Date: December, 2009

For further information, please contact:

Nicholas Blake, AGN International- Phone (+44 20) 8947 4888

James Carulas, Meaden & Moore LLP – Phone (+1 216) 241 3272

François Martin, Caderas Martin – Phone (+33 1) 44 90 25 25

AGN International, a worldwide association of separate and independent accounting and consulting firms has appointed a new International Chair and Vice Chair for its organization.

At the recently held AGN International World Congress in Chicago, Ms Esther Tan’s term of office as Chair ended and she was replaced by Mr. James P. Carulas of a US based firm Meaden & Moore. The new elected Vice Chair is Mr François Martin, of the French firm Caderas Martin.

Mr. Carulas, previously Vice-Chair of AGN International, is the CEO of Meaden & Moore LLP, a Northeast Ohio based accounting and consulting firm. Mr. Carulas has been with the firm for more than 25 years, advising entrepreneurial clients on various financial and business issues. Much of his experience has been with working with the owners and management of growth oriented companies.

Mr. Carulas has been with the firm since 1984 and was promoted to Vice President in 1994. In 2001 he became President of two of the firm’s business units; Meaden & Moore Ltd and Meaden & Moore Business Solutions in 2001. In 2006, he was elected as President and CEO of the firm.

He is a graduate of Miami University, where he received a Bachelor of Business Administration with majors in accounting and organizational administration and a minor in political science.

Mr. Carulas is also part several professional and business organizations such as the American Institute of CPAs, founder and in the past on the board of advisors Alliance of Merger and Acquisition Advisors as well the AGN International Board of Directors.

Mr. François Martin, the new Vice Chair for the association, was up until earlier this year Chair of AGN Europe and is currently also still in charge of the Membership Development Committee for that region.

He was founder of the firm Caderas Martin in 1978, and was managing partner for this firm until 1999 when he became partner in charge of some major audit clients and international relations of the firm. He is a French CPA and a member of the Institute of CPAs and Auditors (Experts Comptables et Commissaires aux Comptes) and a graduate from a leading French Business school: the HEC (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) and also served in the French Navy.

Both the International Chair and Vice Chair were formally introduced to the members of the Association at the recently held AGN International World Congress in Chicago.

CEO of AGN International, Nick Blake, says: “ Jim’s apprenticeship as Vice Chair for the two preceding years will serve him well for his forthcoming term as Chair. His extensive interest in and experience of international matters including servicing clients cross border provides the perfect foundation for the required understanding of such matters to enable a very successful Chairmanship to be completed. François comes to the position of Vice Chair with the experience of three years as Chair of AGN’s European Region and an extensive international client list. The expertise now being brought to these two positions within AGN’s management will surely provide a very strong base for the organizations development in the near future”

About AGN:

AGN INTERNATIONAL is an association of separate and independent accounting and consulting firms. AGN’s members provide their clients with outstanding services wherever in the world they wish to do business. It currently has currently 202 member firms with 481 offices located in 89 countries worldwide.