Annual Program Review, Fall Report, Instructional Programs, 2010-2011

Department/Service Area:



After the document is complete, it must be signedby the Division Chair and Dean beforebeing submitted to the Program Review Committee.

A.V.P. Information Technology /
V. P. Student Services / Date Submitted to Program Review Committee

Describe the relationship of your area to the college’s Mission Statement:

The Information & Technology Services (ITS) department supports the college mission of helping students develop important skills in the effective use of technology for work and research as well as in providing innovative technologies to foster the development of critical thinking and lifelong learning.

1.0. Trend Analysis

For each program within the division, use the data provided to indicate trends (e.g., steady, increasing, decreasing, etc.) for each of the following measures.

Mgmt / Class / StudWrkr
Admin. Information Services / AISprovides solutions that include the development, maintenance and production of, and access to, online information systems, web applications and college web sites, management of a central repository of administrative and service databases, and administration, integration and security of data. / 07-08 /
  • Implementation of the rosters system for instruction
  • Rewrite of the online noncredit application and registration system
  • Develop VAX interface to student counseling appointment system
  • Rewrite VAX interface to upgraded WebCT (version 6)
  • Develop VAX interface to online student orientation system
/ 2 / 6 / 4
08-09 /
  • Support the pilot implementation of eLumen SLO software by providing course and student data
  • Automate the instructor absence reporting system
  • Support the implementation of iTunesU
  • Rewrite VAX interface to upgraded WebCT (version 8)
/ 2 / 6 / 3
09-10 /
  • Assist in the PeopleSoft implementation by developing the interfaces to third party software and homegrown applications
  • Support the upgrade of Oracle EBS to version 11.5.10
  • Automate the user account creation process for the Google student email system and MyGCC
  • Develop a new MyGCC website that integrates with PeopleSoft
  • Launch the new design for college websites and pages
/ 1 / 6 / 3
NSS: Network & Systems Services / NSS is responsible for planning, implementing and operating the campus-wide voice, video and data network infrastructure. This unit is also responsible for deploying, maintaining and supporting the server systems that run critical applications such as the administrative information systems, electronic mail, and telecommunications. / 07-08 /
  • Install server for the rosters system for instruction
  • Install server for the student counseling appointment system
  • Upgrade WebCT to version 6
  • Install server for student orientation system
/ 5
08-09 /
  • Install the server for the pilot implementation of eLumen SLO software
  • Install the server for the instructor absence reporting system
  • Install the server for the implementation of iTunesU
  • Upgrade WebCT to version 8
/ 5
09-10 /
  • Install the 21 servers for the PeopleSoft system
  • Support the upgrade of Oracle EBS to version 11.5.10
  • Support the launching of the Google student email system and a much improved MyGCC website
  • Install the servers for the new college websites and pages
  • Increase the Internet bandwidth for the main campus to 1Gbps in coordination with CENIC (Internet service provider)
  • Commission the 45 Mbps Internet circuit for the Garfield campus in coordination with CENIC
/ 1 / 5
User Support Services / USS provides servicesto end users related to the purchase, installation, use, and maintenance of computer hardware/software/peripherals and classroom technology (including AV equipment). It also provides a help desk to support end users. / 07-08 /
  • Support the Instructional Technology department in upgrading WebCT courses to version 6
  • Create a process to upgrade desktop computers
/ 1 / 7
08-09 /
  • Support the Instructional Technology department in upgrading WebCT courses to version 8
/ 1 / 7
09-10 /
  • Update computer and printer inventory
  • Upgrade 27 level 1 classrooms to level 3
/ 1 / 7
DBA: Database Admin-istration / DBA is responsible for deploying, maintaining and supporting the Oracle EBS and PeopleSoft Campus Solutions software systems and databases. / 07-08 / 1 / 1
08-09 /
  • Upgrade Oracle EBS database to version 10g
/ 1 / 1
09-10 /
  • Upgrade Oracle EBS software to version 11.5.10
  • Implement PeopleSoft database server failover system
  • Install the PeopleSoft software on application, web and database servers
/ 1 / 1
SGSR Total
Lab Lab SR&SG / Mgmt. / Class. / Stud. Wrkr.
SG & SR Computer Labs / SG & SR Computer Labs are two open computer labs available for students to work on their class assignments. Students who are currently enrolled and registered for class at GCC are welcome to use the labs. / 07-08 / 25,107 / 13,557 / 38,664 / 2 / 5 / 3
08-09 / 31,371 / 9,423 / 32,314 / 2 / 5 / 5
09-10 / 31,775 / 10,444 / 42,219 / 1 / 5 / 5

1.1. Describe any trendsand how this affects your service recipients,area or the district:

The PeopleSoft project was done mostly by consultants. Knowledge transfer to GCC ITS staff occurred 1 month before the consultants rolled off the project. The transition to ITS staff supporting the system will be challengingbecause there are many open issues that were left unresolved by the consultant and a lot to learn about PeopleSoft. The ITS department will need two (2) additional developers with PeopleSoft skills to support and maintain the functionality of the PeopleSoft system. A gap in staffing also exists wherein the PeopleSoft database servers require a special file management system known as ASM and failover system known as RAC. Both ASM and RAC are implemented at the software and hardware levels. A position needs to be created that will require skill and experience in handling both ASM and RAC at the software and hardware levels.

1.2. Is there any other relevant information that affects the evaluation of your service area?

The upgrade of the Oracle eBusiness Suite (HR and Financial) is still uncertain due to the budget situation. If it occurs, the demand for ITS staff support will increase considering that the PeopleSoft student management system is now being supported. HR is also seeking to purchase new software that will include recruitment, performance management, and succession planning. The plan is to have the software hosted externally and not integrated with the Oracle eBusiness Suite. It is uncertain what demands the new software will place on ITS staff.

2.0. Administrative Unit “Outcomes”

Develop one “outcome” that could benefit operations in each service area and an assessment method to determine if the outcome has been met for each service area within the department. :

Service Area/
Function / Adm. Unit
Outcome Developed / How Outcome will be assessed / Assessment Completed / Assessment Data Analyzed
Administrative Information Services / Students will access the GCC web sites and student management systems to attain information needed for academic progress. / Student Views 2010 Survey (Spring 2010) / Yes / Yes
User Support Services / Faculty and staff will have access to appropriate technology for instructional, administrative, and institutional research purposes. / Faculty/Staff Survey Fall 2010 / Yes / Yes
Network & Systems Services / Faculty and staff will have access to appropriate technology for instructional, administrative, and institutional research purposes.
Faculty and staff will have access to appropriate technological support and training for their on campus computer use. / Faculty/Staff Survey Fall 2010 / Yes / Yes
Database Administration / Faculty and staff will have access to appropriate technology for instructional, administrative, and institutional research purposes. / Faculty/Staff Survey Fall 2010 / Yes / Yes
SG & SR Computer Labs / Students will access appropriate technology in the use of SG & SR computer labs. / Student Views 2010 Survey (Spring 2010) / Yes / Yes

2.1. How has assessment of administrative unit outcomes led to improvement in your program or plans?

The following assessments were obtained from the Student Views 2010 Survey.
  • Students’ evaluations of the quality of computer labs increased after 2003 but remained steady between 2007 and 2010.
  • Satisfaction with MyGCC remains high.
  • GCC’s website continues to receive relatively positive evaluations from students. GCC’s website and kiosks showed small declines in satisfaction in 2010.
The MyGCC website has been improved to provide more links to relevant information that students need. MyGCC is now integrated with the PeopleSoft student self service center that provides access to the registration system, important dates, grades, course history, fees, and financial aid. The kiosks have been decommissioned since students now have access to the information they need via any computer on campus, at home, at a public library or at an Internet café.
The computers in the SR lab were recently upgraded through special funding. The SG lab has 50% of computers that are 2-3 years old and 50% that are 6 years or older. The Computer Cascade Plan calls for the replacement of computers older than 5 years. The students’ satisfaction rate is anticipated to decrease in the next assessment if the SG lab computers are not replaced.
The Faculty/Staff Survey for Fall 2010 shows that Information Technology support in almost all areas for employees is down from previous years. Technology needs in instructional programs, student services, administrative and research are all slightly down. The College has identified a need to invest more in its technology support. In developing the 2010-11 budget, the Budget Committee allocated funding from the capital outlay fee for Information Technology and a committee on long range planning is being formed to address the long term needs of Information Technology.

2.2. Does the unit data indicate overall program needs that may require support from the
institution? Define these observed needs and support your answerusing your assessment data.

The PeopleSoft system still has some functionality that could be implemented. One such functionality is the Academic Advising module that includes degree audit and student educational plan. The student educational plan was developed by the consultant but lacks some automation that would make it much easier to use by the counselors. The degree audit feature requires some set up and a major amount of data entry. The International Student Admission Center could also be implemented. The international student application was developed by the consultant but it lacks integration to the admission, assessment, and registration processes that would improve services provided to this student population. The student ID card system could also be integrated with the PeopleSoft system. This will minimize the data errors during entry, provide student photo on the class roster, and simplify data storage, backup, and restore (in the event of a failure).
The Faculty/Survey Survey for Fall 2010 does show that employee satisfaction is slightly down with Information Technology services and the College does need to invest more resources in improving these services.

3.0. Evaluation of Previous Goals

This section is an evaluation of program goals and activities from previous years.
3.1. List actions identified in your last program review or any other related plans (EMP, SMP, IT Plan etc.)

  1. Request funding for the replacement of computers and purchase of additional printers
    in the SG & SR labs.
  2. Upgrade all classrooms to level 3.
  3. Implement the PeopleSoft student management system.
  4. College web sites and pages will adopt a new design. Web site/page owners will have
access to a content management tool that is easy to use, incorporates the new design
elements, and assures compliance with Section 508.
  1. In an ongoing collaboration of departments such as Staff Development, IT, HR and
    Academic Technology, training needs are being identified and the appropriate classes
    are being offered.
  2. In collaboration with the Campuswide Computer Coordinating Committee, develop the
    IT Standards and Procurement Guidelines to address the need for assistance in
    purchasing computers and other technology.

3.2. What measurable outcomes were achieved due to the actions completed?

  1. Twenty seven (27) level 1 classrooms were upgraded to level 3. The inventory of leve
    3 classrooms increased in the academic year 2009-2010.
  2. The PeopleSoft student management system was implemented for use beginning
    summer 2010. Faculty, staff and students will be surveyed to obtain their overall
    satisfaction with the system.
  3. The college web sites and pages adopted a new design in fall 2009 and site/page owners
    were trained to use the content management tool. 73% of students surveyed in spring
    2010 are satisfied with the college website. Faculty and staff will be surveyed in fall 2010
    to obtain their overall satisfaction with the new design and content management tool.
  4. The Campuswide Computer Coordinating Committee approved the IT Standards and
    Procurement Guidelines in spring 2009. Faculty and staff will be surveyed in fall 2010
    to obtain their overall satisfaction with the guidelines.

3.3. Evaluate the success of the completed actions. Did the completed actions lead to the improvement of your area, other associated processes on the campus, or to the district?

  • Due to the completion of the action items in section 3.2, the district/college met its goal of providing innovative technologies to foster the development of the students’ critical thinking and lifelong learning.
  • The addition of 27 level 3 classrooms with multimedia capabilities will improve student learning.
  • The PeopleSoft student management system is a huge improvement for the district as it now contains credit and noncredit schedule/catalog/student, financial aid, and degree audit data in one database system. The PeopleSoft system has been configured to enforce prerequisites, corequisites, and time conflicts during the registration process. The new block schedule (effective fall 2010) has also been implemented in PeopleSoft.
  • The college websites and pages are now easier to navigate due to the uniform design and are compliant with Section 508 regulations.
  • The IT Standards and Procurement Guidelines provide a helpful reference for faculty and staff to use in purchasing computers and other technology.

3.4. What modifications/improvements do you plan to make to your program based on your assessments?

  • ITS will continue to use the four (4) administrative unit outcomes developed in spring 2009 with some slight modifications.
  • Each operational unit in ITS adopted one outcome and developed action plans (see section 4) to improve unit success and/or service functions.

4.0. Action Plans

Based on trends and outcomes, describe your program plans for the next academic year. Include necessary resources.

Action / Related EMP/SMP Goals and Outcomes / How action will improve unit success and/or service functions / Resource Needs
Stabilize the PeopleSoft Student Management System: Since the implementation was done in a very short time frame, there are still issues with the basic implementation of the system. / EMP 3.2
Tech Plan Goal 1, 6, 7 / The PeopleSoft student management system is used by students, faculty and staff. The system must be stable and reliable for all users. / The AIS unit will need two (2) additional developers with PeopleSoft skills to support and maintain the functionality of the PeopleSoft system.
Increase knowledge of developers so they can be proficient in the support of PeopleSoft / EMP 3.2
Tech Plan Goal 1, 6, 7 / Increased training and knowledge in the PeopleSoft system will allow developers to fix issues more efficiently. / The AIS unit will need funds for training.
Increase knowledge of DBAs in Oracle and PeopleSoft / EMP 3.2
Tech Plan Goal 1, 6, 7 / Training will enable the DBAs to efficiently maintain current releases and upgrade to new releases of Oracle and PeopleSoft applications and databases. / The DBA unit will need funds for training.
Upgrade Enterprise Manager Grid Control / EMP 3.2
Tech Plan Goal 1, 6, 7 / The new version will provide the DBAs with new tools and diagnostics to efficiently maintain and support Oracle and PeopleSoft applications and databases. / The DBA unit will need funds for a new server.
Train USS staff in the support of Macintosh computers / Tech Plan Goal 1, 2, 6, 7, 9 / Training will improve the support for Macintosh computers used for instructional, administrative, and research purposes. / None at this time
Improve the help desk ticketing system, computer inventory process, and software deployment process / Tech Plan Goal 1, 4, 6, 7, 9 / This action will enable the USS staff to efficiently support faculty and staff. / The USS unit will need funds to purchase new software.
Implement action plans in Accreditation recommendation 8: The college will take the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the servers so that the system does not shut down due to overheating. / Tech Plan Goal 1, 2, 3, 7 / This will ensure that college data and systemsare protected and reliably accessible. / Resource request will be submitted via the technology plan review process.
Implement the CCCC recommendations on improving network and information security / Tech Plan Goal 1, 2, 3, 7 / This will ensure that college data and systems are protected and reliably accessible. / Resource request will be submitted via the technology plan review process.
Upgrade 35 computers in SG lab / EMP 3.5
Tech Plan Goal 1, 2 / This will allow lab staff to install the new Windows 7 OS and Office 2010, and provide students with up-to-date technology to support their course or program learning outcomes. / This will require funding for the purchase of new computers.

2010 PROGRAM REVIEW Administrative
Service Area:
Section 5.0. Resource Request

All resource requests should be tied to at least one of the following: