645 Pine Street
Post Office Box 849
Burlington, VT 05402-0849
802-652-4221 FAX
802-863-0450 TTY


Austin Sumner, Chair • Mary D. Hart • David Casey • Julie Hathaway • Caroline Tassey


William Ward




THURSDAY, APRIL 10 2014, 5:30 PM

Attending: Austin Sumner, MD, MPH, Chair, David Casey, RN, Mary D. Hart, RN, Julie Hathaway, MD, PHD, Caroline Tassey, APRN

William Ward, Health Officer Deborah Dalton

Absent: Public:

Meeting called to order by Chair, Austin Sumner at 5:30 PM

1.  Approval of Agenda and Minutes of Prior Meeting / No Changes to Agenda
Minutes from March 13, 2014 Meeting
Not available / Approved Agenda
Approval of March 13, 2014 Minutes postponed until available.
2.  Public Forum
Emerging Issues / No Members of Public Present
Socrata – Open Data Portal
Julie Hathaway attended Community meeting Introducing Socrata to Public
Data sets available do not contain Public Health data
Possible use for data – grants
Climate Change Survey sent to Health Officers via mail.
Health Officer Listserv / https://data.burlingtonvt.gov/
Health Office Bill Ward to send copy of Survey to Board of Health
Board of Health members to sign up for e-mail list serve.

3.  Chairs Report / BOH Chair’s 6 month report due / Sub committees to submit notes, reports, paragraphs before next meeting for Chair’s report
4.  Emergency Preparedness / Incident Command Training scheduled
4/24/14 @ BPD 9-11:30 / Health Office Bill Ward to present video @ May meeting
Interested BOH members to sign up if available. Contact Bill Ward
5.  Members’ Written Reports
Urban Agriculture
Drug Awareness
Neighborhood Safety Initiative
Licensing Committee
Farmers Markets
Environmental Health
Healthy Homes
Healthy Lawns
Healthy Schools
Inspections / David Casey- Working Group not ready
To present to City Council.
Specific issues to be addressed:
Licensing of animals
Planning Committee is ready to present re: structures/setbacks. (Alison Nihart)
Discussion of possible phased implementation. Farm related 1st
Animal related - secondary
Rolling Stone Article re: Heroin Use in Vermont
BFP article about Heroin in Burlington
Julie Hathaway
Attended Community Coalition meeting.
Gail Shampnois – Amazing!
This group helps with gardens/plantings
Mary attended Neighborhood Safety meeting. Neighborhood Watch all over again.
David Casey did not attend this month’s meeting
Caroline Tassey
Clearly Marketing to Youth
Nicotine – most addictive substance
Discussion about how to address Legislation at local/state level
Possible Ordinance development (Hookah Ordinance)
Excellent Project for Interns
What is happening around the country regarding this issue?
1. National Prescription Drug Take Back
2. Rabies
2 reports of rabies in ONE
Front Porch Forum-
Re-up in July?
Austin Sumner FPF venue to get info out to Public
Modify process for approval of postings to FPF.
Member who writes it submits to Chair,
If approved Chair submits to Bill Ward for posting on FPF
Austin Sumner – Short Sweet Powerful
Caroline Tassey
Attempted to contact people running Farmers Markets re: licensing/regulation
No responses
Lead -
Austin Sumner – Is Lead Program Grant funded or not
Healthy Homes or Lead?
Need Data for BOH to leverage Grant Funding
Continue to pursue Mayor/City Attorney
Contacting Health Department?
Meeting Monday 4/14/14
Health Officer Bill Ward reported
That Pesticide Applicator certification went very well. 11 attendees including 5 staff from City of Burlington.
Good questions, good discussion.
Questionnaire at end of class supported that the workshop was valuable
Margaret Skinner offered one continuing credit, however, discussion in place regarding extending amount of credit based on time spent at the workshop.
Ross Saxon and Bill Ward also presented.
Questions about end of year dates
6 inspections to get done this year. / .
David Casey - Time Line by June meeting
Phone Conference scheduled with working group 4/18/14
Health Officer Bill Ward to meet with Attorney Bergman before conference call
David Casey- Review Planning presentation to make sure it is alignment with rest of group and all parts work together
Motion: David Casey
I Move that the BOH write a letter to Commissioner of VT Dept of Health- Harry Chen, ccing State Legislators describing the BOH’s concern over E-cigarettes and requesting action steps.
Caroline Tassey seconded.
BOH voted unanimously.
Carolyn Tassey to write letter
Motion: David Casey moved to allocate funds to re-subscribe to Front Porch Forum for this Quarter.
Julie Hathaway Seconded
Health Officer Bill Ward to get date specific and location Rabies info and rework last year’s posting.
David Casey and Julie Hathaway to work on posting about Drug Take Back.
Austin Sumner- When Farmer’s Markets open- BOH members to attend as citizens and check for licenses.
Establish % of unlicensed vendors
“Shoe Leather Public Health”
Establish Timeline for HUD Grant
Health Officer Bill Ward to invite Mayor to May 8, 2014 BOH meeting @DPW
Mary Hart to report dates of school closing for summer at May meeting
Code Enforcement Health Officer
Board Member Training/Orientation
Interns / No New Units declared unfit
Bill Ward to report inspection #s at May meeting
Code to be adding Graffiti removal position to staff
No need for early registration
Julie Hathaway met with Anna Smiles-Becker @ UVM Rubenstein School regarding internship possibilities.
Seniors- Service Learning
Fall 2014 – 3 minute pitch to group of 60 students for matching project to intern
BOH agrees that project based internships are best / List of Winter Initiatives for consideration
6.  Agenda Items/Next Meeting / May 8 2014 @ DPW
Invite Mayor to meeting to discuss Lead
Brief on Urban Agriculture / Motion:
Mary Hart moved to adjourn.
Caroline Tassey Second
7.  Adjournment