Eric Abrams: So you too chose Boalt over Chicago? To show his appreciation, let the master of recruitment reach out to you with his famous Chicago style barbeque for four, in the comfort of his own sunny California backyard!

Jimmy Ausemus: The ever-adored globetrotter and tequila connoisseur will dip into his own exclusive cellar to provide you with the finest bottle of cactus juice.

Jimmy Ausemus and Dennis Tominaga: FAFSA got you harried? Get smooth: Enjoy two tickets to the San Francisco Jazz Festival courtesy of Boalt’s financial aid gurus. If you bid high enough, you might even get to go with the tequila man himself!

Stephen Barnett: This year, Professor Barnett’s jogging/pizza party has gone upscale…how ‘bout a dinner party for 8 with controversial raconteur Judge Alex Kozinski? And you don’t have to be a member of the Federalist Society to bid!

Bob Berring: Ditch the library binder and get the answers to life from Boalt’s own oracle! Professor Berring and his lovely wife Leslie will pull out all the stops for you and a companion at the Citron restaurant in Rockridge. A hilarious and poignant perspective thrown in for free.

Patty Blum: Partake in a film screening for four students with the mother of human rights and her cineaste husband Harry, followed by dinner and an invigorating critical discussion of the film.

Steve Bundy and Dave Lieberman: Put me in, coach! These consummate gentlemen, legal dynamos and baseball fanatics will take four students to an Oakland A’s game in April or May, including drinks and victuals.

Richard Buxbaum: Our very own Free Speech Movement legend will take you on an inspiring journey through Point Reyes followed by rustic food and drinks for up to six. Includes advice on how you too can help shape history.

David Caron: Former symphony opera singer and familiar face at the Hague, Professor Caron’s generous $100 gift certificate to Musical Offerings on Bancroft Avenue and its collection of more than 5,000 classical titles is guaranteed to soothe and enthrall.

Jesse Choper: Jimmy the Greek’s got nothing on Professor Choper. This legal icon knows more than ConLaw and Corporations, he knows the ponies! An afternoon at the races for four high rollers.

Steve Croley: Is your first year inflicting emotional distress? Add “The Steven Croley Trio” CD to your jazz collection, relax and enjoy drinks at Yoshi’s with this consummate pianist and tort therapist.

Chuck Denton: Tag toes with Alameda County’s finest Public Defender! You and three friends will take a tour of the county morgue. Refresh yourselves afterward with lunch and titillating tales at Oakland hotspot Soizic. Autopsy viewing optional.

John Dwyer: Don’t lose your soul to suburbia! Head to the city and raise the roof at the bohemian Black Cat restaurant with Boalt Hall’s swinginest Dean. Do your part for the environment, and be one of the four highest bidders!

Willie Fletcher: Don’t fail to state a claim and miss out on a power lunch with our very own Honorable Ninth Circuit marvel. Implead two friends and learn about the Clintons firsthand from our adored professor.

Laurel Fletcher and Jeff Selbin: Let the dulcet tones of Ravi Shankar relax you and three friends as this dynamic duo prepares you a vivacious Vindaloo in their home. B.Y.O sitar! (Sorry, hookas not included in the price of your bid).

Phil Frickey: Pass the salsa with this nationally-acclaimed Federal Indian law and legislative scholar. You and two pals will be enthralled by stories of Professor Frickey’s days with Thurgood Marshall and other leading lights of American jurisprudence as you savor an authentic Mexican lunch.

Jesse Fried: Need advice on how to maneuver out of your student loans? Let the wunderkind of bankruptcy treat you and two friends to a fine Japanese lunch. Professor Fried will confirm that the blowfish chef is certified.

Jim Gordley: The King of Kontracts guided you through the case of the Sister Antilico, now he’ll guide you to an even better case – twelve bottles of fine wine from one of Napa Valley’s extraordinary vineyards.

Ian Haney López: He stretches your mind, now come and work those quads! You and four friends will go on a mountain biking adventure through the Marin Headlands with this critical race theorist and property pundit, including a lunch with wine.

Angela Harris and Nancy Lemon: If ya wanna sing out, sing out! Come join a festive evening sing-along with these nationally acclaimed feminist legal scholars and musical masters. They’ve got the bells and whistles, you bring the tambourines for six.

Henry Hecht: Learn the tricks of the trade from the best! The highest bidder will score two CD ROM’s on taking and defending effective depositions from this former Watergate prosecutor and Boalt Hall’s sensei of skills!

Michael Heyman: One legend deserves another! Two fortunate students will get wined and dined at Chez Panisse by the former Chancellor of UC Berkeley, Director of the Smithsonian, 1L professor, and cherished husband of Mrs. Heyman, who will join in the fun.

Joan Hollinger: Feast on a sumptuous dinner for four with Boalt’s leading child advocate and gourmet chef! If you bid high enough, you might even get Professor Hollinger’s famous apple walnut cake for dessert, and you don’t have to share it with the kids!

Tom Jorde: This will be the smartest investment you’ll ever make! Two to four students will have a power lunch with Professor Jorde, a former clerk to Justice William Brennan and a leading antitrust expert, while savoring wine from his own vintage collection.

Sanford Kadish: Satisfy your criminal cravings and learn firsthand from the founding father of contemporary crim law at a luncheon for three, with discussion catered to your particular interests. The actus may be reus, but the food will be delicious!

Joanne Karchmer: A zesty Italian dinner for four at the Karchmer home in trendy Duboce Triangle will be served for four by the consummate public interest law career advisor herself, her husband, and the highly social Nathan. Open the vats, the vino will be flowing!

Herma Hill Kay: You and two friends will enjoy an intimate lunch at the Women’s Faculty Club with “one of the 50 most influential female lawyers in the country” and Boalt’s former dean. Bid high enough, and you might even be considered for a ride in the yellow Jag.

Linda Krieger: Boalt’s employment discrimination law superstar will take four students on an adventure outside the classroom – a thrilling, chilling kayaking trip! A non-hostile paddling environment guaranteed.

Chris Kutz: Soothe your soul at Berkeley’s well-known Black Oak bookstore, and its extraordinary collection of used, antiquarian books and daily readings by amazing authors. Professor Kutz will facilitate your literary journey with a very generous $100 gift certificate.

Joanne Larson, Jasmin Patel, Donna Petrine, Trish Plunkett and Lois Schwartz: They introduced you to the world of legal memos, now let the ladies of legal writing cultivate your appreciation of fine culture. Gourmet appetizers, wine tasting, and sparkling conversation for ten savvy bidders.

Mark Lemley: Leave cyberspace for awhile and explore the delights of Restaurant Rivoli with this master of computers, trademarks and patents and his wife. Two lucky students get to ask those burning questions about the doctrine of equivalents over a fine plate of seafood risotto!

Michael Levy: Put the pub back into publication! Refine your electronic research skills with an individually-tailored tutorial accompanied by a fine array of English ale from Boalt’s online expert. For one to two.

Laurent Mayali: Who needs Paris when we’ve got Professor Mayali? Vive la belle epoque ici en Californie! This erudite, stylish man of letters will host four students for dinner at San Francisco’s elegant Farallon. Subtitles included.

Ephraim Margolin: No need to plead the fifth during this dinner conversation! Feel free to tell all, and learn much more, from the former defense attorney for John Gotti, at one of San Francisco’s fine restaurants. A great time is assured for two to four students, beyond a reasonable doubt.

Secure your place on The Dream Team while you can! The Center for Law and Technology-Mark Lemley, Peter Menell, Rob Merges and Pam Samuelson-will jointly host a dinner for ten student techies. Menus will of course be available on the web, and scintillating dinner conversation illustrated with Powerpoint©.

Paul Mishkin: Collector’s Item! An original signed brief of the landmark Bakke case signed by Professor Mishkin, who acted as special counsel to the Regents of the University of California in defending the Constitutionality of affirmative action policies in 1978.

Rachel Morán: Three students will dine with the country’s foremost bilingual education law scholar at the Women’s Faculty Club. And you don’t have to be women, or bilingual for that matter!, to bid.

Lori Nelson: Let the lady in the Gucci glasses help you find new meaning in OCIP: Oasis Creating Inner Peace! She helped you to get a job, now let her help you relax with a gift certificate for a “Relax and Float” treatment at the fabulous Claremont Resort and Spa!

Vicki Ortiz: Enjoy a gourmet meal by candlelight cooked and served by the diva of student services in the gorgeous formal dining room of her turn of the century home. Four spirits served and renewed.

Holly Parrish: Boalt’s font of savvy and sensitive support is also a wilderness enthusiast! Answer the call of the wild with this civilized yet rugged ramble for four, including lunch. Overland transportation and mosquito repellant included.

Andrea Peterson: Not only will you and three friends have lunch upstairs at Chez Panisse, but you’ll dine with the high priestess of property herself. And if you can explain the Rule Against Perpetuities, she’ll spring for port with dessert!

Robert Post: Unpack the value of your winning bid while you and a friend take a pleasing constitutional with Professor Post and his wife, nationally renowned environmental litigator Fran Layton, at Lalime’s restaurant in Berkeley.

Bernida Reagan: The goddess of legal aid and director of EBCLC will stimulate all of your senses with this hot tub and salsa party for up to ten students. The views from her home in the Oakland Hills are unbelievable; the views from her mind brilliant! And her salsa is rumored to be pretty good as well!

Nina Rivkind: One of California’s most respected death penalty attorneys and Habeas Corpus Wonder Woman will host lunch for three students at La Mediterranée restaurant on College Avenue.

Stephen Rosenbaum: A series of haiku verses will be composed in honor of the highest bidder by this public interest maverick, and the poems recited at an annual National Poetry Month reading in April 2001.

bid much for justice,

a crane arches high and white,

Rosen is da baum.

Pam Samuelson: Not only is she a Genius, but this gal can cook! You and five others will savor a homemade Mexican dinner for six with our own tech law phenomenon. Indulge in her patented secret recipe margaritas and a stunning view of sunset over the Pacific Ocean.

Marge Shultz: First she helped to found BLF, then the National Women’s Political Caucus; now you can find yourself with three friends at lunch at Mazzini with one of the country’s foremost health law and policy makers, award winning teacher, and distinguished Boalt alum.

Norman Spaulding: Let Boalt’s dashing new addition to the faculty roster regale you and two friends at lunch with anecdotes about his clerkship days with judicial luminaries Betty Fletcher and Thelton Henderson.

John Steele: Dinner at a snazzy San Francisco restaurant for five students with this ever popular and well-connected professor cum litigator. Ladies and gentlemen, grab your resumes and start your engines! Professional conduct rules will apply, of course.

Steve Sugarman: An impeccable host, world class scholar, and online restaurant critic, Professor Sugarman will dazzle six lucky gourmands with dinner at his Rockridge chateau.

Eleanor Swift: Need evidence that they are the hippest couple around? Let two real VIP’s show you an evening on the town. Four students will dine with Professor Swift and her debonair husband Robert Cole in San Francisco, complete with a chauffeur-driven limousine. And you thought she only had a scooter!

Kathleen Vanden Heuvel: Let our super mod library maven liven up your dusty shelves with original cartoon artwork by Roger Dondis, animator and political cartoonist at Wild Brain studios in San Francisco (Dondis’ artwork can be seen on Michael Levy’s office wall, and it’s amazing! He also created the LawCat logo on the library webpage).

Jan Vetter: It don’t get better than Vetter! The most popular enigma in the law school hosts a sublime dinner for two students. Nothing more need be said.

Charles Weisselberg: Veteran P.D. and master of the clinical program provides two student memberships to California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, the statewide criminal bar association. Also, join him at CACJ’s annual meeting in Oakland in December, and meet the best defense lawyers in the state (lunch and shmoozing included!).

Stephanie Wildman: This award-winning legal author will enhance your library collection with an autographed copy of Professor Wildman and Harris’ Race and Races: Cases and Resources for a Diverse America, published this year. Also authored by Richard Delgado and Juan Perea.