Supplementary Tables

Table S1: GenBank accession numbers of genomes used to create phylogeny shown in Figure 1.

Table S2: Identifiers for the protein sequences used to build tree in Figure S2. These protein sequences form a family as determined by OrthoMCL.

Table S3: Identifiers for the protein sequences used to build tree in Figure S3. These protein sequences form a family as determined by OrthoMCL.

Table S4: Identifiers for the protein sequences used to build tree in Figure S4. These protein sequences are the 10 best BLAST hits of Avin19880.

Table S5: Identifiers for the protein sequences used to build tree in Figure S5. These protein sequences are the 10 best BLAST hits of Avin19890.

Table S6: Genes related with PHB metabolism in the A. vinelandii genome.

Supplementary figures

Figure S1: Whole chromosome alignment of A. vinelandii DJ and P. stutzeri A1501. Alignment obtained with MUMmer.

Figure S2: Phylogenetic tree of CydAB oxidase I, cydA. Branch numbers are confidence values as given by MrBayes. Size bar: number of amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure S3: Phylogenetic tree of CydAB oxidase I, cydB. Branch numbers are confidence values as given by MrBayes. Size bar: number of amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure S4: Phylogenetic tree of CydAB oxidase II, cydA. Branch numbers are confidence values as given by MrBayes. Size bar: number of amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure S5: Phylogenetic tree of CydAB oxidase II, cydB. Branch numbers are confidence values as given by MrBayes. Size bar: number of amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure S6: Phylogenetic tree of nif, vnf, and anf genes from A. vinelandii and four orthologs from P. stutzeri A1501. Branch numbers are confidence values as given by MrBayes. Size bar: number of amino acid substitutions per site.

Figure S7: Gene neighborhood of the alginate operon.