“Operation Firing For Effect”


From the desk of the National Chairman- GENE SIMES

Public Relations Release - #3

March 22, 2006

30+ DAYS AND COUNTING!All systems are GO for our March and Rally in DC next month!Stage, equipment, chairs, restrooms and medical services have all been procured for the event. Volunteers are working closely with DC authorities to assure the safety and comfort of everyone who attends.

In the state of Michigan alone, five Shadow Rallies are planned. Florida has a large Shadow Rally planed for the Pensacola area. Wisconsin, Illinois and California are planning Shadow Rallies as well. Below is a picture of our support group from the Manny Bacon American Legion Post 1758, Hopewell Jct., New York. To learn more about this group and Shadow Rallies, visit

TIME IS RUNNING SHORT! We need more State Coordinators! We need more donations to cover the commitment that is being made. We need everyone to help spread the word about this March and Rally. The time for our veterans to unite is now. The following is very important - We need supporters to create a media blitz to every News organizations they can find. Let them know you want them to cover the story of Operation Firing For Effect – The Veterans March 2006. Make sure you ask them to put The Veteran’s March dates (25th and 26th April 2006) on their Day Books/Event Planners. Request local cable TV providers run the details of the March (dates, times, location, website) on their community message boards and ticker tapes.Additionally, call your local radio talk shows and discuss the project with them.If you are an Amateur Radio operator "Ham It Up For The Troops"andtransmit our information to everyone. The time to act is now!

We are also requesting Testimonials from veterans and their families detailing wrong-doing, denial of service, delay of service, inappropriate service, by the DVA or DOD. These Testimonials will be apart of a study conducted by The Most Reverend James Alan Wilkowski, Bishop forThe Evangelical Catholic Diocese of the Northwest. Please take the time to submit your story to Bishop Wilkowski at:

We plan to publish a tentative program and guest speaker list by the second week in April. Until then, please rest assured organizers are working very hard to produce a dignified and informative program that will address a very wide variety of veteran related issues. The two day event will be comprised of the primary March and Rally program on the 25th, and a series of meetings with elected officials and law makers on the 26th. If you can only attend one day, the 25th is the day you should be there.

You will find lodging information and local DC maps at our web site: . You will also find a FAQ list at our web site that will answer many of the questions you may have.

Visit this link for an example of suggested Rally and March signs. We have no objection to original artwork and messages; however, we strongly suggest everyone avoid subject matter other than “Veterans’ Affair.”

We have received request from several good people asking if they could setup displays and sell merchandize at the Rally. Unfortunately, our Permits only cover the activities and equipment mentioned in our Permit, which was previously approved by the U.S. Park Service and DC police and cannot be altered. We have the necessary Permits for the Rally and March only. We have no objection to display tables or VSO membership drives tables, as long as the displays are issue-related and presented in good taste. It is the responsibility of each individual or organization to apply for Permits to cover any displays or merchandize sales. If you do not have the necessary approval, you will not be allowed to setup. Anti-war or Pro-war literature is strongly discouraged.Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

In closing, I will add (for the few that feelthat this project is a waste of time and effort),‘Stay away’ if you feel that strongly my friends. I truly feel sitting at home will accomplish absolutely nothing.Sadly, people that don’t want to get involved look for reasons not to. We pray that by next month you will have a change of heart and join us in DC.

It’s never too late to get involved!To remain undecided and uncommitted only hinders our efforts and the movement. We are counting on the American people to make this effort a tremendous success. Our troops are counting on YOU to show your support by attending this March and Rally. Remember, we must remain unified.

Gene D. Simes

National, Coordinator and Chairman,

“Operation Firing for Effect”

“The Veterans March 2006”

1700 Waterford Road

Walworth, NY14568

Office: 315 986-7322 Cell: 585 329-4711