Gossip, Gospel, Governance: Orality in Europe 1400-1700
British Academy,
10 Carlton House Terrace, London
Thursday 14 July
Registration 12pm
Lunch (Mall room)
1pm Welcome,Don MacRaild, Associate Dean (Research), School of Arts and Social Sciences, Northumbria University (Lecture Room)
1.30 -2.30pm
Chair: Alex Cowan, Northumbria University (Lecture Room)
Keynote address, Thomas Cohen, Professor of History (York University, Canada). ‘Confrontation in Italian courts: was it a real conversation?’
Preaching and Teaching I, Chair: Don MacRaild, Northumbria University (Council room)
Anne Klaus (Osnabrück University), ‘Piece out our imperfections with your thoughts': The Interplay between Actors and Spectators in Shakespeare's Theatre’.
Mara Ioriatti (University of Trento). ‘“Non licet fari nec minime tacere”: the boundaries of preaching in the late Middle Ages’.
Women’s Voice I, Chair: Elizabeth Horodowich (Reading room)
Elizabeth Cohen (York University, Canada).‘Decoding falsehood in women’s speech: Rome c. 1600’.
Liv Helene Willumsen (University of Tromsø). ‘Oral transference of ideas about witchcraft in seventeenth-century Norway’.
Court and politics I, Chair: Alex Cowan, Northumbria University (Council room)
Jörg Feuchter (Humboldt University, Berlin). ‘The rhetorical culture of late-medieval English parliaments (c.1300-c.1500)’.
Christian Preusse (University of Oxford). ‘The scope of politics in early modern European imperial formations: the Holy Roman Empire and Poland-Lithuania in the seventeenth century’.
Preaching and Teaching II, Chair: Dr Gloria Mound (Reading room)
Joseph Freedman (Alabama State University) ‘Orality in Academic Instruction in 16th and 17th Century Europe through the Prism of Published and Unpublished Writings’
Carolina Losada (University of Buenos Aires). ‘The Legislated Other. Segregation and Conversion of the Jews in Late Medieval Castile: The Preaching of San Vicente Ferrer and the Leyes de Ayllón (1412)’.
8pm for 8.30Conference dinner at the Radisson Hotel, Leicester Square
Friday 15 July
9-10.30Religious Life, literature, performance I, Chair: Dr Jane Whetnall, Queen Mary, University of London (Reading room)
Andrea Knox (Northumbria University). ‘Mary Magdalene, ecstasy and poetry: performance within Irish convents in early modern Spain’.
Montserrat Piera (Temple University, Philadelphia) ‘Convent “tertulias”: Isabel de Villenaand orality in the development of devotionalliterature’.
Court and politics II, Chair: TBC (Council room)
Hannes Lowagie (University of Ghent) ‘Oral networks and their political uses in the late medieval Low Countries’.
Peter Toth (Warburg Institute). ‘Satan in Terror: New Light on the Origins of Medieval Religious Comedy’.
10.45-11.45 Chair: Lesley Twomey, Northumbria University (Lecture Room)
Keynote address,Joseph Snow (Emeritus Professor, Michigan State University)
‘Gossip and social structure in Celestina: verbal venom and art’.
Women’s Voice II,Chair: Carlos Conde, Northumbria University (Council room)
Rocío Díaz Bravo (Queen Mary, University of London). ‘Study of medial and conceptional orality in the Retrato de la Lozana andaluza (Rome, 1524)’.
Jane Whetnall (Queen Mary, University of London). ‘From allegory to actuality: the ladies have their say in the courts of Renaissance Iberia’.
Court and politics III, Chair: Elizabeth Ewan, University of Guelph (Reading Room)
Matthias Bähr (University of Münster). ‘Orality interrupted. Questioning witnesses at the Imperial Chamber Court’.
Jakub Basista and Katarzyna Kuras (Jagellonian University, Krakow). ‘The role of spoken discourse in royal elections in early-modern Poland-Lithuania’.
2.30-4.00Word and Trouble on the Street I, Chair: Elizabeth Cohen, York University, Toronto(Reading room)
Elizabeth Ewan (University of Guelph). ‘Flyting in the street. Poets and people in sixteenth-century Scottish towns’.
Leslie Drury (University of Aberdeen). ‘Old wives’ tales: masculine anxiety and the literary marketing of female oral culture’.
Jewish oral legacy, Chair: Nicholas Round, University of Sheffield(Council room)
Gloria Mound (Casa Shalom Institute for Marrano-Anusim Studies, Israel). ‘The effectiveness of the crypto-Jewish grapevine’.
Hilary Pomeroy (University College, London), ‘Dechristianizing ballads for a Jewish audience’.
Word and Trouble on the StreetII, Chair: Dorothea Nolde, University of Bremen (Council room)
Jan Dumolyn (University of Ghent) and Jelle Haemers (University of Leuven). ‘Social protest or Bourgeois conformism: Political songs, poems and plays in late medieval Flanders towns’.
Richard Blakemore (University of Cambridge). ‘Orality and mutiny: authority, identity and speech in the maritime community of early modern London’.
Preaching and Teaching III, Chair: Sasha Handley, Northumbria University (Reading room)
Gábor Brádacs (University of Debrecen). ‘Sermons and the tradition of the Dominican historiography in the historical works of Thomas Ebendorfer’.
Valentina Berardini (independent scholar). ‘Preaching and performance in the Middle Ages’.
6.00-7.00 Chair: Nicholas Round (The Wolfson Auditorium)
Keynote address,Judith Cohen (York University, Canada). ‘”No worries, husband – that’s just the milkmaid in our bed” – Women and their stories in Sephardic and European song traditions.
Performance by Judith Cohen (York University, Canada)(The Wolfson Auditorium)
Sephardic Music concert: "Three sons with you and one with the King": traditional Sephardic, Spanish and Portuguese songs
Open to general public
Wine Reception (hosted by the British Academy) (Gallery)
Dinner (own arrangements)
Saturday 16 July
Preachingand Teaching IV,Chair: Alasdair Raffe, Northumbria University (Council room)
Raymond Powell (International University, Klaipeda, Lithuania). ‘“A persuasion of his truth… through the opening of his Word”: the place of the pulpits in the Restoration church of Mary I’.
Sonia Suman (University of Leicester). ‘Pulpit and Performance: Elizabethan Spital Sermons’.
Word and Trouble on the Street III, Chair: Alex Cowan, Northumbria University (Reading room)
Dorothea Nolde (University of Bremen). ‘Conversations with travellers in early modern Europe’.
Elena Taddia (independent scholar). ‘The underworld, the city and the night. Orality from criminal archives in early modern Italy’.
11.00 -12.30
Religious Life, Literature and Performance II. Chair: Lesley Twomey, Northumbria University(Council room)
Andrew Beresford (University of Durham). ‘Hagiography and monasticism in fifteenth-century Spain’.
Marinela Garcia Sempere (University of Alicante). ‘Some aspects of lives of saints as a reading in Catalan convents, monasteries and churches’.
Word and Trouble on the Street IV, Chair: Thomas Cohen, York University, Toronto (Reading room)
Susana Gala (University of Alcalá, Madrid). ‘The Inquisitors and incantations’.
Elizabeth Horodowich (New Mexico State University). ‘Women, words and power: gossip in street life and statecraft in sixteenth-century Venice’.
Chair: Alex Cowan (Lecture Room)
Rapporteur. Michael Braddick, (Sheffield University) ‘Orality in Europe 1400-1700’
Lunch (Mall room)
Visit to Hampton Court Palace in the afternoon