Change of enrollment form
FALL2017Return this form to The Friday Center, email:
DROPTo drop a course assumes you have other courses on your schedule for the current term. For a full refund for the course, you must drop by the deadline.
CANCEL is dropping all of your courses before classes begin. It is, in effect, the same as not having a registration at all. No entry is made on your permanent record and 100 percent of your prepaid tuition and fees is refunded.
WITHDRAWALrequires an additional step.Go to your Student Center in ConnectCarolina and submit an electronic withdrawal requestunder the OTHER ACADEMIC drop down arrow.
NAME ______PID______
ADDRESS ______
COURSE ______Reason for drop______
Calendar and Deadlines for Fall 2017:
April 12Registration begins
July 21Billing by University Cashier for students who have registered by this date
July 22 Prepaymentperiod begins
Aug. 15Tuition and fees due for students who have registered before the billing date
Aug 21 Last day to cancel your registration; no tuition or fees charged
Aug 22Courses begin; late registration begins
Aug 28Last day to add a course by 5 PM
Sept 4Labor Day Holiday
Sept 5Last Day to reduce course load and have tuition adjusted. Note: Dropping all courses requires processing a withdrawal of enrollment from the University.
Sept 5Last day for all Undergraduate students who began as First-Year students prior to Fall 2014 and all Transfer Undergraduate students who entered prior to Fall 2016 (Old Drop Rules) to drop a course using the web registration system. Drop transactions after this date will require seeing an academic advisor.
Oct 17Last day for all First Year undergraduate students who entered in Fall 2014 or later, all Fall 2016 Transfer undergraduate students and all other Fall 2016 admitted undergraduate students (New Drop Rules) to drop courses online. Drop transactions processed between weeks 3-8 will remain on the student’s record with a grade of WC (Withdrawal by Choice).
Oct. 17Last day for all non-First Year Undergraduate students admitted prior to Fall 2016 (Old Drop Rules) to drop courses. Drop transactions processed up to this date will not remain on the student’s record and there will be no grade recorded.
Oct 17 Last day for graduate and professional students to drop a Fall course using the web registration system.
Oct 18Fall Breakbegins 5 PM
Oct 23Classes resume at 8 am
Oct 24Last day to withdraw from the entire semester for any prorated refund
Nov 22-26Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 6Last day of classes; Last day to withdraw – no tuition credit
Dec. 7, Dec 13Reading Days
Dec 8, 9,11,12, Exams
14, 15