Please complete this form when applying for a Certificate of Sponsorship for a temporary workerand return it to the Staff Immigration Teamalong with the necessary supporting documents listed at the end of the form.

Signed applications should be sent via email to the Staff Immigration Team at: /

It is important that the information provided on the Certificate of Sponsorship application is accurate since this information must match the information provided by the applicant on their visa/leave to remain application.

It is not possible for the Staff Immigration Team to consider incomplete applications. Therefore, please ensure that you provide all of the required information.

Is the applicant filling an advertised vacancy for a role which is essential for the normal activities of the department/college?
Does the applicant intend to leave the UK at the end of the period of employment/ visit for which this Certificate of Sponsorship is required?

PLEASE NOTE: It is now possible to certify maintenance for Dependants of Tier 5 visa holders

Departments/ colleges should normally certify the maintenance requirement on behalf of the applicant and their dependants in order that theydo not have to submit bank statements with their visa application.

By doing so, the host department/ college is certifying that they will, if necessary, maintain and accommodate the applicant (to a minimum value of £945) and their dependants (to a minimum value of £630 each) for the first month of their visit. Please confirm how the applicant will meet the maintenance requirementby listing the relevant number (1 – 3):

  1. Department/ college intends to certify maintenance on behalf of the main applicant (£945) AND dependants (£630 each);
  2. Department/ college intends to certify maintenance on behalf of the main applicant (£945) but NOT for their dependants;
Bank statements will be submitted by the applicant to evidence that £630 for each dependant has been held for a consecutive 90 day period ending no more than 31 days before the visa application is submitted.
  1. Department/ college does NOT intend to certify maintenance on behalf of neither the main applicant NORtheir dependants.
Bank statements will be submitted by the applicant to evidence that £945 plus £630 for each dependant has been held for a consecutive 90 day period ending no more than 31 days before the visa application is submitted.

Please complete the following personal information in full. Please complete personal details as they appear in the applicant’s passport, where applicable.

Title (e.g. Dr, Mr, Mrs)
Last name
First name(s) – [incl. middle name(s)]
Other name(s)– [i.e. previous name(s)]
City of birth
Country of birth
Date of birth
Passport number
Passport issue date(DD/MM/YYYY)
Passport expiry date(DD/MM/YYYY)
Passport place of issue (city / country)
Country of residence
This must be the country in which the application for the visa/leave to remain will be submitted.
If this is not the applicant’s home country please provide a copy of their visa.
Full residential address including post code / zip code / area code
This must be in the country in which the application for the visa/leave to remain will be submitted.
Email address

There are a growing number of countries considered to have a high incidence of tuberculosis and if the applicant is resident in one of these countries and coming to the UK for longer than six months they must provide a valid medical certificate issued by a Home Office approved medical practitioner confirming that they have undergone screening for and have been diagnosed as being free from active pulmonary tuberculosis(TB). The list of countries affected, country-specific guidance in relation to the testing process, and the lists of approved testing clinics in each country is found on the Home Office website at:

It is important that applicants from countries where TB pre-screening is required are tested as soon as possible in advance of their application it can be difficult to obtain an appointment. If additional tests and/or treatment is required this will significantly delay their application to come to the UK.

Will the applicant be required to provide a medical certificateconfirming they have been screened for and are free from active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) (please confirm Yes/No)

NB: where TB pre-screening is required only tests from approved clinics can be relied upon.

UK National Insurance number (if applicable)
National ID card number (if applicable)
Start date (DD/MM/YYYY)
The start date of the COS must be the start date of the job/ visit.
End date (DD/MM/YYYY)
Note that a COS can only be issued for two years or for the duration of the visit, whichever is the shorter period.Please indicate the end date accordingly.
I confirm that this applicant has been made aware that they and their dependants will have to pay the ‘NHS Surcharge’. As this is a significant addition to the visa fee, based on the duration of the visa, it may affect the decision of the length of visa applied for.
For further details, see:

Does the applicant require multiple entry to the UK for work purposes?
Applicants who will be required to travel overseas for work purposes (such as to attend conferences or conduct fieldwork) will require a multiple entry visa. Applicants who will only travel overseas for domestic and leisure purposes do not require a multiple entry visa.
Total weekly hours of work
Full work address in the UK, including postcode
Other regular UK work address(es)
Job title (e.g. sponsored researcher, visiting researcher, visiting lecturer)
Main duties e.g. conducting experiments, giving a guest lecture (maximum 700 characters).
Please note that only work which is additional to the department/ college’s normal functional requirements is permitted under Tier 5.
Gross funding / £ per
Gross allowances / £ per
Description of allowances (e.g. £1000 per annumtravel, £5000 per annumaccommodation)
Full name of organisation funding the employment/ visit.
If the department/college is funding the employment/ visit, please give the contact details of an appropriate member of the department/college.
If there is more than one organisation funding the employment/visit, please give details of all organisations providing funding.
Full name of representative of the funding organisation
Position in organisation
Telephone number
Email address
Is the applicant a Tier 4 student visa holder who has successfully completed and passed a UK recognised bachelor or postgraduate degree and who will apply from within the UK? (please confirm Yes/No)
If Yes, please remember to:
  • Provide a copy of a qualification certificate, academic transcript or academic reference, on the official headed paper of the awarding institution that confirms that the applicant has fully completed their studies.
  • Provide a copy of letter from either the funding organisation or the host department/ college (this can be a separate letter or additional information contained within the funding letter) which confirms that the research to be carried out is directly related to the applicant’s completed qualification and that the host department/ college does not intend to employ the applicant at the end of the research internship.
  • Remind them that they must inform their Tier 4 sponsor that they will be changing immigration status, i.e. switching to a Tier 5 visa.

Was the applicant sponsored by an overseas Government or international scholarship agency within the past 12 months?(please confirm Yes/No)
If Yes, they must provide the agency’s unconditional consent in writing, giving permission for them to remain in the UK.
Is the applicant’s Tier 4 visa sponsored by the University of Oxford?(please confirm Yes/No)

Departments and colleges hosting applicants on Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange) visas have a number of record-keeping and reporting responsibilities. The consequences of non-compliance with these duties, including reporting details late, are potentially severe for the University.

Departments and colleges can view their record-keeping and reporting responsibilities at

Our Tier 2 & Tier 5 Changes & Leavers Form should be used to report any changes in circumstances for Tier 2 and Tier 5 visa holders to the Staff Immigration Team within 5 working days after the changes take effect in order that they can be reported to the Home Office as required.

Departments and colleges can view the consequences on non-compliance at

Has the department/ college read and understood their record-keeping responsibilities for Tier 5 visa holders?
Has the department/ college read and understood their reporting responsibilities for Tier 5 visa holders?
Has the department/ college read and understood the consequences of non-compliance with their record-keeping and reporting responsibilities for Tier 5 visa holders?

Please tick to confirm that the following documents are enclosed with this application:

Copy of photo and personal information page(s) of a valid passport(SURNAME,Initials-passport-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

 Copy of any current UK visas(SURNAME,Initials-visa-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Copy of signed and dated Client care & conditions form confirming the applicanthas read, understood, and accepts the Staff Immigration Team’s Conditions of Service and Agreed provision of advice & assistance. This is required before we are able to issue a CoS.(SURNAME,Initials-conditions-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Copy of signed and dated Data Processing Consent form where applicant consents to the processing and use of their personal data by the University. (SURNAME,Initials-declaration-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Copy of letter from the funding body confirming the start and end dates of the employment at/ visit to the University of Oxford and the level of funds (and allowances, if applicable) that will be paid to the applicantfor the duration of the employment/visit (if the applicant will be employed and paid by the department/college then the department/college will need to provide this letter).(SURNAME,Initials-funding-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

Summary of the proposed work to be carried out by the applicantduring the visit. This should be a reasonably detailed bulleted list of duties/ tasks (1-2 pages) as you would find in the duties section of a job description or project plan. This will be used to determine that Tier 5 is the appropriate route and in order that any changes from the original proposed work during the visit can be identified and reported. (SURNAME,Initials-plan-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

 For applicants switching from a Tier 4 student visa into Tier 5 as a research intern - Copy of a qualification certificate, academic transcript or academic reference, on the official headed paper of the awarding institution that confirms that the applicant has fully completed their studies and states their name, title of the qualification/ award, course duration and date of course completion; andCopy of letter from either the funding organisation or the host department/ college (this can be a separate letter or additional information contained within the funding letter above) which confirms that the research to be carried out is directly related to the applicant’s completed qualification and that the host department/ college does not intend to employ the applicant at the end of the research internship.(SURNAME,Initials-academicref-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

For applicants switching from a Tier 4 student visa who have been sponsored by an overseas Government or international scholarship agency within the past 12 months - the agency’s unconditional consent in writing, giving permission for the applicant to remain in or re-enter the UK. The evidence must be original, issued by an authorised official of the organisation on their official letter-headed paper or stationery.(SURNAME,Initials-consent-dd-mm-yy.pdf)

The cost of each Certificate of Sponsorship is £21. Please give the fullgeneral ledger cost code that you wish this feeand any in-country leave to remain application fee to be cross-charged to. We cannot cross-charge to project codes.

Cost codes should be in the format cost centre/natural account/ activity/ source of funds / organisation (e.g. AX0000/85210/00/00000/10).

Cost code to charge application fee to:

We are unable to cross-charge application fees to colleges. Therefore, Colleges should attach a cheque made payable to the ‘University of Oxford’.

Please complete below to confirm that you are satisfied that the applicant named on this form meets the necessary points requirements for a Tier 5 (Government Authorised Exchange)Certificate of Sponsorship and that the department has read and understood its reporting and record-keeping responsibilities.

By completing this declaration and submitting this form via email you, or the named individual, are confirming that the information and supporting documents provided are, to the best of your knowledge, complete, true and correct.

Print name

Should you have any queries regarding Certificates of Sponsorship requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Thank you

Staff Immigration Team

Solveig Alsaker, 01865 289912,

Medical Sciences / Social Sciences / Colleges Q – W

Angelina Kehayova, 01865 289904,

Humanities / MPLS / Colleges A–P

Updated August2017 1