MONDAY MAY 25, 2009
9:00 AM Memorial Day – Mass offered for deceased relatives, friends and parishioners, especially the relatives and friends of those attending this Eucharist
TUESDAY MAY 26, 2009
5:30 PM No Mass due to Confirmation Practice and Holy Hour
9:00 AM John Stolfa, Jr. – Monica & family
(Coffee social in Annex after Mass)
9:00 AM Francis MacAulay – brother to Fr. Gerard MacAulay
(Rosary for vocations—after Mass)
FRIDAY MAY 29, 2009
12:07 PM Intention for Patti Dean – Maria Carter
5:30 PM St. Mary Church (English Mass)
Special Intention
7:30 PM St. Mary Church (Spanish Mass)
Int. Viridiana Tovar – Enrique & Carmen Tovar
SUNDAY MAY 31, 2009
8:00 AM St. Anthony, Tishomingo (Sanders home)
For the people of the parish
10:45 AM St. Mary Church (English Mass)
In Thanksgiving for 40 years in the
SATURDAY MAY 30, 2009 5:30 P.M.
Lectors: Mark Urbanosky, Riley Beard (A)
C. Ministers: Anne Beard, Roland & Ann Stolfa, Kathryn Brodie, Cathy Biddick
Acolytes: Kimberly Urbanosky, Julia Ngo
Ushers: Bill Swatzel, Robert Petz, Miguel Fuego
Offering: McCall family
SUNDAY MAY 31, 2009 10:45 A.M.
Lectors: Jim Schumacher, Trish Weaver (A)
C. Ministers: Maureen Schumacher, Ron & Marcia Deyalsingh, Ann McMillin, Bob Bates
Master: Gavin Anderson
Cross Bearer: Emma Dempewolf
Incense: Demitri & Darius Baker
Acolytes: Kelton & Mary Catherine Kelch
Ushers: Lovell McMillin James & Mary Read
Offering: Ushers
Office closed Monday, May 25, 2009
Christine Fullingim, Lorie Lee, Bernice Lenich, James Mantzke. Continue to pray for Jeannie Armijo, Patti Dean, Kamryn Eubanks, Mike Kastl, Sarah Murphy, Summer Phelps, Georgia Tanner, Christopher Walters, Mary Wood and those on the May prayer sheet (copies in the vestibule).
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated at St. Mary Parish with Archbishop Beltran officiating at Mass this Wednesday, May 27, at 7:00 P.M.All parishioners are invited and encouraged to attend. There will be a reception immediately following in the parish hall and everyone is encouraged to attend and congratulate our young adults on their completion of the sacraments of initiation.
The candidates being introduced to the Archbishop Beltran for Confirmation are: Gavin Anderson, Saleah Blancaflor, Evette Corona, Freddy Corona, Karlee Craddock, Vince Dao, Melissa Dominguez, Joe Johnson, Emily McCullough, Cohen McKinzie, Carson McPherson, Katie Parish, Heidi Rivera, Will Roberts, Hillary Rodriguez, Hector Rodriguez, Emily Rodriguez, and Ethan Stedman. Congratulations!
A big thanks to Terry Urbanosky, with the help of her family, for the delicious food served at the senior brunch and to the junior parents and students for the great service and efficient clean up following the event.
First Communion pictures can be picked up in the Religious Education Office in the Annex.
Marilyn Neubauer, Director of Religious Education.
Choir practice for Pentecost will be May 31st,
at 9:00 a.m. in the choir loft.
REMINDER: Current and past copies of the bulletin, ministry schedule and other pertinent information can always be found at the parish website
Ministry schedule for June will be printed this week. Please call me by Tuesday, May 26th if you will be gone anytime in June. Thank you, Joan
St. Mary and St. Anthony Parishioners
For the upcoming directory, information needs to be updated. If you have any changes on address, phone number, or you are not registered, please pick up a newcomer/member correction card located in the entrance of the church. You may leave this in the collection basket. Thank you for your help.
LAST CHANCE to turn in your name(s) to attend
Father O’Toole’s 40th Celebration on May 31, 2009.
The Catholic Center will be open for children 12 and under during happy hour and lunch for Father’s celebration.
Women of St. Mary – May Meeting
Voting still continues for the “Women of the Year”. This award is a singular honor and will be decided by popular vote. Please turn in your vote.
Our Spring Luncheon will be held on Saturday, June 20th at 11:30 a.m. at Dornick Hills Country Club. Tickets ($10.00 ea.) will be on sale after Mass.
New ALUMINUM CAN CONTAINERS donated to us are now located in the parish hall, Catholic Center and youth room basement. Please do not throw trash in containers. The Youth Group turns these cans into cash. Thank you for your help!
YOUTH GROUP: There will be no meeting on May 24th – it is Memorial Day weekend. Look forward to seeing you at Father’s 40th celebration on May 31st.
Tom and Jeanetta
Memorial Day Mass at Resurrection Cemetery
Archbishop Beltran will celebrate a special Mass at Resurrection Cemetery in Oklahoma City on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend this Mass as we remember the dead on this national holiday.
Archdiocesan collection for Priest’s Medical Fund will be the weekend of, May 30th-31st. You may leave your donation in the collection basket. Thank you!
MASS SERVERS: Sunday, June 14, 2009 – Feast of Corpus Christi (The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ) there will be a procession. Father O’Toole is asking all available Mass servers to help out and participate. Please meet Father at the entrance to the church already vested for serving by 10:15 a.m. for a short practice before Mass.
St. Mary Church will have a Memorial Mass for deceased parishioners, family, and friends on Monday, May 25, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. Coffee and donuts will be served after Mass in the parish hall. Please join us.
On Saturday, May 30, 2009, at the Catholic Pastoral Center, the Office of Family Life is partnering with the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative to present a workshop: The day begins at 9:30 am with sign-in and the program is from 10:00 – 4:00 pm. There is NO COST! For more information or to register, please call Lisa at (405) 709-2709.
The blue lockers in the school building hallway are free to parishioners who could use them. You need you to take these by June 7, 2009, after that they will be removed. Stop by or call the church office.
St. Mary Church is scheduled for the SOUP KITCHEN on June 1-5, 2009. Cooks and servers are needed to help out. Your time of helping others is greatly appreciated. Call Lisa McCormick @ 226-5618.
No. of No. of Weekly Amount AmountDate: 5/16-17/09 Families People Attendance Needed Received
Poor Box / 379 / 841 / Saturday 114
Saturday (Spanish) 121
Sunday 165 / $5,200.00 / $3,183.50 (all)
Healdton: / 4 / 4 / No Mass / $.00
Tishomingo / 10 / 16 / Sunday 12 / $80.00
Phase Two of our Capital Improvement Campaign: Parishioners are asked to contribute according to their means to the $380,000 now being raised for the new rectory.
Status of Building Fund
GOAL Donors Cash & Pledges Cash Received Money Spent
$450,000.00$380,000- Rectory / 92 / $310,607.26 / $221,469.00 / $126,934.02
***Please place your checks for the “Building Fund” in the second collection. This is kept separate from the regular contributions. You may also use the red-bordered “Building Fund” envelopes in the vestibule or denote on the check. These will be posted to your account.