GSHRM Board Meeting Minutes

6 - 8 pm, June 9, 2015

The Hilton Bistro 45

Attended by: Vernita Harris, Lawanna Dendy, Samantha Smith, Wayne Mullen, Robyn Knox, Donnie Brown, Dawanda Evans, Patti Padgett, Donna Gaddis, Laura Bogardus, Ray Lattimore

ACTION ITEM: Laura to send Patti the entry form for the HR Awards.

ACTION ITEM: Dawanda to provide a status check of our account against last year's amounts at this time.

ACTION ITEM: Donna will send the list of guests and ask for your feedback so we invite the appropriate people to join GSHRM.

ACTION ITEM: Laura to update the form and post it on the website/send to Donna.

ACTION ITEM: Samantha will talk to Bobbie about marketing (Facebook, text messaging reminders).

ACTION ITEM: Laura will send the member email contact list to Patti for promoting Diversity Nominations.

ACTION ITEM: Donnie asked Vernita to send a conference notice to the SC State Chapters for forwarding to State Chapter presidents. Also, he asked Vernita to ask for a free registration for the State Conference that we can give as a door prize.

ACTION ITEM: Donnie asked for board members to help connect with exhibitors and sponsors. You can have Diane Linhares, Dana Spadafora, Beth Rogers, Barbara Wilson, Donnie Brown, Marie Sitter contact them for a personal connection; or you can also ask them to go to the web to sign up.

ACTION ITEM: Dawanda to provide a financial report for setting a budget for 2016.

I.  Meeting Minutes. Vernita greeted everyone at 6:00 p.m. and asked that we be prepared to order so that we could efficiently move to the meeting portion. Vernita opened the meeting at 6:06 p.m. Vernita reviewed the agenda and asked if there were any updates to the minutes. Patti made a motion to accept the minutes. Robyn seconded. Motion passed.

II.  Treasurer's Report. Dawanda provided an overview of the financial report (see reports submitted by Dawanda). There is $25,373.38 in the BB&T account and $31,000 in our CD. She was able to move money from our PayPal account to our BB&T account. When Dawanda does our debits, the information can be tracked. Dawanda is learning how to link the BB&T ACH deposits to QuickBooks. Our BB&T account is correct. Wayne asked is we are in the negative numbers. The operating expenses are showing negative numbers, but we are not in the red. ACTION ITEM: Dawanda to provide a status check of our account against last year's amounts at this time.

Vernita asked the Marriott for an itemized bill for the June event. We had 214 people attend. The invoice was $6,061. The cost per person was less at Marriott. Patti made a motion that we approve the financials as information. Donna seconded. Motion passed.

III.  Membership Committee Report. Donna discussed the new member candidates. The committee made recommendations for new members to be accepted. Samantha asked if there were any questions about the applicants. Donna's committee was able to review all and ensure they were approved in the proper categories. Donna made the motion that we accept the new members as presented. Patti seconded the motion. The motion passed. At last count, 12.3% of membership were professional partners. We are at 347 members now.

Vernita shared the new logo. It has not changed much from the original design. Donna will move forward with the brochure (flyer). We will have the flyer available for use at our conference.

We have a long list of guests from the June 2nd meeting. It is difficult to determine which category they may (or may not) fit into. Donna is hesitant to send invitations to join GSHRM if they do not fit a category. ACTION ITEM: Donna will send the list of guests and ask for your feedback so we invite the appropriate people to join GSHRM.

Donna thanked the group for reaching out to new members that expressed interest in committees.

Donna showed the committee interest form to the board. Under Professional Development there is a reference to the PHR and SPHR. The board suggested that Donna also include SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP to the form. ACTION ITEM: Laura to update the form and post it on the website/send to Donna.

Ray asked about the status of the bylaws. Vernita said that she hopes to hear back from SHRM at the end of June. Ray noted that if they pass, it will help us solve some of our membership issues.

IV.  Professional Development Report. Wayne submitted his professional development report. We discussed the Meyer Center at the last meeting and the information was passed to Samantha for the Outreach sub-committee. This committee will meet in June. Will discuss a series of sessions, and award certificates for those that attend a certain number of meetings. Wayne will try to get to the July Strategic Planning meeting. Discussed trying to get more mentees. Wayne thanked Ray for a great June meeting, with great exposure to the community.

V.  Workforce Readiness Report. Lawanna said that her committee is very active. They are currently working on the August Conference, and also working on the November meeting.

VI.  PR Committee Report. Samantha reported that Greenville Literacy has given us a volunteer opportunity to help pick up / drop off books for the Book Sale. Also, August 14-16, they are looking for volunteers to help with the sale. Cathy Rodriguez will be posting these opportunities on LinkedIn. Samantha referred to the Outreach Calendar and stated there is not a hard core deadline for participation in these volunteer opportunities. We have also advertised on the newsletter. Patti suggested putting flyers on the tables. We only had six volunteers for HOG Day. Vernita asked if her committee felt that we are fully utilizing social media. We do not have a Facebook account. Samantha feels we can combine forces. All committees have difficulty getting people to participate. Facebook is free. We can set up events on Facebook. ACTION ITEM: Samantha will talk to Bobbie about Facebook. Laura brought up the idea of sending text reminders. Samantha will look into this. We didn't have any boxes set up to collect books at the meetings.

VII.  Legislative Affairs Committee Report. Ray hanked everyone for their support for the wonderful event. The podium was right in the middle of the room, which was a negative comment. Ray has a fantastic committee that follow through. He shared the numbers. Steve Nail did a tremendous job as facilitator. Everyone that requested a VIP table received it. We made some money and opened up GSHRM to the community. Email Ray if you would like some of the stress balls. Donna can use them at the HR Conference. Ray kept a catalogue of information for the future year. Wayne suggested that we could have this meeting next year downtown. We discussed the audio and noted that some speakers were soft spoken. Nancy did a terrific job answering the hardball questions. From the media, those attending were from the Greenville Magazine, Greenville Business Journal, and Greenville News.

VIII.  Diversity & Inclusion Report. Patti reported that her committee is working on the December awards meeting. They would like to solicit the members of GSHRM to nominate their friends, co-workers, bosses, etc. Patti made a motion to get a list of members for the Chamber Diversity Awards. Robyn seconded. Motion passed. ACTION ITEM: Laura will send the list to Patti. Patti reported that they attended the Diversity Awards event with two other members of GSHRM. It was great to be there to represent GSHRM, and we made others aware about GSHRM. There was a conflict with a GSHRM meeting, but this can be difficult to balance. Perhaps we could change the order of the lunch and dinner meetings. The meeting conflicts with election day in Novembers.

IX.  Strategic Planning Committee. Happy Birthday Robyn! Robyn completed her action items. Wayne has joined the committee. She received some contact information for some potential members. Jerica Coleman, Katherine Papakostas, and Maria Ruiz were suggested. Donnie has an additional recommendation: Kristin Irwin in career services at Furman University. Claudia Lafforthun was also suggested.

The committee will meet the second Friday of each month through October. The next one is Friday, June 12th. Vernita read the minutes and felt that we are moving in a great strategic direction. Per Vernita, Dorothy recommended that we do not include the set days of the months for meetings in our bylaws. Robyn asked for other chapters with strategic plans; Dorothy gave her emails but Robyn has not received any responses from other chapters. Even the Columbia chapter would like a copy of our strategic plan. Wayne recited a poem for Robyn in honor of Robyn's birthday. Robyn does a phenomenal job on behalf of GSHRM. Lawanna also did a terrific job at the Re-entry Breakfast on behalf of GSHRM.

X.  Past President / HR Conference Report. Donnie provided a revised board report. The conference wants to give away an Apple watch ($500) if it is approved. Last year we asked for $750 up front for a door prize. We made about $16,000 last year. Donnie made a motion to approve $750 for this year's door prize, which includes the Apple watch and $250 in gift cards. These will not be the only door prizes - others will be donated by exhibitors. Patti seconded. Motion approved. ACTION ITEM: Donnie asked Vernita to send a conference notice to the SC State Chapters for forwarding to State Chapter presidents. Also, he asked Vernita to ask for a free registration for the State Conference that we can give as a door prize. ACTION ITEM: Donnie asked for board members to help connect with exhibitors and sponsors. You can have Diane Linhares, Dana Spadafora, Beth Rogers, Barbara Wilson, Donnie Brown, Marie Sitter contact them for a personal connection; or you can also ask them to go to the web to sign up.

Donnie thanked Dawanda and Vernita, and also Patti, for the progress we are making in solving financial problems and getting us better organized with our finances each year. Dawanda does a great job and will turn it over to Kelly, whom we anticipate will also do a great job.

Donnie's committee would love to have some marketing help for the conference. We have some good ideas but we need some help. We have approval for SHRM credit and are awaiting HRCI credit. We have a great agenda set up so far for the conference.

Vernita and Dawanda confirmed for Donnie that LaKeisha Jenkins did our audit review for 2014.

Ray - stated that at every meeting, we ask for money. Why can't we set a budget at the beginning of the year, and so each committees will know what they can spend? It helps to have as much information up front and in the budget. This is a good discussion for the strategic planning committee. Patti noted that having a budget would help us plan. Robyn stated that Dawanda can give us a report of how much each group asks for / spends each year. ACTION ITEM: Dawanda to provide a financial report for setting a budget for 2016.

XI.  President's Report. Vernita showed everyone the new logo, based on our previous logo. Donnie showed the logo to the HR conference committee and our long term members did not seem to notice a change. The change was necessary because the current logo did not meet the SHRM marketing standards. SHRM is giving an award for chapters that promote the SHRM learning system. If we offer study groups or partner with an educational institution (which we do), then our name is added as a Learning System Champion, and they will announce our chapter name at the Annual Meeting. Patti asked about the quality of the SHRM certification. Wayne felt that the SHRM certification is more difficult to achieve than the HRCI certifications. Wayne feels that anyone who is hiring for HR will know that the SHRM certifications are equivalent. SHRM is not giving results until August in order to evaluate all of the scores. Both organizations have fallen short in terms of how they have handled it. Donnie noted that we will also receive a financial reward ($25 per person) for everyone that re-certifies or is newly certified. Greenville Tech has a study group. HRCI and SHRM are both saying that if you fail the certification test, you can take it again at no charge.

Vernita communicated the receipt of our SHRM Excel Award for 2014.

XII.  Adjourned. The meeting adjourned at ____ p.m.

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