1.Second Industrial Revolution (The new technologies)

List the inventor and describe the role/impact the new technologies had onthe economy.

Transcontinental railroad

Steam ships



The light bulb


Refrigerator car


Sewing machine

What was the influence of the railroad on industrialization? Describe the new opportunities this railroad created. How did the Federal government promote railway construction?

Describe the corrupt practices of the railroad and how the government attempted to curb it.

Summarize the purpose of the Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 (ICC)-

2.The New Entrepreneurs- Discuss the role of these industrial titans.

Rockefeller / Carnegie / Vanderbilt / J.P. Morgan / Other?

Who were the “robber barons”? What is the meaning of this term and why was it used? Was this an appropriate term?

Other than the obvious, how did these men give back to America? (Colleges, chapels, philanthropy)



Vertical integration-

What was the Gospel of Wealth? How did this contribute to the American Protestant work ethic?

Summarize the theory of Social Darwinism and how it related to business.

  1. Rise of Labor Unions

Why did many workers feel the need for labor unions? What were their main grievances?

Compare and contrast the leadership, philosophies, goals and objectives, and membership of Powderly’s Knights of Labor and Gompers’ American Federation of Labor.

Define Socialism:

Who was Eugene Debs and what role did Socialist unions play in the organizing workers.

Why was socialism unpopular in the U.S., unlike Europe?

Who were the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)? Why did they not succeed?

  1. Labor-Management Struggles

Discuss the causes, results and impact of the following strikes:

Cause / Results / Impact
Railroad Strike of 1877
Pullman Strike
Homestead Strike
Triangle Shirtwaist Strike and Fire

To what extent were labor unions and their actions effective in improving the lot of workers?

Include a growth model reflecting Union membership and its increase during this time period. Students…..describe the results

  1. Immigration

Define: Nativism

What major groups of immigrants emigrated to the U.S. and why?

In what ways and to what extent was the second wave of immigration different from the first wave of immigration?

In what ways did they contribute to the development of the American economy?

In what ways did these groups impact the social and cultural life of America?

In what ways did native-born Americans react to this new immigration and how were these attitudes reflected in the law?


The Chinese Exclusion Act:

Gentlemen’s Agreement:

Summarize the process of entrance through Angel or Ellis Island

  1. Urbanization Case Studies: New York & Chicago

What were the causes of this new surge of urbanization?

What was the extent and degree of urbanization (how many people moved to cities during this time period?)?

How did immigration and migration impact these cities?

How did corruption manifest itself in these new burgeoning cities?

What were major problems associated with these cities?





Describe housing in the cities?

What was the Settlement House Movement?

  1. Standard of Living and Social Changes

How did the new economy affect the standard of living for the working class and middle class?

How did new technologies in communications, food processing, and sanitation impact the standard of living for Americans?

Discuss the quest for convenience, clothing, and department and chain stores.

What impact did the new economy have on family life and structure?

What impact did the new economy have on the role of women?

What impact did the new economy have on education?

8.Popular Culture

What were the new forms of recreation and sport and how were they tied to industrialization?

Describe the development of fads, fashion, and cultural trends.

What role did the new emerging middle class play in the development of leisure time?

Compare and contrast the manner in which leisure time was used by:

Working Class / Middle Class / Wealthy
  1. Economic cycles and the Panics of 1873 and 1893

Causes / Detail/ What happened? / Impact
Panic of 1873
Panic of 1893

How did the panics impact the growing labor movement?

What impact did each panic have on the political landscape?

What is an economic cycle and give an example of this in American history

  1. Rise of Jim Crow and Washington v. DuBois

Describe the social, economic, and political mechanisms used by Southern states and society to reduce blacks to subservient roles?

What was Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)?

How did it promote segregation (Jim Crow)?

What was the philosophy of Booker T. Washington in coping with the second-class status of blacks? (The Atlanta Exposition)

What was the philosophy of W.E.B. Dubois in coping with the second-class status of blacks? (Souls of Black Folks)

Explain the possible reasons why DuBois and Washington disagreed on ways of addressing issues faced by American blacks?