Leadership Academy
Course Expectations
2017-2018 /
Teacher: / Mrs. Angela Truitt / Subject: / Beginning Orchestra
Grade: / 6-8 / Room: / 708
Teacher Contact Information: / (702)799-4700 ext. 4007 / Email: /
Course Description and Content:
This one-year course is designed for the student who is interested in learning to play a string
instrument. It includes the development of skills necessary to become independent as a
musician. This course emphasizes the place of string music in the Western musical heritage.
It concentrates on the development of note-reading skills, aural skills, rhythmic patterns,
intonation, and tonality inherent to Western string music. The importance of sustained group
and individual effort is stressed. A progression of fundamental and technical proficiency is
expected. Emphasis will be placed on having a variety of performing experiences. This is an
elective course that may be repeated.
Course Goals and Performance Benchmarks:
1. To develop performance skills necessary for independence as a string player.
2. To develop performance skills necessary to create an ensemble sound.
3. To identify and respond appropriately to musical notation.
4. To recognize form and structure in music.
5. To develop a broad knowledge and appreciation of music of many styles, periods, and
6. To develop skills to compose and arrange music.
7. To develop skills necessary to improvise melodies, variations, and accompaniments.
8. To further develop the understanding of the relationships between the other arts and
9. To develop the skills of listening to music.
10. To discriminate with regard to the quality of composition and performance of music.
11. To develop attitudes that encourage musical participation throughout life.
Please cut along this line and return the bottom part of this form to your teacher.
Teacher: / Mrs. Truitt / Student Name:
Class Period:
I have read this course expectation sheet, and I understand what will be expected of my child. I will see that my child goes to school each day and does his or her homework. / I have read this course expectation sheet, and I understand what will be expected of me in the classroom.
Parent Signature / Date / Student Signature / Date
Grade Scale: / Grade Breakdown: / Citizenship:
Below 59% / A
F / Formative Assignments/ Practice / 40 / % / O = Outstanding
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs Improvement
U = Unsatisfactory
*Citizenship Grades will be based upon Gibson’s school-wide citizenship grading rubric.
Summative Assignments / Assessment / 60 / %
100 / %
Attendance is required in order to be successful in class. Once a student has acquired 11 unexcused absences,
a failing grade of F will be given for the semester, and no credit will be given.
Assignments and Homework:
Formative Assignments/ Practice (40%)
Daily Participation / Classwork
Orchestra classes meet daily. Students earn 20 points per day. In order to earn these points, you must behave according to the classroom behavior guidelines, come to class fully prepared and participate with the class in the assigned activity. If a student is absent for any reason, Gibson Middle School attendance policy will be followed. NO credit will be given for an unexcused absence.
Homework/ Projects
Students will have a practice record for each 9 week grading period. Students are required to practice one hour a day for six days (6 hours per week). Anything over that time will show that the student is extremely dedicated and should be placed in advanced orchestra. Practice records are worth 100 points every week and I will not accept them without a parent’s signature. Practice records are due every Monday. I will only accept late practice records up to 2 days after the due date.
Summative Assignments/Assessments (60%)
Performances are an extension of the orchestra class and students will be expected to participate in orchestra performances. Concert attendance is required for all school related orchestra events and will be a major part of the student’s grade. Grades are based on participation, behavior, proper attire, performance and tear down. Students are required to stay for the entire performance in which they are participating.
Make Up assignments will be allowed only for an excused absence. Parents must send a letter one week in advance. (Please note: Transportation concerns, sporting events, babysitting, etc. are not acceptable excuses for missing performances. Plan Ahead!) In case of an emergency the day of the concert, make up work will be given and the student will be given one week to have it completed.
Test and Quizzes
Tests and quizzes in orchestra will include written and playing. Some of the tests will be announced in advance and others will be in the form of pop quizzes. All students must perform their tests in front of the class in order to receive a grade.
Concert Uniform:
Beginning Orchestra: Students will wear a navy blue polo shirt. In addition to the shirt, students must wear black pants or black full-length skirt, solid black close toed dress shoes and BLACK socks. Please no shorts or cargo type pants.
Expected Student Behaviors:
Be sure to follow class rules and Gibson Great 8.
- Be prepared with instrument, music book and a pencil.
- Respect others; keep hands, feet and other objects to yourself.
- No food or drinks in the classroom.
- Praise and Respect
- Positive reports home
- Positive mark on grading report
- First offense- verbal warning
- Second offense- teacher/ student conference
- Third offense- lunch detention
- Fourth offense- after school detention
- Fifth/ Serious offense- immediate dean’s referral
Classroom Fee:
Class fees need to be paid at the beginning of the school year to the banker in the front office. The class fee is divided up according to class and the materials you need. Beginning Orchestra student’s class fee is $32. See below for the content of the fee. Students will not receive their instrument until the fee is paid. If for any reason, you are unable to pay the fee, please have you or your student speak to me and we will figure something out. If you are using your own instrument, you do not have to pay the $20 maintenance fee. However, you will be responsible for repairing your instrument and changing your strings.
School instruments are limited, and will be provided to those students who pay fees first. The instrument maintenance fee is $20. This is a onetime fee per year. The maintenance fee will cover broken strings and any minor damages to the instruments. The family of the student is responsible for all major damages or if the instrument is lost or stolen.
**********If you decide to purchase an instrument for your child, please speak to me before you purchase.
All students need rosin $2, a pencil, a shoulder rest (violin and viola only)and a music stand to use at home.
The class book can be purchased through the banker in the Main Office.
Beginning Orchestra:
String Basics Book 1- $10
/ Robert O. Gibson Middle School
Home of the Scots /
Concert Dates
Performance Dates
December 5, 2017Winter Concert(All groups)Call time for students 5:15pm – Concert starts at 6:00pm
May 8, 2018Spring Concert (All groups)Call time for students 5:15pm – Concert starts at 6:00