Austin Chamber of Commerce

P.O. Box 212

Austin NV 89310



February 6th, 2017

Board Memberspresent:

Frank Whitman, Ray Williams Jr, Dee Helming, Kara Lenox, Philip Williams

Board Members absent:

Roxie Miller, Charlie Vaughn


Patsy Waits


Paula Tomera

Open Meeting:

10:00 am

Pledge ofAllegiance:

Led by Kara Lenox

Public comment for itemsnotcovered on theagenda:

Charlie Vaughn called Corrie Behimer and had her relay a message. He suggested the idea of using the Chamber Face book page to advertise local jobs

Approval of the Agenda:

Moved by Ray Williams, 2nd by Frank Whitman motion, carried.

Approvalof January Minutes:

Tabled until next meeting due to fact they were not complete.

PresentFinancialreport forapproval:

Tabled until next meeting, no report available.

New Bills Payment/Approval:

OPI 46.97 for copies Dessie 45.00 for repairs on Visitors Center door, NDOT 150.00 for yearly billboard fees.

Moved by Frank Whitman, seconded by Philip Williams, to accept the bills, motion carried.

Office Report:

Verbal report given by Corrie Behimer. The Chamber has a new Gmail address: . Emails went out to everyone that received the spam email that was sent out of the Chamber’s yahoo account in December, with an apology and the new email address. Jerry Foreman sent the t-shirt idea over and he wants a bluegrass band. Sent request to Paula for matching grant of $2100. Finished noise and vibration monitor letters and had Charlie Vaughn and Ray Williams sign them. Faxed letters to commissioners. Sent letter to Rob Rule. Wally ordered 2 calendars. Connie bought 4 calendars. Talked to Bert about Cemetery Board and planting new trees and extending the current drip system for watering. Talked to Friend of the Wilderness about a Toiyabe Crest Trail Guide and they want help out. Called White Pine Chamber for more brochures. Scheduled a grant-writing workshop with Paula Tomera from Lander County Convention and Tourism Authority on February 6th at 2:00. Worked with Mitshell on Lander County Grant Request. Great Southwest MOTO Adventures contacted us to invite Danny Young and family to their video premiere.

Overview of Correspondence:

2 packages sent out, 11 info calls

Scopingletters from USFS & BLM:

Lands bill may be dead in the water. Letter from Amoedi to propose new mining laws.

Another Sage Grouse restriction in the Argenta. New Temporary ranger for Austin, Carol Karlock.

Committee reports:

Bruce is adding air conditioning to the new Pony Canyon Motel ad.


Meeting was mostly about grants; they talked about the Utah market, when they should be talking about the Reno market area. They will be meeting at Miles End in Kingston next time, to help promote the Toiyabe Mountain Range.

Austin Planning:

Gwen in the Water office has been helping Larry Gruby locate landowners, and they are still working on upper Austin.


Issues with PC computing. New stuff going up on the tower. Kevin Hayes from Arizona Tower says that too much stuff is on the tower now.

Food Bank:

21 families and 52 people helped out this month.

Geothermal updates:

First phase of construction is done at Tungsten. McGuiness 3 is next project.

New marketing ideas:

Time to refresh the Middlegate billboard. Alumalite panels are what Dee Helming suggested. Maybe a grant from Lander County C & T?

Vets Memorial:

Ray Williams stated that the WWII compassionate sculpture is historically inaccurate. Talk of Austin getting the same sculpture, and Battle Mountain may pay for it.


Health Clinic:

The Rural Nevada Health doesn’t have enough providers in Eureka so they can’t come over to Austin to service this area. Suggestions of having the Battle Mountain Hospital take the clinic over and provide service here one day a week.


Car Show: Contacted John Ogden and working on the Insurance, things are moving along. Letters go out end of the month.

Gridley Days

There was a lot of discussion about Gridley Days and things that were tried in the past. Corrie felt that the Chamber should pick one event and do it, like the Sack of Flour Race, and find others to do the rest of the events.

Ray Williams motioned to host Gridley Days with the 4th of July this year, and use the banners and signage that Phil Marshall donated, if there was enough community support, 2nd by Frank Whitman, motion carried

Elevator Repair or replace: It is fixed! This can be removed from agenda.

Trappers Association

Frank Whitman will hear from them after the fur sale

Bike Trail Maintenance

No go this year due to government hiring freeze, but still on the three-year plan.

Letter to Navy

Prepared, signed and sent. See attached in file

Tent Repairs:

Dee Helming volunteered to take it to town with her to see about getting the corners stitched…. this is still the plan.

Grants: Travel Nevada Grants for Marketing is coming up opening on Feb 6, and the Projects relating to Tourism cycle will be coming up soon, that is where we can apply for a grant to redo the Board. Frank Whitman motioned to submit a grant to redo the billboard at Middlegate without plans for the artwork. Ray Williams’s 2nd motion carried.


Found a guy in Yerington that Paula Tomera suggested. He will do it, but wants a copy of the last audit. Corrie Behimer could not find the audit, but found paperwork from when it was done.

Street Banners:

Still working with Kitty Nash on this one.

Austin Beautification fund/Community signs:

Still working on painting signs for Charlie Vaughn and Frank Whitman and will move the sign to Reese River as soon as the ground thaws.

For the Good of the Community and area:

NACO has a pilot project for disposal of flags. There is cardboard box for collection to be placed at the courthouse.

We have a new deputy that is the 2nd phase of training.

Patsy Waits wants input on new blinds in the courtroom

Public Comment for any item not covered on the agenda:

Kara Lenox would like to put a Face book ad up for gopher trapper

Executive meeting:

Frank Whitman motioned to have an executive meeting discussing the office person job description, duties, and a priority list. The meeting will be one hour before the next regular meeting. 2nd by Dee Helming, motion carried.

The owner of the Calico Club has left Battle Mountain and the new owners has opened it up illegally, they didn’t get the

Proper permit from the County.

The owner of the Calico Club has left Battle Mountain and the new owners has opened it up illegally, they didn’t get the

proper permit from the County.

Adjournment of Meeting: @ 12:47 pm motioned by Ray Williams and 2nd by Frank Whitman motion carried

Signed ______

Corrie Behimer