel, School of Economics, Deakin University, March, 1995
Member, University Academic Staff Promotions Committee, Charles Sturt University, November, 1994
Member, Review Panel, Department of Economics, University of Otago, August 1994
REFEREE FOR American Economic Review,
Australian Economic Papers,
Australian Economic Review,
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Canadian Journal of Economics,
Drawing Board
Economic Analysis and Policy,
Economic Inquiry,
Economic Journal,
Economic Record,
European Economic Review
International Review of Economics Education
Journal of Development Economics,
Journal of Economics Dynamics and Control
Journal of Economic Integration
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Journal of Labour Economics
Journal of Macroeconomics,
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking,
Journal of Policy Modelling,
Journal of Public Economics
Labor Economics
Managerial & Decision Economics,
Manchester School of Economic and Social Studies,
Mathematical Social Sciences,
New Zealand Economic Papers,
Oxford Economic Papers,
Quarterly Journal of Economics,
Scandinavian Journal of Economics,
Research Proposal Australian Research Council
Reviewer National Science Foundation,U.S.A.
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
INVITED TALKS ‘Regulatory reform in response to past and present international financial market instability’ Invited lecture for the Asia-Pacific Model United Nations Conference, La Trobe University, 9 July 2012
‘A macroeconomic perspective on the setting of minimum wages”, invited lecture for 2008 Minimum Wage Research Forum, Australian Fair Pay Commission, Melbourne, 30 October 2008
‘Unhappy Growth’, Special Session on “Economics, Happiness and Public Policy” at the 36th Australian Conference of Economists, Hobart, 26 September 2007
‘Does the ageing population require more work (and less fun)?’ Public Forum Series on Mature Aged Workers: Policy Challenges for the Future, Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, 27 April 2004
‘The economic implications for Australia of prospective demographic change’, Business Symposium, Australian Conference of Economists, October 2002
Invited panelist at a Committee for the Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) on ‘Taking up the challenge – The ageing debate and beyond’, August 2002.
‘Prospective demographic change and Australia’s policy agenda for the 21st century’, Towards Opportunity and Prosperity: The 2002 Melbourne Institute Economic and Social Outlook Conference, April 2002.
“Demographic change, foreign borrowing and intergenerational equity”, Conference on “Sustainable and excessive current account deficits” Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, November, 2001.
‘The Range Theory of Unemployment Applied to Australia’, 28th Conference of Economists, La Trobe University, September 1999
‘Australian Macroeconomic Policy Since the Sixties’, Conference on Continuity and Change in Australian Economic Policy, Canberra, June, 1985.
‘Trying to Understand Stagflation’, Plenary Session,
13th Conference of Economists, Perth, August 1984.
McDonald, I.M. (ed.) (2012) Behavioural Macroeconomics, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
*McDonald, I.M., (1992), (1996) "Macroeconomics", Brisbane: Jacaranda-Wiley. 1st edition: 1992. pp.xv + 528. 2nd edition: 1996, pp. xv + 560.
Sheen, J. (1997) Economic Record, 73, 220, 79-80.
McDonald, I.M., (1992), (1996) "Instructors Manual to Accompany Macroeconomics", Brisbane: Jacaranda-Wiley. 1st edition: 1993, pp.152. 2nd edition: 1996, pp.205.
* McDonald, I.M., (1990) "Inflation and Unemployment: Macroeconomics with a Range of Equilibria", Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp.145.
Minford, P. (1991) Economic Journal, 101, 407, 978-80.
Rowe, N. (1991), Canadian Journal of Economics, 24, 3, 736-9.
Haggar, A.J. (1992) Economic Record, 68, 200, 86-88.
Manning, A. (1992), Journal of Economic Literature, XXX, December, 2148-50
Chapters of Books
McDonald, I.M. (2012) “Introduction” in McDonald, I.M. (ed.) (2012) Behavioural Macroeconomics, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp.xi-xix.
McDonald, I.M. (2011) “Mathematics and human subjectivity”, in Force, movement, Intensity: The Newtonian imagination in the humanities and social sciences, ed. G. Hage and E.Kowal, Melbourne University Press, Carlton, pp.103-2
McDonald, I.M. (2010) “The economic dimension of future justice”, pp. 39-52, Future Justice, edited by Helen Sykes, Future Leaders, Melbourne
McDonald, I.M. (2009) “Preface” in Morgan, R., Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis: The relevance of Adam Smith on Morality and Free Markets, Connor Court Publishing, Ballan, Victoria.
McDonald, I.M. (2008) “A Macroeconomic Perspective on the setting of Minimum Wages”, 2008 Minimum Wage Research Forum Proceedings, Volume 1, Research Report No. 4a/08, Australian Fair Pay Commission, Melbourne, ISBN 978-0-9805039-7-5.
McDonald, I.M. (2003) “Prospective demographic change and Australia’s living standards in the twenty-first century” in Dawkins, P., and Kelly, P. (eds) Hard Heads, Soft Hearts , Crows Nest, NSW, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 97-100 (with R.S.Guest)
McDonald, I.M. (2002) “Demographic change, foreign borrowing and intergenerational equity” in Levy, A., and Faria, J.R. (eds.) Economic Growth, Inequality and Migration, Cheltenham, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 235-61 (with R.S.Guest)
McDonald, I.M. (2000) “Population Ageing, Optimal National Saving and Investment", in Dahiya, S.B. (ed.) "The Current state of Business Administration, Business Economics, Commerce, Accounting, Finance, Banking, Marketing and Management – Volume Two Business Economics", Spellbound Publications Pvt. Ltd, Rohak, India, 2000, pp. 605-27 (with R.Guest).
McDonald, I.M., (1999) “Is there an ageing crisis in Australia?”, Appendix in “Financing the Ageing: Now is the time to act” a position paper prepared by the Financing the Ageing Committee of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia, June 1999, pp. 35-9.
McDonald, I.M., (1999) “The effect of later retirement on optimal national saving in Australia” in Productivity Commission and Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Policy Implications of the Ageing of Australia’s Population, Conference Proceedings, AusInfo, Canberra, 1999, pp107-26 (with R.Guest).
McDonald, I.M. (1998) “The Socially Optimal Level of Saving - An International Comparison” in Levy, A. (ed.) Handbook on the Globalisation of the World Economy , Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1998, pp.168-95, (with R. Guest).
McDonald, I.M. (1997) Comment on “The Debate on Alternatives for Monetary Policy in Australia” by M.Edey, in Lowe, P. (ed.) “Monetary Policy and Inflation Targeting”, Sydney: Reserve Bank of Australia, 1997, pp.68-72.
McDonald, I.M. (1995) "Models of the Range of Equilibria" in Cross, R. (ed.) The Natural Rate of Unemployment: Reflections on 25 years of the Hypothesis, London: Cambridge University Press, 1995, pp. 101-152.
McDonald, I.M. (1989) (1995) (2001) "Managerial Economics - Macroeconomics" in Samson, D.A., (ed.) Management for Engineers, South Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1989 (first edition), pp.69-90, 1995 (second edition), pp. 91 –112 and 2001 (third edition), pp.86-108.
McDonald, I.M. (forthcoming) “The measurement of well-being: Introduction” Australian Economic Review
*McDonald, I.M. (forthcoming) “Social comparisons and reference group formation: Some experimental evidence, Games and Economic Behavior (with Nikiforakis, N., Olekalns, N., and Sibly, H.)
McDonald, I.M., (2012) “Disadvantage and life satisfaction”, Insights, 11, April 2012, 35-40.
McDonald, I.M., (2010) “Equality, wellbeing and the work of the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission”, Insights, 8, November 2010 (with Helen Mitchell).
McDonald, I.M., (2010) “The potential and actual contribution of social inclusion to social and labour market policy in Australia”, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 45, 2, 155-9 (with J.Howe and J.Moss).
*McDonald, I.M. (2010) Economic perspectives on social exclusion, Australian Journal of Social Issues, 45, 2, 213-25.
*McDonald, I.M. (2010) “Beyond Krugman to Behavioural Keynes”, Agenda, 17, 1, 89-94.
*McDonald, I.M., (2010) “Other-regarding Uzawa preferences and living standard catch-up”, Pacific Economic Review, 15, 1, 87-115 (with R.S.Guest) {340213}, [720199]
* McDonald, I.M., (2009) “The global financial crisis and behavioural economics”, Economic Papers, 28, 3, 249-54.
McDonald, I.M. (2008) “Full Employment: Is There Good Reason to Be Falling Short?”, Australian Economic Review, 41, 3, 283-5.
* McDonald, I.M. (2008) "The Eisner Puzzle, The Unemployment Threshold and the Range of Equilibria", International Advances in Economic Research , 14, 2, 125-41 (with J.N.Lye).
McDonald, I.M. (2007) “Where is full employment?”, Dialogue, 26, 2, 81-92.
*McDonald, I.M. (2007) "Global GDP shares in the 21st century an equilibrium approach", Economic Modelling 24, 859-77 (with R.S.Guest)
* McDonald, I.M. (2007) “Systematic influences on teaching evaluations”, Australian Economic Papers, 46, 1, 18-38. (with M. Davies, J.Hirschberg, CG Johnston and J.N.Lye)
* McDonald, I.M. (2006) “Union power and Australia’s Inflation Barrier, 1965:4 to 2003:3” Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 3, 287-304 (with J.N.Lye).