COMPASS Users Group

Arrowhead Library System

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


  1. Welcome and introductions.

Vice President Diane called the meeting to order at 10:00 am

Libraries Present: Coral Ellshoff/Hibbing, Mary Lukkarila/Cloquet, Marcia Anderson/Grand Rapids, Kelli Pelland/Baudette, Nicole Miller /Gilbert, , Katie Sundstrom/Two Harbors, Sue Sowers/Hoyt Lakes, Katie Christenson/Chisholm, Diane Adams/ International Falls, Paula Chapman/Aurora, Susan Hoppe and Stephanie Wichlacz/Virginia, Crystal Phillips/Cook, Steve Harsin/Grand Marais,

Staff: Shari, Jim Chris M., Mollie, Chris Carlson

By Phone: Julie Billings/Silver Bay, Jodie Johnson/Carlton, Steve Devine-Jelinski/Moose Lake

  1. Approval of COMPASS minutes for September 23 meeting.

Approved unanimously

3. COMPASS and Technology Related Issues.

a. Questions or issues with Horizon functions.

Email receipts now available. Need to set up in patron records.

MaryLei needs holidays to input into Horizon to change due dates.

b. Horizon news: updates, upgrades, etc.

i.MobileCirc implementation including web services

Inventory feature is coming (works on mobile devices) but need update first. Libraries can do remote library card sign ups. (contact Chris for details)

ii.Mobile Circ live on the Bookmobile

Using ipads with wireless keyboards

Works well for basic circ as long as person has library card.

Patrons can return library books to BookMobile.

Libraries can check in bookmobile items.

iii.Blue Cloud (BC) PAC implementation

Limited in customization at this point. Libraries can use it if desired. It provides a more “Google-type” search interface, Gilbert & Chisholm are now using it.

Chris will send link but is also available on BETA tab on ALS PAC screen.

iv.Library card purge?

Will probably happen Christmas week.

Fine blocks will block automatic purge so Chris will send lists to purge manually.

v.BookMyne demonstration

Is working well now. Searches entire region, not individual library.

Can set up account so reminders come from BookMyne. Can log into Goodreads with social tab. Can renew, etc.

c. Likely Horizon changes for 2016 and beyond

i.BLUEcloud PAC:need to set up policy options

ii.BLUEcloud Analytics (reports and statistics) will replace Easy Ask

iii.Other BLUEcloud modules

Acquisitions and serials are way down the list of changes

iv.SaaS (Software as a Service) hosted Horizon ILS

Cloud hosted database avoids cost of new servers, avoids outage when Mountain Iron power goes out.

v.Enterprise “discovery” interface (paid premium version of BLUEcloud PAC)

This is very staff intensive to set up.

vi.eResource Central (ERC) interface

This option will allow integration of database searching and other eresources so one search covers many sources

Most of these changes are staff and resource intensive, so will take time and planning throughout the year.

d. E-mail migrations

Gmail migration in progress.

Migrating emails – think carefully about whether you want to migrate all old emails!

ILL accounts are attached to a person’s account. (return address for email notifications) Nothing forwarded. Error messages go to Chris.

Arrowhead accounts still forward.

Calendars are shared. Lists have been changed to groups.

e. ALS website migration

Art Unlimited is vendor for new web site. . ALS Migration will be 10 week process. Remaining library websites on the ALS server must be moved within a year

Tile design of home page is proposed. Address of site will change to alslib

It will be mobile device friendly. Building site using Wordpress platform.

f. ALS e-Rate application

Some libraries need new switch and replacements can be included in e-Rate application

g. MnLINK migration and OCLC record “reclamation”.

Holdings need to be updated in OCLC

Encourage weeding and inventory to clean up collections. Old records may be difficult to match. A question arose about local items that don’t circulate?? Can they be excluded from OCLC?

Chris will try to delete records with no holdings. (on-order records pose problem)

h. Status report from the voluntary standardized parameters and policies committee. (None)

. i..Current balance of ALS materials budget for OverDrive: approx. $17,731 as of 12/1/15

j. Update: increased Internet bandwidth effective July 1, 2015“?

k.Staff reports

4. Library Issues.

a.Election of Officers


Nancy Maxwell, Chair

Diane Adams, Vice Chair

Marcia Anderson, Secretary

Moved Diane, second Steve Harsin, approved unanimously

b.2016 meeting schedule.

A consensus arose to start with meeting Feb 24, then determine remainder of year. With changes to Horizon upcoming in the next few months, more decisions may be required.

c.What’s happening at your library?

Cloquet built “Movable Beast” for early literacy activities

Mail-a-Book has discards

Virginia Has trial of Hobbies And Crafts Reference Center, a new database

Stephanie is the new children’s librarian and is working with Dawn until she retires.

Hoyt Lakes Crazy 8s math club is popular. It isthrough Bedtime Math. Lesson plans are well organized. You can choose 3-5th grade level or k-2

Aurora completed strategic plan for 5 years

Service priorities:

Early literacy, Read & view for pleasure, Help people appreciate MN history and culture,

Baudette Received donation of artwork: charcoal on birch, plus peace pipe, sculpture and wood carved lamps.

Working on strategic plan

Grand Marais:, Found minutes from 1904. Sent to MN digital library

MN readers and writers conference was successful with 130 participants. May repeat next year.

Will add videoconferencing equip to conference room.

Looking at solar. Looking at replacements for computers.

Friends group had record year and gave lots of money.

Duluth:Building planning is still an issue, New option is a 15-20 million renovation. A study to be handed to new mayor. Installed DVD dispensing equipment.

Friends group is funding a marketing project. It will develop logo, do research, develop branding process.

Chisholm: Now has board, hiring new library aide

Gilbert: Dress lending project going well. Flyers went out to school. Multiple occasions are coming us where girls are talking about using the dresses. They are in a Locked closet on racks.

A councilor wants to close library. (wants to lower taxes)

Christmas Tea on Thursday, Dec 10. Anime & Manga club have monthly meetings.

Two Harbors: Reorganized Holiday books by seasons. Working on leveling readers.

Grand Rapids: Now accepts passport applications, will soon install videoconferencing equipment in meeting room, reorganized children’s area to create space for elementary-aged kids, will soon complete solar installation, has extra study carrels to give away

Hibbing: Has 150 boxes of weeded books They did major reorganization of space. People have been positive. Trying baby lap sit program. New database for staff:Library Aware: connected with Goodreads and creates promotional materials. Yuletide program drew 600 plus people and received lots of positive comments.

Cook: Hosting gingerbread house program

Added 4 open hours for 2016. Getting estimates for new carpet. Will be starting strategic planning process.

IFalls: New FT staff member. Planning community promo event in April.

Moose Lake: iPad training in November & December, Received a grant from a Fndation for children’s & YA books. Will start Mural project in Library.

d.Legacy programming update.

Alexis. Library art map?

Planning: DAI Felting in Jan , event tickets for James and the Giant Peach. Alaska String Band for I Falls, Arn Kind- Minnesota Firsts, Hullaballoo for History Day (in Duluth in January for grade 6-12) let Alexis or Molly know if district is involved in History day

e.ALS Membership requirements.

Policies due by January 1. Babbit, Bovey, Buhl, Calumet, Coleraine, Eveleth. Grand Rapids, Hibbing, Kinney, Keewatin,

f.2016 Legislative Session.

Focus on bonding (public lib construction grants) Let Jim know of any possible or proposed remodeling or construction projects. Currently a match required.

g.Staff reports.

Mollie: CLAS mtg Feb 12, (snow date is Feb 19) she is finalizing Kidstuff calendar for Jun/Jul

Chris:Note: Windows 10 now works with Deep Freeze. Only a few library computers have updated. Some worked, some did not.

Shari: A New position is being created –Systems Analyst, duties will include documentation, e-rate applications. No job description yet

Adjourn. 12:15 pm Next Scheduled Meeting: Wednesday, February, 24 2