Arts, A/V Technology & Communications Sample List of Existing Credentials

(Includes education and industry certificates and licensure options)

Updated: February 24, 2010

NCTEF/NASDCTEc does not endorse any of the listed licenses, certificates or degrees.

Education and Industry Certificates

1. Professional Photographers of
America (PPA)
PPA Certified Photographer
Certified Electronic Imager (CEI)
Master Artist /
Electronic Imager
Artist Retouchers & Specialists / Apply for program - $100 fee; individually tailored written
exam; submit 20 images for review
Apply for program - $100 fee; written exam, submit 20 images
for review
Same as above
2. Evidence Photographers
International Council (EPIC)
EPIC Board Certified Evidence Photographer
EPIC Board Certified Crime Scene
Photographer (BCEP)
EPIC Board Certified Fire & Arson
Photographer /
Civil Evidence Photography
Law Enforcement Photography / Member of EPIC; attend minimum of 1 EPIC class; $150application fee, submit 10 cases for review, interview, writtenexam, and give lecture or write an article
3. National Council for Skill Standardsin Graphic Communications
National Council Certified Operator (NCCO)
-Sheetfed Offset Press Operator’s Multi-
Color Certification
-Web Offset Press Operator’s Multi-Color
Note: The numerous Graphic Arts software
certifications are not included. /
Sheetfed Offset Press Operator
Web Offset Press Operator / Nat. Council Skill Standard Certification Exam; minimum 5 yrs.F/T operating experience; 2 ½ yrs. as lead in pressroom;employer letter re: past experience
Note: Vendor specific pre-employment exams are also usedin Graphic Arts.
4. No certification / licensure required. / Actor, Performer, Coach or
Director / Formal dramatic training at an acting conservatory, college oruniversity program – earn Bachelor’s or Master of Fine Arts
degree in communications, film, theater, drama, orbroadcasting
5. Flexographic Technical Assn.
Basic Flexographer – Level I
Flexo Press Operator – Level II
Accomplished Flexo Press Operator -
Level III
Expert Flexo Press Operator – Level IV
National Council Certified Operator (NCCO)
Flexographic Press Operator’s Multi-Color
Certification /
Entry Level Press Operator
Flexo Press Operator
Accomplished Flexo PressOperator
Expert Flexo Press Operator
Flexographic Press Operator / National Council of Skill Standards (NCSS) exam
NCSS exam; 2 yrs. press experience; technical skills of printerassistant
NCSS exam; 3 ½ yrs. printing press experience (pressoperations, converting & plate mounting & knowledge ofprocess color)
NCSS exam; 5 yrs. lead press experience
NCSS certification exam; minimum 5 yrs. F/T operatingexperience; 2 ½ yrs. as lead in pressroom; employer letterregarding past work experience
6. United Scenic Artists, Local 829
Professional Membership: Western Region
Scenic Designer
Costume Designer
Lighting Designer
United Scenic Artist Apprentice
Sound Designer /
Scenic Artist
Costume Designer
Lighting Designer
Scenic Artist Apprentice
Sound Designer / Work experience in the field preferred; resume & file appl.form; 2 types of possible exams; no exam given in theWestern Region
Work experience in the field preferred; initiation fee; resume &appl. form filed; 2 types of possible exams
Same as above
Obtain form from New York United ScenicArtist Office; priorexperience needed; must be recommended by minimum 2United Scenic Artist 829 members who serve as advisors;develop design apprentice portfolio
7. Society of Broadcast Engineers
Certified Television Operator (CTO) /
Television Operator / Passing grade on proficiency exam – based on
Television Operator’s Certification Handbook
Certified Broadcast Technologist (CBT) / Broadcast Technologist / Passing grade on proficiency exam; hold valid
FCC General Class license for minimum 2 yrs.
Certified Broadcast Networking Technologist
(CBNT) / Broadcast Networking Technologist / Passing grade on proficiency exam; must be
currently employed in the field
Certified Broadcast Engineer (CBRE, CBTE
or CBRTE) with Special Endorsements:
AM/FM and TV / Broadcast Engineer in Radio
Broadcast Engineer in Television / Passing grade on proficiency exam; 5 yrs.
experience in broadcast engineering or related
technology, plus educational background
Certified Audio/Video Engineer (CEA or CEV) / Audio or Video Engineer / Passing grade on proficiency exam; 5 yrs.
experience in audio/video engineering or a
related technology, plus educational
background considered.
Certified Senior Broadcast Engineer
(CSRE, CSTE or CSRTE) / Senior Broadcast Engineer in Radio
Senior Broadcast Engineer in Television / Passing grade on proficiency exam; 10 yrs.
experience in broadcast engineering or related
technology, plus educational background
Certified Professional Broadcast Engineer
(CPBE) / Professional Broadcast Engineer / Passing grade on proficiency exam; 20 yrs.
experience as professional broadcast engineer
or possess related technology experience in
radio/TV; educational credits not considered;
plus 3 letters of reference and candidate’s
personal certification statement
8. No certification / licensure
required / Print & Broadcast Journalist, Reporter, Editor,
or Publisher / Bachelor’s degree in journalism preferred, but
consider other majors; additional subject
matter specialties preferred in a large city;
writing & reporting work experience &
internships preferred
9. State Licensure Agencies or Boards:
State of Louisiana: LA. State Radio and TV
Technicians Licensing Board
Radio and TV Technician
Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Board
of Registration of Radio & Television
Radio and Television Master Technician
Radio and Television Technician / Radio and Television Technicians
Radio and Television Master Technician
Radio and Television Technician / Varied information available; some states
have licensure requirements – sample
states noted;
Licensing requirements set by State Board to
fix & repair radio and television equipment.
Experience - 2,000 hrs. in the repair and
maintenance of radio & television receivers
through education or work; exam required
Supervision required by a Master Technician;
exam required
10. Society for Service
Professionals in Printing
Certified Printing Service Specialist
(CPSS) / Printing Service Specialist / Minimum of 2 yrs. in printing industry with
main function customer service & support;
Passing grade on exam – recommend use of
Printing Service Specialist’s Handbook &
Reference Guide or study groups assisted by
the Society
11. Computing Technology Industry
Association (CompTIA)
CDIA + Certification (internationally
recognized credential)
Certified Document Imaging Architect /
Document Imaging
Document Management / Passing grade on exam; covers technologies
used to plan, design & specify an imaging
Note: The association offers a variety of
certifications relative to this career cluster.
12. Electronics Technicians
Association – International
Certified Master Electronics Technician
Certified Senior Electronics Technician
Certified Journeyman Electronics Tech.
Certified Associate Electronics Technician /
Electronics Technician
Journeyman Electronics Technician
Associate Electronics Technician
Video Journeyman
Satellite Installer Journeyman
Telecommunications Journeyman / Areas:
Electronics, Fiber Optics /Data
Cabling, Satellite, Computers and FCC
certification; Varied areas of Journeyman
options; Assoc. certification only valid 2 yrs.;
Need passing grade on certification exam with
prep from ETA Chapters & technical colleges
13. American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS)
Pre-Professional Certification in Fashion, Textiles, and Apparel
Pre-Professional Certification in Interior Design /
14. Auto Desk Inc.
Auto CAD Certification [Architectural and Mechanical Design] / Auto CAD Certification

15. Printing Industry of the Carolinas (PICA)
Print ED – Graphic Communication / Print ED

16. Adobe
Adobe Certified Associate/Expert (ACA, ACE) / Adobe

17. Apple
Apple Certified Pro / Apple