Sunday, October 21, 2012


Boker Tov: There is so much in this update, so I put it into two parts.

But, so much is happening that you’ll never hear in the public news media. Since my articles build one on top of the other, and vital information to understanding what I say is contained in previous foundational articles, regarding this one, please go back to the “Aviv 1-Barley-New Moon-Passover-and Prophetic Timing in 2012”/March 23, 2012, and “”The Time of Transition and Turbulence”/May 1.

I returned last Friday morning, October 19th, from Jerusalem, where I celebrated Yom Teruah – Tishre 1 – the Feast of Trumpets, and prophetically declared all that Abba Yahuweh had given to me to declare there. By the new moon, His Yom Teruah began the eve of October 17thand ended the eve of October 18th.

The morning of October 18th, as I was walking through the Jewish Quarter on my way to meet friends at the City of David, this thought came to me, and I stopped to write it down: “I feel like I left the history of the world behind me last night”. And I did …

As you can read from the two above mentioned articles, we have been in an Adar Bet year this year (leap year). No fields of barley were found in the aviv stage around Jerusalem until early April. The “aviv” stage is about 2-3 weeks before the field is harvested. The sighting of the new moon and the stage of the barley for the month of Aviv, (March/April) determines whether the month will be “Aviv”, and thus Passover 15 days later, or whether we will have a second month of “Adar”, or “Adar Bet”, and Aviv and Passover will be the next month. This year, going by the ancient ways, Passover was the eve of May 5th, - Aviv 15. For more information regarding the ancient barley harvest, please ask for some of my research: “Aviv 1, Barley, and Prophetic Fulfillment”; “Adar Bet 2012 and the Real Yom Teruah”.

He tells us to go by the ancient paths. In doing so, we sight the first sliver of the new moon from Jerusalem to determine the beginning of a new month. Yahuweh states over and over that He put His Name in Jerusalem. He tells us that the only place to celebrate the Festivals is where He put His Name. Many of the ancient paths were set in order at the time of Solomon’s

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Temple, when, as one example, the priests would plant a field of barley on the Temple Mount in the Hebrew month of Heshvan (October/November) and tend it. It was this field, across the Kidron Valley, that the priests checked for the aviv stage of the barley, whether or not it would be ready for harvest for the First Fruits offering during the week of Unleavened Bread.

No, we don’t have the Temple anymore, but the ancient paths never changed in His mind. This is why it is still valid that “without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin”. He never changed that. Elohim provided the Lamb—Yahushua Messiah. When Messiah returns, He will reinstitute the ancient paths. So, why not start now?

After hearing the report that because of the winter snows, the fields of barley were still green in and around Jerusalem, I went for a walk around a lake where I was staying. I was reflecting on this, and Abba clearly said, “we are entering Adar Bet”. He then said: The Beast (world ruler/anti-messiah) does not want to upstage Messiah at Passover, but at Sukkot. I did some quick figuring and went numb. The U.S. Elections would be during the time of the real Sukkot. All prophetic judgment goes forth from Elul 1, the grape harvest, through the end of the olive harvest in Kislev – in the land of Israel. The whole Word is centered on the land of Israel, particularly Jerusalem. Everything revolves around East Jerusalem, from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 and forever. [Refer to: “East Jerusalem”/October 23, 2010]

[For much Scripture regarding the time of judgment, refer to: “The Season of the Coming of Messiah/January 8, 2012]

I had so much confirmation on this from other hearing ones, but also from Abba Yahuweh Himself. Depending on man’s pre-determined timing by his own brain locks one into a box of man’s control, so when Yahuweh shows His servants His secrets, most are going on their way totally ignorant of what He is doing and why. Why stay ignorant?

I want to share with you what I learned about three weeks ago from friends who were on Mount Gerizim--the Mountain of Blessing, Deuteronomy 11:29—and spoke with the chief priest of the Samaritan religion there.

They were told by the Samaritan High Priest that this year (2012) is a “leap year”, thus they celebrated Passover on May 4th. They actually slaughter a perfect lamb at that time.

The Samaritans living on Mount Gerizim are the same peoplegroup found in John 4, having come there centuries before after the northern ten tribes were dispersed out of the Land into the nations “AMONG the gentiles”.

Father never calls His people “gentiles”! [Refer to: “Are You a Gentile?”]

I quote from the Israel Nature and Park’s Association brochure on Mount

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Gerizim: “The Samaritan religion has four main precepts 1) one God, 2)one prophet, Moses, 3) one holy Scripture-- the five books of Moses,and 4) one holy place – Mount Gerizim”. (Remember John 4:20-24?)

“Together with these principles is the belief in the end of days following which Messiah…will arrive and the dead will be resurrected. The Samaritans celebrate all of the holidays prescribed by the Torah…The Samaritan calendar is based upon the number of years that have passed since the entry of the Children of Israel into the Land of Canaan following the death of Moses. Leap years on the Samaritan calendar do not parallel those of the Jewish calendar, and as a result, there are years during which the Samaritans celebrate their holidays a month later than the Jews”.

Those who blindly followed the rabbis’ pre-set dates, and those that followed dates set for convenience and tourism, missed it. Abba has all the secrets of His timing, and shares them with those who come to Him for their answers. And so, those who discerned the Adar Bet this year, having to do with prophetic timing extremely, came to their conclusions by the Spirit, not by me--then they told me. He guides us into all truth, for Yahuweh is the Spirit of Truth, and He guides us by what He has seen of the future. He dwells in eternity and has all knowledge of the future. Isn’t it intelligent to check with Him on all things? Man stays in the dark most of the time because he goes by his earth-bound reasoning mind! Our Father talks to His servants!!!

Psalm 25:14: “The secret of Yahuweh is to those who fear Him”.

Amos 3:7: “For the Master Yahuweh does nothing unless He first reveals His secrets to His servants the prophets”.

Matthew 13:9-11, 16: “`He that has ears to hear let him hear!’ ” And the taught ones (disciples) came and said to Him, `Why do you speak to them (the multitudes) in parables?’ And He, answering, said to them, `Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given…And blessed are your eyes for they see and your hears for they hear…’ ” (Italics mine)

John 16:13: “But when He comes, the Spirit of Truth, He will guide you into all Truth…and He will announce to you what is to come”.

I rely heavily on Psalm 32:7-8, Artscroll Tehillim: “You are a shelter to me; from distress You preserve me; with glad song of rescue You envelop me. I will educate you and enlighten you in the proper path to travel; I will advise you with what I have seen”.

Ezekiel 40:4: “…Son of man, see with your eyes and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I am showing you, for you were brought here

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in order to show them to you. Declare to the House of Israel all that you are seeing”. This verse is part of my direction from Yahuweh.

From the creation of Adam and forever, Yahuweh has always been an exclusivist. He has to be. He is a consuming fire – all Light. No darkness can approach Him. If we do not align to His nature, ways and thinking, obeying His Word, following Him in humility and set-apartness, He cannot be our Elohim. He says that over and over. [Refer to: Royal Secrets and Exclusivity – The Thinning of the Veil/October 29, 2010]

I have been to Jerusalem about fifty times at least. I have stayed in various places at the Jaffa Gate almost exclusively, except for a few times out of the old city. But, as of 2011, He has led me to stay in the Jewish Quarter. This time, He mandated that I stay in the Jewish Quarter. I am in close walking distance, though down steep hills and up them, of all of major areas mentioned in the Word, including being above the Garden of Eden.

The whole Word, from Genesis 3 to Revelation 22 and beyond, is centered on East Jerusalem. [Refer to my study “East Jerusalem”/October 23, 2010] He calls the City of David: “the apple of My eye”. The Temple was built just up the next hill--Mount Moriah. Solomon built a connecting area calling “the Ophel”, through which he, and the priests, would go up onto Mount Moriah.

It was on Moriah that Abraham went to sacrifice Yitzak, and Yahuweh provided the ram. When Yahuweh came down on the Ark, I Kings 8:1-15, He came through the same eternal portal through which the pre-incarnate Yahushua, as the “Angel of Yahuweh, had spoken to Abraham to stop his sacrifice of Yitzak--Genesis 22:8-18. It was through this same portal that Enoch went the eternal dimension, and Eliyahu most likely.

There are four main portals of His entrance and exit into the earth – 1) The north side of Mount Zion (Zee-own), the City of David, 2) the north side of Mount Moriah, called The Temple Mount, 3) The top of the Mount of Olives, and 4) Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia (from the book of Jubilees 4 and Jasher)

Let us look at the “ancient paths” more closely:The first sliver of the new moon had to be spotted by at least two witnesses from Jerusalem, so the High Priest could be informed, and thus fires lit all over Israel announcing the new month. This October 3rd, I visited Itamar, the largest of the settlements, in Manasseh, in sight of Shekem, nestled between Mount Gerazim and Mount Ebal. Just across from us was one of the hills where the fires were lit to announce the new month, in ancient times. Yahuweh put His Name in (East) Jerusalem – this is where He will come and dwell forever. (Ezekiel 43:7). He tells that the Festivals are to be celebrated in Jerusalem, where He put His Name (I Kings 11:36; 14:21) Offerings wereto be taken

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to the Temple in Jerusalem. If one was too far from Jerusalem to bring wine,

oil and grain for the Levites, they were to sell their goods where they were and bring the money, and buy the offering when they arrived in Jerusalem. So, everything was centered in that little area I was just in—today known as “East” Jerusalem.

Zechariah 12:2-3 is talking about East Jerusalem--the “cup of trembling”. Jerusalem is already a cup of trembling, but soon it will be as Zechariah prophesied. The U.N. wants to give the area between the three portals of Yahuweh to His enemies.

I have recently learned of a map in a new book entitled The Future of Jerusalem by Dijani, showing the U.N. partition of the Old City of Jerusalem for the Palestinians as their Capitol, with JORDAN as the overseer, just as Jordan oversees the Temple Mount owned by the Vatican. This map shows the “no man’s land” controlled by the U.N., which extends outside the Jaffa Gate north to the Damascus Gate and south to the Zion Gate. I will try to get a copy of this map, and share it with you. This transfer of the Old City, East Jerusalem, to the Palestinians is near.

No wonder the U.S. recently sent their troops to the border of Syria and Jordan for the protection of the King. He is very important in this transfer of land in East Jerusalem!

The City of David is ancient Zion (pronounced “Zee-own”). It was here that King David set up worshiparound the Ark, in his backyard, for 40 years. When Messiah returns, He will restore that worship behind His house on Zion (Amos 9:11; Acts 15:16-18)

Psalm 132:13-14: “For Yahuweh has chosen Zion. He has desired it for His dwelling: `This is My place of rest forever. Here I dwell, for I have desired it’ ”.

To sit in that little garden below King David’s palace, in the City of David, listening to recorded harp music from the center above, to sit in peace in His Presence, is an honor beyond description. It is my favorite place in the entire world!

I sat there on October 18th, with intercession friends, and we talked about the coming of our Master, Yahushua Messiah.He wants us to seek the ancient paths, wherein there was peace.

Jeremiah 6:16-18: “Thus says Yahuweh, `Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is, and walk in it, and find rest for yourselves. But, they said, `We will not walk in it’. And I raised watchmen over you, and said, `Listen to the voice of a

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shofar!’ But they said, `We will not listen’…`Hear O earth! Behold! I am bringing evil upon this people, even the fruit of their thoughts, because they have not listened to My Words, or My Torah – but they rejected it’ ”.

As described in Ezekiel 3, His people are still stiff-necked, hard-headed, rebellious and stubborn. Whenever the modern path of easy convenience is followed, replacing the mandates of the Word, a person departs from the Presence of Yahuweh,basically telling Him: “We don’t have to go to Jerusalem. We can have our Festival FUN here”. They do not know Him. They are manipulating His words to do as they will.

Sitting among the ruins of the Ophel, between the City of David and the Temple Mount, close to the ancient gates of Solomon, I sat hidden among the large pottery jars that representing the types of jars used in the first Temple Period for supplies for the Levites. The “storehouses” for the supplies were close by.

Abba sent me to Jerusalem over this strategic time to declare His message into the earth. I was listening to Psalm 24 sung by the Australian group, the Sons of Korah. I was singing, proclaiming Psalms of Yahuweh’s victory, praising and worshipping Him, and proclaiming the return of Messiah Yahushua Yahuweh to rule and reign. With all the tourists swarming the city, I sat there for about two hours in peace.

Psalm 24:7-10: “Lift up your heads, O you gates, be lifted up you ancient doors, so that the King of glory may enter. Who is this King of glory? Yahuweh mighty and strong, Yahuweh strong in battle. Lift up your heads O you gates, and be lifted up you ancient doors so that the King of glory may enter. Who is this King of glory? Yahuweh of hosts--He is the King of glory”.

It has been suggested that when He comes and the great earthquake occurs, splitting the Mount of Olives, and the Temple Mount into three sections, allowing the waters of the Gihon to gush forth and run towards the Dead Sea (Zechariah 14 and Revelation 6:12-14) that the ancient doors of Solomon’s Temple, buried many feet underground will lift up to receive the King of glory! Isn’t that an awesome thought!

A friend of mine from Australia recently felt drawn to Jeremiah 19:11--a prophetic word of judgment for ancient Jerusalem, and for today. I looked at

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the context of the whole chapter, verses 1-15.

While sitting among the big pottery jars, I saw a broken piece of one of the jars lying on the ground. It was shaped just like the boundaries of the country of Jordan. How prophetic!

In 1993, the Temple Mount was given to the Vatican with Jordan as the overseer. Now we learn that by U.N. approval, Jordan will oversee the whole of East Jerusalem for the Palestinians. We see in Psalm 83 that Jordan is primary in conspiring against Yahuweh and His City, with the Vatican and other Muslim groups.

Abba gave me Ezekiel 40:4 about 2003 in Aqaba, Jordan. I lived in Aqaba on the Red Sea for eight years, in the wilderness of the Negev Desert. He had given me several prophetic words regarding what I was to do (i.e. Ezekiel 3, 33, Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 21:12) I learned so many hidden things just by living there that are now being exposed openly.

Back when I was 14, at my grandmother’s house in Oklahoma, while she was snoring and my dad and mom were snoring, I lay on the couch wide awake. I got up, pulled up a chair, knelt down by it and began to cry out a prayer. I asked Abba to never let me live a “normal” life. In my mind, ironing and dusting representing a normal life. I asked Him to allow me to be on the front row of everything He was doing, so I missed nothing. He heard me and has answered me.