North Hunterdon High School
9th Grade Financial Literacy
Mr. Kley
Purpose of this course:
This state mandated personal financial literacy course is designed to alert, inform, and educate students in concepts of personal finance and money management. Students will begin to develop the skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy. Effective money management is a disciplined behavior. It is difficult to master, and much easier when learned earlier in life. This course will start students on a path toward being in control of their financial futures. (Adapted from the North Hunterdon – Voorhees Regional High School District 2012-2013 Curriculum Guide)
There will be various topics covered throughout this course. These will include career exploration, paychecksand income, planning and money management, savings and investments, credit and debt, and risk management and insurance.
Course Materials:
For this class, you will need…
- Writing Utensils: A pen (blue/black only)and/or pencil are the only acceptable utensils for homework and in-class assignments. These should be brought to class every day!
- Notebook: Abinder with a folder is required every day in class. It is essential to keep them neat and organized. There will be notebook checks and quizzes throughout the school year.
- Chromebook:Your Chromebook must be with you on a daily basis.It is your responsibility to make sure you have a fully charged battery.Failure to have your Chromebook and/or having your battery die will result in loss of credit for the project/assignment (teacher discretion).
93 and aboveA77-79C+
63 and belowF
During each marking period, you will accumulate hundreds of points; a combination of homework assignments, quizzes, tests, projects, and class participation. The main sources of grades will come from online projects, small quizzes, and rubric based class participation.
“O”- If you see the letter “O” for a grade, this means the following:
·Student was present in class AND failed to turn in the assignment.
·The assignment may be turned in the next day for HALF credit. After one day late, the assignment may NOT be turned in.
“ex”- If you see this symbol, this means that I have excused you from the assignment. You do NOT need to make up the work. This will not help/hurt your overall grade.
“abs”- This symbol means you were absent and NEED to make up the work. The computer calculates this as a zero. When you return from being absent, you have ONE week to turn tests, quizzes, projects, and/or major assignments. After that, the “abs” symbol will be replaced with an “O”.
Website: My website will be updated on a daily basis. Here, you will find information homework, quizzes/tests, etc. In order to access my website, you should…
- Go to the North Hunterdon High School Homepage.
- Place the mouse over “Administration” and click on “Staff Directory”.
- Under the “Search” type in “Kley”. Click my name when it appears on the bottom left corner.
- On my site, click the tab titled “Fin Lit”.
Make-up work: You are responsible to schedule any make-up work in a timely manner once you return to school. You can set up a makeup time for tests, quizzes, and projects with me before or after class. Homework is expected in a timely fashion after you return from you absence. When you return, it is your responsibility to get any notes, assignments, handouts, etc that you may have missed. Exceptions will be made for prolonged absences on a one on one basis.
- Respect for the teacher is not optional, it is mandatory.
- If you are having an issue with another student in class, please see me outside of class so that it can be addressed.
- Please share your thoughts and ideas in my classroom, but in return allow others to share theirs as well.
- If you think that something unfair has happened, see me after class to talk about it. This is how situations will get resolved.
- Cheating is obviously unacceptable. Cheating includes allowing others to copy your homework. Zeros will be given for any such assignment.
Expectations: I expect you to…
· Be respectful to the teacher and your classmates. Listen when others are talking!
· Attend class in a timely manner.
· Complete all assignments on time.
· Most importantly, Enjoy your time and have fun!
About Me/Syllabus Check
Directions: Answer the following questions so that I can get to know each of you a little better. Answers do not need to be in complete sentences. This is due tomorrow, 8/29!
- What do you prefer to be called? (Ex. Katie instead of Katelyn, Jeff instead of Jeffrey, etc.)
- When is your birthday?
- Do you plan on playing any sports here at North Hunterdon? If so, which ones?
- Do you plan on being involved in music/performing arts here at North Hunterdon? If so, what groups/activities?
- Do you plan on being involved in any clubs/other activities here at North Hunterdon? If so, which ones?
- On a scale of 1 (strongly dislike) to 10 (love), how much did you like social studies classes in the past? Why?
- What is your favorite way to learn? (Ex. lectures, discussions, readings, etc.)
- Why do you think it is important (or not important) to have a social studies class? Why?
- By signing this syllabus, I am agreeing that I have read and comply with the contents and expectations of this class.
- Student Name: ______
- Student Signature: ______
- Parent/Guardian Name: ______
- Parent/Guardian Signature:______