Zucchini Bread

—  3 eggs

—  1 cup of sugar

—  1 cup canola oil

—  2 tsp vanilla

—  2 cups grated zucchini squash

—  3 cups flour

—  ½ tsp salt

—  1 tsp baking powder

—  1 tsp cinnamon

—  1 cup chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)

Beat eggs, sugar, oil, and vanilla. Add zucchini, and then flour sifted with salt, baking powder and cinnamon. Add nuts. Bake in two greased and floured loaf pans for one (1) hour or until done at 350°F (glass pan at 325°F).

Mini cheese/pecan pie. / Mini pay de queso / nuez
2dz. /2 docenas / 1 extra tsp. butter for filling-3
1 extra cuch. de mantequilla pa. relleno-3 / 6 dz./6 docenas
1\3 pkg. / Cream cheese/ queso-crema / 1 paquete.
1\2 cup / Butter or margarine/ mantequilla o margarina / 1 ½ tazas
1 cup / All-purpose sifted flour/harina cernida / 3 tazas
1 / Egg/ huevos / 3 huevos
3\4 cup / Dark brown sugar/ azúcar morena / 2 1/4 tazas
1 tsp. / Vanilla/ vainilla / 3 cucharaditas
1 Dash / Salt/ sal / 3 pizcas
2\3 cup / Chopped pecans/ nueces molidas / 2 tazas
Cheese pastry: let cream cheese & butter soften at room temp. Blend together, stir in flour, and chill about 1 hr. Make about (24) little balls and spread around in each 1-inch muffin pan, press dough evenly on the bottom of the pan and along the edges.
Pecan filling: beat together egg, dark brown sugar, 1 tsp. butter, vanilla, pecans and salt until smooth.
Pour 1 tsp. of the filling in each muffin form.
Bake: 325° F/ 25 min. Let it cool before
removing from pan. /
/ Pasta de queso: deje suavizar el queso crema y mantequilla a temperatura ambiente. Después se mezclan bien; se va agregando la harina y mezclando bien hasta formar la pasta. Ésta se refrigera por 1 hora. Forme 24 bolitas de igual tamaño. Una en cada moldecito, presiónela suave y uniformemente hacia el fondo y a los lados del molde.
Relleno de Nuez: se baten juntos el huevo, azúcar morena, nuez, 1 cucharadita de mantequilla, vainilla y sal hasta obtener una mezcla suave. Ponga 1 cucharadita del relleno en cada moldecito.
Hornear a 325° F/25 min. Deje enfriar antes de removerlos del molde.

Cheese pie (10 inch size)

1 —can 14 oz. sweetened condensed milk

3 —eggs

1 —8 oz. cream cheese

1 —10 inch size/9 oz. ready crust Graham or 1-1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs

3/4 — stick of butter

1 —tsp. vanilla

Blend the condensed milk, eggs, cream cheese, and vanilla until mixture is smooth. Pour over ready crust and bake 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool, then refrigerate overnight.

Zucchini with chicken

1 —can 14.5 oz. Italian diced tomatoes

1 —can 15.25 oz. whole kernel corn

½ small sliced onion

3 medium size zucchinis cut in quarters

1 bag 6 oz. fully cooked chicken breast strips

½ tsp. Italian seasoning or oregano

1 tsp. tomato bouillon with chicken flavor

1 tsp. canola oil

Optional: add a medium red bell pepper sliced and or your choice of pasta

Add oil to a casserole and fry onion until golden brown. Add zucchini, corn, and tomatoes; cover and let cook for 3 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients, cover and cook for 5 minutes.

You may substitute chicken meat for pork, beef or just bacon to give different flavor.

Meat loaf

1 cup tomato sauce

1 ¼ cup Quaker oats uncooked

2 eggs, beaten

½ cup chopped onion

1 tsp. salt or 2 tsp. tomato bouillon

¾ tsp. black pepper

1 ½ lbs. lean ground beef

Optional ½ cup chopped red/green bell pepper

Heat oven to 350°F. Combine all ingredients except beef; mix lightly but thoroughly. Press into 8X4 inch loaf pan. Bake 1 hour. Let stand 5 minutes before slicing.