Oakton Community College Purchasing Department

Request for Proposal 1600 East Golf Road

Des Plaines, IL 60016-1268

(847) 635-1635

Proposal Number: #4

Date: October 8, 2009

Proposals will be received in the Purchasing Office at the above address until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 22, 2009. Proposals will be opened publicly at this time.

NOTE: Late Proposals will not be accepted. Community College District No. 535-

Please Read Instructions and Terms Before Completing Form

Request for Proposal to Purchase Custodial Supplies, Training,

Consulting and Related Support Services

Oakton Community College seeks to establish a three-year agreement for custodial supplies, training, consulting, and support services, with an annual renewable extension option for up to five additional years pending mutual agreement and approval by the College’s Board of Trustees. The College is looking to bring an enhanced quality of work, increased productivity, an environmentally safe program, guaranteed costs leading to cost savings, and a more efficiently managed operation.

Proposals will be awarded at the November 17, 2009 Board of Trustees meeting. The contract period is January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2012.

Inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal may be directed to Mary Scott, Facilities Operations Coordinator at or Wayne Szatkowski, Purchasing Manager at .

Oakton Community College District No. 535 is exempt from Federal, State and Municipal Taxes

Discount terms ______. I have examined the specifications and instructions included herein and agree, provided I am awarded a contract within 60 days of Proposal due date, to provide the specified items from the sum shown in accordance with the terms stated herein. All deviations from specifications and terms are in writing and attached hereto.


Firm Name (Print) By (Print)


Address Title (Print) Signature


City/State/Zip Date Telephone e-mail

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Instructions to Vendors

1. / Bid Forms: / Proposals should be submitted on the form provided. Envelopes marked “Sealed Proposal For…” Bids cannot be accepted via fax machines or e-mail
2. / Specifications: / Generally, where specifications indicate a particular brand or manufacturer’s catalog number, it shall be understood to mean that or equal, unless “no substitutes” is specified. When offering alternates, they must be identified by brand name, catalog number and manufacturer’s literature must be included.
3. / Samples: / Vendors will be required to furnish no charge samples upon request.
4. / F.O.B. Point: / All prices must be quoted F.O.B. destination. Shipments shall become property of Oakton Community College after delivery and acceptance.
5. / Delivery Points: / Deliveries will be made to the various buildings within the district, as indicated.
6. / Delivery Schedule: / Bids must specify delivery time. Unrealistically long delivery times may cause proposals to be rejected. Order may be canceled without obligation if delivery requirements are not met.
7. / Evaluations: / Oakton Community College reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive any technicalities in the proposals, and to award each item to different vendors or all items to a single vendor.
8. / Vendor Selection: / All purchase will be awarded to the lowest responsible vendor who meets all the requirements of the specifications. The determination of a responsible vendor and award of tie proposals for like equipment, supplies, or services shall be based upon the following factors: a) capacity to perform, and b) performance history. In the case these factors are equal for award of tie proposals, first preference will be given to suppliers located within the boundaries of District #535 and second, from with the state over out of state. In the case of tie proposals according these criteria, purchases will be determined by a coin toss. Cash discounts will be used in determining the lowest responsible vendor.
9. / Prices: / Prices, terms and conditions must be firm for acceptance for sixty (60) days from the date of proposal opening unless otherwise agreed to by District #535 and vendor.
10. / Quantities: / Quantities shown may be estimates only and orders may be more or less depending on actual requirements and budget limitations.
11. / Exceptions: / Any exceptions to these terms, conditions or deviations from written specifications must be shown in writing and attached to the proposal form.
12. / Tax Exemptions: / Oakton Community College District #535 is exempt from Federal, State and Municipal taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished upon request.
13. / Equal Employment Opportunity Clause/
Prevailing Wage: / Oakton Community College is an equal opportunity employer, and parties doing business with the College must comply with the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause as required by the Illinois Fair Employment Practices Commission. Not less than the prevailing wage shall be paid for labor on the work to be performed as required by law.
14. / Non-Collusion Clause: / The vendor or agent hereby declares that he, nor any other agent of his business, entered into any collusion or agreement relative to the price to be bid. He further declares that no persons, firms or corporations, have or will receive directly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission, etc., or that any employee or Board of Trustee member of Oakton Community College District #535 has any undisclosed interest in the awarding of this contract.

Oakton Community College

Proposal #4

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Request for Proposal to Purchase Custodial Supplies, Training,

Consulting and Related Support Services

1.  Introduction

a)  Oakton Community College, District 535, is requesting proposals from firms interested in providing custodial supplies, training, consulting, and related support services as described herein.

b)  Proposal responses must be received by 2:00 pm, on Thursday, October 22,2009 at:

Oakton Community College
Purchasing Office Room 1540

Proposal #4

1600 E. Golf Road

Des Plaines, IL 60016

c)  Inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal may be directed to Mary Scott, Facilities Operations Coordinator at or Wayne Szatkowski at .

2.  Scope

a)  Oakton Community College incorporates approximately 650,000 sq. ft. in 2 locations. The main campus consists of one building, 3 stories, totaling 450,000 sq. ft. and located at 1600 E. Golf Road, Des Plaines, IL 60016. The Skokie Campus consists of 1 building, 2 stories, totaling 200,000 sq. ft and is located at 7701 N. Lincoln Avenue, Skokie, IL 60077.

i)  The student population is approximately 5,000 FTE credited students and 30,000 non-credit students. The staff consists of 30 Administrators, 150 full-time faculty, 450 adjunct faculty, 225 full-time staff and 75 part-time staff.

ii)  Oakton Community College’s hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM to 10:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday, 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Summer hours, May 30 through August are Monday through Thursday, 6:30 AM to 10:30 PM, closed on the weekends.

b)  The custodial function at Oakton Community College is performed, at both locations, by its staff consisting of 35 full-time custodians, 3 head custodians, 1 3rd-shift supervisor and 1 housekeeping manager. All custodial personnel are employees of the College. All supplies needed in the performance of the custodial function are ordered, received at a central receiving dock at both locations.

Oakton Community College

Proposal #4

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c)  Oakton Community College seeks to establish a three-year agreement for custodial supplies, training, consulting, and support services in order to bring the College enhanced quality of work, increased productivity, an environmentally safe program, cost savings and a more efficiently managed operation. This agreement will become effective January 1, 2010.

d)  This agreement is intended to be entered into with only one supply source that will be responsible for delivering all supplies on an “as needed” basis so as to eliminate the need to carry custodial supplies in inventory by Oakton Community College. This will not only save the College inventory costs, but will also eliminate the costs/confusion associated with having to deal with multiple vendors for “like-kind” products, multiple purchase orders and generating multiple checks per month.

e)  To assist Oakton Community College in optimizing our cleaning resources, the successful supplier shall provide the College with in-service training for custodians. These training sessions should be a minimum of 18 sessions (9 at each campus) 30-60 minutes in length and should include but not limited to the following areas:

i)  Hard surface floor care (quarry tile, terrazzo and vinyl tile)

ii)  Restroom care and infection control (MRSA)

iii)  Regulatory compliance and personal protective equipment

iv)  Carpet care

v)  High productivity cleaning

vi)  Using and maintaining custodial equipment

vii)  Classroom cleaning

viii)  Window cleaning

ix)  Cleaning with Microfiber Products

x)  Team building

xi)  “Green” Cleaning

f)  The selected supplier shall provide an initial quality assurance report that includes:

i)  An assessment of current cleanliness levels

ii)  Defined cleanliness goals for each area

iii)  A computer-generated reporting process to track on-going quality

g)  The selected supplier is to provide all necessary product dispensers as determined by the College. The current count for these dispensers at both campuses is:

i)  Toilet paper dispensers 267

ii)  Towel dispensers 173

iii)  Soap dispensers 233

iv)  Urinal Cleaners 73

v)  Hand Sanitizers 50

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Proposal #4

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h)  The selected supplier shall provide and install mutually agreed upon chemical dispensing stations in all janitorial closets at both locations. There are 15 janitorial closets at the Des Plaines campus and 5 closets at the Skokie Campus. These dispensing stations are to be stocked with product according to the need of the area. Please indicate in your proposal the manufacturer and information about the system you will be using. The College will be accepting chemicals from 3M, Buckeye and Sunburst or equivalent. If quoting an equivalent product, vendor is to submit samples for approval prior to being awarded the contract.

i)  The supplier will be on-site every 2 weeks to measure the success of the program, to adjust inventory levels and do the necessary ordering of product.

j)  The supplier will provide on-going technical service support and set-up an MSDS program available to all custodians.

k)  The supplier will provide a delivery system that includes:

i)  Delivery directly to each campus

ii)  Deliveries within two business days

iii)  Availability of emergency next day delivery

l)  At nine months, the supplier will provide a complete listing of all items purchased on the attached list of products. Adjustments will be made at this time concerning the quantities used. Any adjustments for year one will be made 90 days after being mutually agreed to.

m)  Oakton Community College believes that a trained staff is a successful, motivated staff. Proper training makes cleaning not only the overall goals of the custodial department, but individual responsibilities as well. The successful supplier will demonstrate the capacity to facilitate professional training sessions that include computer-generated technical support materials such as task descriptions and product application guides that can be attached to their cleaning carts.

n)  The successful supplier shall be responsible for carrying sufficient inventory of all products to satisfy the needs of Oakton Community College for a 2-week period.

o)  All products and services will meet mutually agreed upon quality standards, throughout the life of the agreement. The College is willing to review and evaluate new products during the agreement period that would be mutually beneficial to both parties.

p)  As part of the College’s Strategic Goal to become a Green College and adopt ecologically sound practices and to purchase non-toxic cleaning products whenever practical; all paper products must have 100% recycled content and should be Green Seal and Processed Chlorine Free Certified. Lotion Soap should be Green Seal Certified. Cleaning products, chemicals, floor wax, etc. should be Green Seal Certified wherever possible.

Oakton Community College

Proposal #4

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3. Vendor Qualifications

Vendors must meet the following criteria in order to submit a proposal:

a)  Have been in business for at least 5 years

b)  Annual sales over $2 million

c)  Have at least 3 customers that purchase over $50,000 annually

d)  Represent at least 15 different manufacturers

e)  Operate office and warehouses sufficient to meet the College’s “just in time” needs.

4. Proposal Requirements

Responses will consist of three (3) copies of the following information and in the sequence presented.

a)  A company profile that includes but is not limited to the location of the distribution center that will be servicing this agreement, years in business, annual sales, names of customers over $50,000 in annual sales, the names of companies where you have a similar partnership and perform a similar service, etc. (This information will be kept confidential.)

b)  Resumes of the key personnel that will provide support services and/or training related to the agreement.

c)  A line item listing of the custodial supplies to be provided to Oakton Community College as a part of this agreement.

d)  The proposed, fixed, annual fee for all the listed products and services presented as a monthly service fee.

e)  A detailed description of the approach to be taken which includes an implementation schedule, procurement process, personnel training, consulting, and support services, etc.

f)  The proposed service agreement shall be for three calendar years with an annual renewable extension option for up to five additional years pending mutual agreement and approval by the College’s Board of Trustees.

5. Oakton Community College to provide.

a)  Oakton Community College has provided a listing of products used during the past fiscal year with quantities.

b)  Oakton Community College will allow access to the campuses for proposal purposes providing previous arrangements have been made with Mary Scott, Facilities Operations Coordinator. Please call 847-635-1782.

Oakton Community College

Proposal #4

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6. Purchase of Existing Contract.

The current dispensers (soap, toilet paper, paper towel) are the property of the current supplier. If you choose to quote the same products and will be using existing dispensers please add $23,185.00 to your quote to purchase the existing contract on the dispensers. If you are quoting a different paper towel, toilet paper or lotion soap, the cost of the dispensers and labor to install are the responsibility of the supplier.

7. Submitting a Proposal