Slate/Admissions Integration Discussion: Readmitted & Withdrawn Students

Readmitted Students

  • There are two groups who are sometimes addressed with this language
  • First, students who are being readmitted into a program that they previously had been enrolled in. They are continuing on in the same program that they stepped out of for some time, usually more than 2 semesters.
  • The IR perspective:
  • Does IR ever count a readmit in their numbers? Ideally, how would they like to get that number?
  • Readmit: Someone who has started a program, has been out of the program, and now have a new application back into that same program. This also counts as a new app. These students would have a Candidacy Type of “Readmit.”
  • “Program” means either the undergraduate program or any graduate program.
  • Count as a new admit if you have to apply to the same program
  • Integration Process
  • Current process
  • These students are not included in the integration query.
  • There is a separate readmitted student query that collects these students. *Does this query have the proper fields pulled into it??*
  • *Process from here: Registrar retrieves the query? FTP? Email?*
  • Future state
  • Students will be included in the integration query
  • Upon admission, Admissions Operations will notify Registrar on a weekly basis as to students who will be coming over in the integration at time of deposit
  • While running the import utility, Registrar uses list of readmitted students to identify any students who need to be handled differently from typical new students
  • Second, students are going through the admissions process at Queens for a second time. They may have previously obtained a degree from Queens or may have been previously admitted (and even deposited or registered) but did not actually attend any class.
  • These are not “readmitted” students
  • The IR perspective:
  • If they have to finish a new application, then they get counted as a new app. This includes the MSB students who miss 2 terms & have to do the readmit app.
  • For example, if someone finishes a MSOD and then does a whole new degree (e.g. MBA), are they a readmit? How is that calculated?
  • Not a readmit, a new applicant
  • What about students who completed/graduated from another program?
  • Not a readmit, a new applicant
  • What about students who were in the middle of another program and “transfer” into a new program?
  • Not a transfer for reporting purpose
  • Still a new application
  • In essence, these are students who may have a row already in Jenzabar, and we need to make sure we know who these students are before integration runs
  • Integration process:
  • PowerFAIDS
  • There is not a different integration process for PowerFAIDS for these students. However, it is important that any duplicates are found in Jenzabar before updates are sent to PowerFAIDS, or else PowerFAIDS has similar duplication issues as would be experienced in Jenzabar.
  • Jenzabar
  • Current process
  • Readmitted students are not included in the integration query; however, students who likely have a pre-existing
  • There is a separate readmitted student query that collects these students. *Does this query have the proper fields pulled into it??*
  • *Process from here: Registrar retrieves the query? FTP? Email?*
  • Future state
  • All these students will be included in the integration query
  • Upon admission, Admissions Operations will notify Registrar on a weekly basis as to students who will be coming over in the integration at time of deposit
  • While running the import utility, Registrar uses list of readmitted students to identify any students who need to be handled differently from typical new students

Withdrawn Students

  • After a student has deposited or the equivalent, clear communication is needed if that student will not be attending. This is especially true if that student has already registered.
  • Provisional Process
  • Relevant parties: Admissions, SFS, Registrar, Advising, Housing
  • Audrey/April will be point people on this to communicate downstream once a week (ABSN for summer more frequently), so if anyone identifies a withdrawn or cancelled students
  • Tools: Slate, Jenzabar, PowerFAIDS

Other Topics

  • ABSN students
  • What to do about visiting students?
  • Superscores coming into Jenzabar
  • Confirm regulations on ethnicity and requiring an answer to this question
  • Confirm that class code cannot be currently accessed until API
  • CEEB should be going into Candidate UDEF 5N1
  • Graduate Transfer Definitions
  • Data standards—purge old records???