Concurrent Enrollment: Family and Human Studies

FHS 2400: Marriage and Family Experience

Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Disclosure Statement

School: BinghamHigh School

Instructor: Patti Bartlett

School Phone: 256-5100, ext 74114


Web address:

High School Credit:

.5 Financial Literacy

.5 Elective

SLCC Credit: 3 Semester General Ed. Social Science

SLCC Concurrent Enrollment:

SLCC Canvas Website:

TEXT: The Marriage and Family Experience, 12th Edition

By Strong, DeVault and Cohen Thomson Publishing

ISBN: 9781285878515

FEES: $40.00 Concurrent Enrollment Registration (this is a one-time fee during high school).

$15.00 partial tuition fee (Pay to SLCC after registering for class)

$40.00 textbook rental or $125.00 textbook purchase

*It is the policy of Jordan School District to require students to use the high school edition ofthe text. Textbook fees can be paid in the main office or on Skyward. Please give your receipt to Mrs. Bartlett.

NOTE: Students must be enrolled for the entire school year to receive Financial Literacy and Concurrent Enrollment credit.


Students will investigate skills which will prepare them to be successful adults and develop optimal personal and family relationships now and in the future. They will better understand the dynamics of the modern family and dispel many common myths. Students will have the opportunity to review and/or clarify their own thoughts, ideas, and values as it relates to marriage and family issues.

FHS 2400/Adult Roles and Financial Literacy is a year-long concurrent enrollment class that includes the following Strands/Standards: Self-Awareness, Income/Career Preparation, Budgeting/Consumer Practices, Communication/Interpersonal Relationships, Responsible Dating, Marriage Preparation, Family Financial Planning, and Parenting.

The Utah StateCourse Standards can be reviewed at

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA):

FCCLA is the Career and Technical Student Organization associated with all Family and Consumer Sciences classes. Students are strongly encouraged to become members and participate in chapter activities. Some aspects of FCCLA are integrated into our coursework. Competition events provide an opportunity for growth in personal development, service, career and leadership skills. Students will complete a competition event as a class project.


FHS 2400 is required for the following:

  • A SLCC Associate Degree of Applied Science in Family and Human Studies as a Major Course (64 hours). This degree prepares the student to become a teacher or director of a child care facility. It is designed for students who plan to transfer to programs at four year universities or colleges.
  • A SLCC Certificate of Completion/Family and Human Studies (36 hours)
  • Child Development Associate Credential (CDA).

EMERGENCY EVACUATION: In the case of a fire drill or other emergency that requires evacuating the building, please exit the Family and Consumer Sciences Department in an orderly manner as instructed by Mrs. Bartlett. Once outside the building, stay with your class and wait for roll to be called. Do not leave the area or try to go back inside until instructions are given to do so.

Class Policies and Procedures:

In order to insure your success in this class it is important that you read and comply with the following class policies.

I. Respect yours and others’ right to learn:

  1. Attend regularly.

B. Arrive on time to class.

  1. Late students enter quietly.
  2. Sign the late roll.
  3. Students who do not sign the late roll will be marked absent and subject to absence penalties.
  1. Please use the hall pass if you have an emergency during class. Hall pass use will be restricted due to excessive use: every day or more than 5 minutes at a time. Sign the hall pass log before leaving class.
  2. Listen to and show respect for others’ questions and comments.
  3. Raise your hand to make contributions to class discussions or ask questions.

F. Comply with BHS and Jordan School District dress standards.

1. No hats, short shorts or skirts, tank tops, bare midriffs, or inappropriate logos.

2. Students who come inappropriately dressed to class will be asked to leave the class to obtain proper attire.

3. Persistent violation of dress standards will result in administrative referral.

G. Jordan School District Policy prohibits the use of cell phones during class time. This includes text messaging or other personal use.Put them away while in class unless instructed by the teacher to use for a class activity.Confiscated phones will be turned in to a school administrator. School policy requires a parent to come to school to retrieve them. They will not be returned at the end of class.

II. Take Responsibility for personal learning:

A. Be prepared for class.

1. Bring pen/pencil and notebook and textbook daily.

2. Stay on task in class.

3. This class requires homework. It is the student responsibility to complete assignments before coming to class.

B. Turn in assignments on time.

1. Late Concurrent Enrollment assignments will not be accepted. (See the SLCC Syllabus.)

2. Assignments are worth full credit on the due date only.

C. Absence Makeup.

1. It is the student’s responsibility to complete makeup work after an absence.

a. Pick up handouts from the teacher

b. Get notes from classmates as necessary

2. ARFL assignments due on the day of an excused absence will be accepted for full credit upon return to class.

3. Make up work will only be provided for absences that are excused by a parent or guardian through the Attendance Office.

4. One class period from the date of return will be allowed for make-up work for excused absences.

  1. Know the grading procedures.

1. It is the student’s responsibility to check the Skyward systemoften to track his/her progress in class.Use the VIEW ALL tab to see Concurrent Enrollment Classes. Letter grades will be based on the following categories set by SLCC. See the FHS 2400 Syllabus for details.

a. Unit Tests (47%)

b. Classroom assignments and activities (43%)

c. Participation points (5%)

d. SLCC ePortfolio Completion (5%)REQUIRED FOR CREDIT

2. The following grading scale will be used:

94% - 100% = A
90% - 93% = A- / 87% - 89% = B+
83% - 86% = B
80% - 82% = B- / 77% - 79% = C+
73% - 76% = C
70% - 72% = C- / 67% - 69% = D+
63% - 66% = D
60% - 62% = D- / 59% or less = E

High School Credit and SLCC Concurrent Enrollment Credit will be issued following 4th quarter.

E. Participation points:

1. 10 points per day may be earned. Points will be entered every 10 days.

2. To earn points:

A. Arrive on time to class

B. Listen to and share in class discussion.

C. Complete class work

D. Submit Self Starter Form

3. Participation points for excused absences may be made up by bringing an article relating to the current unit of study to class the period following the absence. Articles will be presented orally to the class.

Complete an attendance make-up form and turn in with the article.

F. Classroom Consequences


1. Achieve success.

2. Build College/Career Readiness Skills

3. Earn daily participation points


1. Texting, Tardiness, disruptive behavior, doing homework for other classes, sleeping will result in a loss of daily points.

2. Cell phones will be turned in to appropriate administrator.

3. Poor grades

Persistent infractions of classroom rules will be referred to parents and administration.

G. Attendance Policy Statement:

The award of credit in this class is subject to the conditions outlined in the Bingham High School Attendance Policy. Absences in excess of 3 per class per quarter that are not made up or waived through the appeals process will result in loss of course credit regardless of the course grade.

H. Tardy Policy:

1. A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives within 10minutes of the class start time. Arrival to class after 10 minutes counts as an absence and requires a check-in slip from the Attendance Office.

2. Tardy students will earn 5 participation points for the day.

III. Show respect for the classroom community

A. Clean up.

B. Help classmates when appropriate.

C. Food and drink are not allowed in the classroom.

IV. Parent Consent Form, Human Sexuality Instruction

Utah state law requires that students receive parental permission to receive instruction on human sexuality topics. Please read the enclosed consent form, sign it and return with the disclosure document.

V. Signature Form: Student and parent/guardian must sign and return the Acknowledgement Form

VI. SLCC Requirements: It is imperative that you know what the college requires.

GENERAL EDUCATION E-PORTFOLIO: Required for course credit

IMPORTANT DATES:These dates will be strictly enforced.

SLCC Admission: Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Parent Permission Form:Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Registration DeadlineFriday, Sept 9. 2016

Drop: September 14, 2016

Withdrawal: Friday, January 20, 2017

ASSIGNMENTS (Essays): See the SLCC Syllabus and Assignment Instructions

Student/Parent Acknowledgment Form


Dear Parent and Student,

Please read the Disclosure Statement carefully and return the signed statement indicating that you understand the policies as outlined. Keep the informational portion of this disclosure for further reference. I would be happy to answer any questions that you might have. The policies in this disclosure have been reviewed and approved by the administration of Bingham High School.

Patti Bartlett

Please check each box to acknowledge the following:

I have read and understand the guidelines listed in the Policy/Disclosure Statement.
I have read and understand the SLCC class requirements.
I understand that the student is required to pay a $40.00 Concurrent Enrollment admission fee as well as a $15 tuition fee.
I understand that it is required to use the high school edition of the text book which can be rented for $40 or purchased for $125.
I understand that the student must complete the entire year to be eligible for Financial Literacy and Concurrent Enrollment credit.
I understand that student must complete an Eportfolio as outlined by SLCC to receive credit for this class.
I have signed and returned the Parent Consent Form for Human Sexuality Instruction.
I am willing to abide by the terms of the disclosure.


Print / Signature / email
Print / Signature / email

UtahStateOfficeofEducation(Board Approved 2008)



Name of Student:

Class Period:

Parents must receive this form no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of instruction.

Course: FHS 2400/Adult Roles and Financial Literacy

Teacher(s): Patricia Bartlett

School: Bingham High

TelephoneNumber: 801-256-5100 X 74114


As partof your child’seducation,he/shehas enrolledinacoursethatincludesinstructionon topicsrelatedtohumansexuality.You arereceivingthisconsentformbecauseinstructionand/or discussionof humansexualitytopicsarecontrolledby statelawand/orUtahStateBoardof Educationrule.Pleasereadtheformcarefully,selectone option, sign,andreturntotheteacher identifiedabove.Your studentwillnotbeallowedtoparticipateinclassactivitieswithoutthis completedandsignedformon file.Thankyou.


Allinstructionrelatedtohumansexualityand/orsexualactivitywilltakeplacewithinthecontext ofUtahStateLaw(53A-13-101)andUtahStateBoardofEducationrule(R277-474)asfollows:

$Thepublicschools willteachsexualabstinencebeforemarriageandfidelityaftermarriage.

$Therewillbepriorparentalconsentbeforeteachinganyaspectof contraceptionand/or




Program materials and guest speakers supporting instructiononthesetopics have been reviewed and approved by the local district review committee.

ThefollowingareNOTapprovedbytheStateBoardofEducationforinstructionandmaynotbe taught:

$Theintricaciesofintercourse,sexualstimulationor eroticbehavior;

$Theadvocacyof homosexuality;

$Theadvocacyor encouragementof theuse of contraceptivemethodsor devices;

$Theadvocacyof sexualactivityoutsideof marriage.

In accordancewithUtahStateBoardof EducationRuleR277-474-6-D, teachersmayrespond to spontaneousstudentquestionsfor thepurposes ofprovidingaccuratedataor correcting inaccurateor misleadinginformationor commentsmadeby studentsinclassregardinghuman sexuality.



The curriculum forthis course includes instructionsand/or discussions aboutthetopics checkedinthis box:

**Teacher UseOnly**

x reproductive anatomy andhealth□contraception,includingcondoms*

xhumanreproductionxHIVand AIDS (including modes oftransmission)

□ information on self-examsxsexually transmitted diseases

x date rape(terms ofasensitive/explicit nature may be defined)

*Factual, unbiased information about contraception and condomsmay be presented aspartof this course(only if the boxaboveis checked). Demonstrationsonhowto usecondomsor any contraceptivemeans,methods,or devicesare prohibitedandareNOT authorized.


OPTIONS:Please read and check onlyoneof the following:








mychildwillreceiveanalternativeassignmentofequalvalueandwillnotattendtheregularlyscheduled classonthedayofthisinstruction.

Mychildwillbeprovidedasafe,supervisedplacewithintheschoolduringtheclassperiod(s).Itwillbe his/herresponsibilitytoreporttothepre-arrangedlocation,checkinwiththeteacherorsupervisor,and submitthecompletedassignmenttotheappropriateperson.


Priorto makingadecision,Iwillcontactyouattheschoolwithinthenexttwoweekstoarrange





Iunderstandthatwhilemychildisnotinvolvedintheexemptedportionofthecurriculum,he/shewillbe providedasafe,supervisedplacewithintheschoolduringtheclassperiodsandwillreceiveanalternative assignmentrelatedtootherelementsofthecourse.Ishalltakeresponsibility,incooperationwiththe teacherandtheschool,forthestudentlearningtherequiredcoursematerialidentifiedonthisform(State BoardofEducationRule277-474-5-D).

Thisconsentformmaybe senttoparentswithin2 weeksafterthebeginningofthecourse,butnotlessthan2weekspriortoinstructionoftheidentifiedtopics.Understatelaw,yourchildcannotparticipate inthescheduledinstructionalactivityspecifiedaboveunlessanduntilthissignedletterofpermission

isreturnedtotheteacheridentifiedonthisform.Signedformswillbekeptonfileattheschoolfora minimumofoneyear.


I havereadthisformandhavechosenone option fromtheprecedinglist.

Parent/Guardian Signature:

Telephone Number:

