Jan. 1 -This is the beginning of a brand new year;

The U.S.S. SHANGRI-LA is moored starboard side to her pier.

She is in San Diego, aboard the air station;

Berth Oscar-Papa is her real location.

The U.S.S. HORNET and the U.S.S. BENNINGTON are found close at hand, with other vessels and craft to protect our homeland.

The BENNINGTON has something the other ship’s lack - embarked is SOPA who is COMNAVAIRPAC.

This vessel, not wanting to be out done, is proud to be the host of COMCARDIV ONE.

Miscellaneous services are received from the pier; it does seem a pity that they cannot supply beer.

The U.S.S. SHANGRI-LA rests in peace at her moor, cause Yoke is set and the gas system secure. T. ASHWORTH, LTJG, USN

Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 2 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1250hrs. Commenced fueling from YON-131.1

1612hrs. Completed taking on fuel from YON-131 and YON-91, having received 492,912 of NSFO.1

Jan. 3 -Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 4 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1211hrs. COMPHIBPAC arrived.1

1223hrs. COMELEVENTHNAVDIS arrived.1

1227hrs. COMNAVAIRPAC arrived. COMFIRSTFLT arrived. COMCRUDESPAC and other naval officers arrived.1

1428hrs. The aforesaid commands departed.1

1625hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1


2035hrs. Completed loading special weapons.1

Jan. 5 -Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 6 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1446hrs. Class C fire in compartment C-0215-2L.

1452hrs. Secured from fire quarters.1

1958hrs. In accordance with BAR, EL SEGUNDO spd ltr 14716 of December 1957, 12 civilians of Douglas Aircraft Company reported aboard to observe the A3D carrier qualification.1

Jan. 7 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0705hrs. Class A fire in compartment B-303-1L, damaging a golf bag and bulkhead paint.1

0800hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

0940hrs. Rendezvoused with YARNALL (DD-541) and stationed her a thousand yards astern while proceeding to operating area.1

1047hrs. Commenced flight operations in area A.1

1704hrs. Detached YARNALL (DD-541) to proceed on duty assigned.1

1715hrs. Conducted Z-4-N, steering from Secondary Conn.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-54.8N, Long. 117-46.2W; 2000 - Lat. 33-48.8N, Long. 117-01.6W.1

Jan. 8 -0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A.1

0505hrs. Assumed tactical command of YARNALL (DD-541) and stationed her astern one thousand yards.1

0705hrs. Commenced launching aircraft.1

0900hrs. General Quarters.1


1020hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1624hrs. Completed flight operations.1

1700hrs. YARNALL detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1905hrs. Commenced ECM exercises.1

2035hrs. Completed ECM exercises.1

2322hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

2331hrs. Secured from sounding fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-53.8N, Long. 117-56.2W; 1200 - 32-48.8N, Long. 117-54W.1

Jan. 9 -0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A.1

0600hrs. Rendezvoused with YARNALL.1

0700hrs. Commenced operating aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1435hrs. Accident occurred at 1115 involving LCDR J. F. WESTER. Diagnosis: Sprain, lumbo sacrol. Patient injured due to rapid deceleration during carrier landing. Transferred to Naval Hospital.1

1459hrs. Launched one TF aircraft carrying LCDR ARNOLD, LT IRIS, and, by stretcher, LCDR WESTER.1

1703hrs. Launched COD aircraft with LTJG ARDIZZONE and ENS CONDOS onboard.1

1730hrs. Rendezvoused with BOYD (DD-544).1

1745hrs. BOYD assigned plane guard station.1

1850hrs. Resumed flight operations.1

1859hrs. Commenced night carrier qualifications.1

1938hrs. Completed night carrier qualifications.1

2122hrs. Completed flight operations. Detached BOYD to proceed on duty assigned.1


2245hrs. Commenced refueling YARNALL.1

2355hrs. All lines clear of YARNALL.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-58.5N, Long. 118-03W; 1200 - Lat. 32-56N, Long. 117-55W; 2000 - Lat. 33-03.4N, Long. 118-22.6W.1

Jan. 10 -0000hrs. Steaming in company with YARNALL (DD-541) in Operating Area A.1

0002hrs. Detached YARNALL to proceed on duty assigned.1

0616hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals; visibility 8/10 mile.1

0810hrs. Anchored in Berth 22, outer harbor, Long Beach, CA., in 8 fathoms of water, mud bottom, with 45 fathoms of chain on the starboard anchor. Secured sounding underway fog signals.1

0818hrs. Commenced sounding anchored fog signals.1

0925hrs. Commenced offloading ammunition.1

1020hrs. Secured sounding fog signals.1

1042hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals; visibility 3/4 miles.1

1132hrs. Secured founding fog signals.1

1245hrs. Completed offloading ammunition.1

1313hrs. Underway for NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1956hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA. Ships present include BENNINGTON (CVA-20) and BOXER (CVS-21).1

Jan. 11 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0730hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1

1356hrs. Completed loading ammunition.1


Jan. 12 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Commenced offloading aviation gas, hoisted Bravo.1

0915hrs. Commenced taking on JP-5.1

1210hrs. Completed taking on 99,150 gallons of JP-5 and offloading 112,150 gallons of aviation gas.1

2000hrs. One person from Douglas aircraft and eleven other contractor personnel came aboard to observe carrier qualification trials.1

Jan. 13 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0801hrs. Underway for the operating area in compliance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

0921hrs. Entered International waters.1

1051hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

1100hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1430hrs. General Quarters.1

1645hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1712hrs. Secured carrier qualifications, recovered 3 A3Ds.1

1940hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2005hrs. Completed air operations.1

2113hrs. WILKINSON (DL-5) detached to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 33-06.3N, Long. 118-12.6W.1

Jan. 14 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0615hrs. Assigned PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to plane guard station.1

0819hrs. Conducting A3D carrier qualifications.1


0911hrs. Manned AA stations.1

0912hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1134hrs. Resumed air operations.1

1239hrs. Detached one A3D to NAS North Island.1

1328hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications having recovered 2 A3Ds.1

1329hrs. AA defense stations.1

1415hrs. Commenced gunnery exercise Z-6-G.1

1445hrs. Secured from AA defense, having fired 93 of VT ammunition.1

1506hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1710hrs. Ceased operating aircraft.1

1820hrs. Rendezvoused with KIDD (DD-661).1

1930hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2251hrs. A3D, Buno. 138914, sustained hard landing sustaining hydraulic leaks.1

2310hrs. Secured night carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-02N, Long. 118-34.4W; 2000 - Lat. 32-03.5N, Long. 118-51.8W.1

Jan. 15 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off southern California.1

0632hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

0819hrs. Commenced receiving aircraft from the beach.1

0822hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

0835hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications with recovery of three aircraft.1

0930hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1045hrs. Recovered one COD aircraft; COMCARDIV 1 embarked.1


1112hrs. Launched COD aircraft. Representative of Douglas Aircraft Incorporated embarked.1

1115hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1

1248hrs. Manned AA defense stations.1

1250hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1324hrs. Commenced gunnery exercise Z-3-G.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1519hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1704hrs. Refueled PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

2000hrs. Conducted night carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-52.4N, Long. 118-47.5W; 1200 - Lat. 32-12N, Long. 118-36.3W; 2000 - Lat. 33-06.2N, Long. 118-19.7W.1

Jan. 16 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0830hrs. Flight quarters. PORTERFIELD rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0900hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1745hrs. Rendezvoused with KIDD (DD-661).1

2000hrs. Conducting night carrier qualifications.1

2315hrs. Detached KIDD (DD-661) and PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-58.2N, Long. 118-13.7W; 1200 - Lat. 33-22.7N, Long. 118-04.8W; 2000 - Lat. 33-17N, Long. 118-40W.1

Jan. 17 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off southern California.1

0534hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals.1

0600hrs. Flight quarters.1

0703hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1


0816hrs. Secured sounding fog signals.1

0830hrs. Detached PORTERFIELD to proceed on duty assigned.1


1120hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1311hrs. Commenced loading aircraft on board.1

1405hrs. VAW-11, Det. C, reported aboard.1

1515hrs. Commenced hoisting aircraft; nine ADs and seven F3Hs.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-45.3N, Long. 117-40.5W.1

Jan. 18 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0825hrs. Commanding Officer, U.S.S. USHERWOOD came aboard.1

0832hrs. Commanding Officer, U.S.S. BRAINE (DD-630) came aboard.1

1030hrs. Commenced loading aircraft.1

1300hrs. Completed loading aboard eight F11F aircraft.1

1400hrs. Received onboard approximately one thousand Lion’s Club convention delegates for a tour of the ship.1

Jan. 19 -Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 20 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0900hrs. Underway for the operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

1215hrs. PRICHETT (DD-561) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1307hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1540hrs. Completed recovering aircraft for carrier qualifications.1


1546hrs. Commenced maneuvering drill with PRICHETT.1

1717hrs. Secured from maneuvering drill.1

1740hrs. HALSEY POWELL (DD-686) rendezvoused with this vessel.1

1800hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1832hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

1910hrs. Resumed carrier qualifications.1

2040hrs. Ceased air operations.1

2234hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2329hrs. Completed night carrier qualifications.1

2330hrs. Detached PRICHETT (DD-561) and HALSEY POWELL (DD-686) to proceed as previously directed.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-42N, Long. 117-48W; 2000 - Lat. 33-12.2N, Long. 118-28.5W.1

Jan. 21 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0649hrs. Rendezvoused with HALSEY POWELL (DD-686).1

0800hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1430hrs. General Quarters drill.1

1535hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1900hrs. Rendezvoused with PRICHETT (DD-561).1

2305hrs. Secured carrier qualifications, having recovered one A3D.1

2310hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-17.7N, Long. 118-36W; 1200 - Lat. 32-39.6N, Long. 118-52W; 2000 - 33-07.7N, Long. 118-20.4W.1

Jan. 22 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1


0628hrs. PRICHETT rendezvoused with this vessel.1

0704hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1350hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1435hrs. Refueled PRICHETT.1

1542hrs. Resumed carrier qualifications.1

1807hrs. Assumed OTC of HALSEY POWELL and assigned her to plane guard station.1

1900hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for night carrier qualifications.1

2212hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-46N, Long. 118-46.3W; 1200 - Lat. 32-38N, Long. 118-56W; 2000 - Lat. 33-09N, Long. 118-14W.1

Jan. 23 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0648hrs. HALSEY POWELL made rendezvous and took station.1

0700hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1106hrs. During a crash landing onboard this vessel, LT L. A. WILLIAMS, USN, received a fracture and compression of vertebrae, T-11, no artery or nerve involvement. Transferred to Naval Hospital, San Diego.1

1326hrs. Refueled HALSEY POWELL.1

1450hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1642hrs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

2230hrs. Detached PRICHETT and HALSEY POWELL to proceed on duty assigned.1

2352hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1


Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-37N, Long. 118-32.2W; 1200 - Lat. 32-31N, Long. 118-47.2W; 2000 - Lat. 32-31.2N, Long. 118-29.3W.1

Jan. 24 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0615hrs. Rendezvoused with PRICHETT.1

0647hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1059hrs. Completed carrier qualifications.1

1106hrs. Detached PRICHETT to proceed on duty assigned.1

1447hrs. Quarters for inspection, flight deck parade.1

1449hrs. Entered Inland waters.1

1548hrs. Secured from personnel inspection.1

1558hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-46.5N, Long. 118-50.1W; 1200 - Lat. 32-41N, Long. 118-36-2W.1

Jan. 25 -Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Jan. 26 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1700hrs. Completed loading aircraft of CAG-11, having loaded eight ADs and four F3Hs.1

1715hrs. LTCOL H. G. RUSSEL, HEDAFFTC; LTCOL D. M. TAYLOR, 6515th FLDMAINTRON; LTCOL E. S. TURNER, HEDAFFTE; LTCOL W. A. WRIGHT, 6510th ABGRU; and MAJ J. V. DECOSTER, 6510th ABGRU; reported aboard from UCWR Edwards Air Force Base, CA., on TDY for the purpose of indoctrination in Navy aviation air operations.1

Jan. 27 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier O-P, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0757hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1


0918hrs. Entered International waters.1

1200hrs. Conducting air operations.1

1830hrs. Rendezvoused with COGSWELL (DD-651).1

1843hrs. Commenced night carrier qualifications.1

1933hrs. Ceased night carrier qualifications.1

2251hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

2255hrs. Detached rescue destroyers to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-51.9N, Long. 118-09.5W; 2000 - Lat. 33-05.5N, Long. 118-09.2W.1

Jan. 28 -0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area B off the coast of California.1

0629hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

0702hrs. Lost power in bridge area due to electrical failure.1

0704hrs. Regained all power.1

1202hrs. Ceased flight operations. Manned all AA defense stations.1

1207hrs. SHIELDS (DD-596) took station.1

1210hrs. Commenced gunnery exercised Z-6-G.1

1335hrs. Completed Z-6-G. Secured from AA defense.1

1351hrs. Resumed air operations.1

1630hrs. Rendezvoused with COGSWELL (DD-651).1

1700hrs. Ceased flight operations.1

1855hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

2000hrs. Conducting flight operations.1


2320hrs. Detached SHIELDS (DD-596) and COGSWELL (DD-651) to proceed on duty assigned.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-35.2N, Long. 119-00.7W; 1200 - Lat. 33-00N, Long. 119-08.9W; 2000 - Lat. 33-01.2N, long. 118-55W.1

Jan. 29 -0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0500hrs. Sounded flight quarters.1

0615hrs. Rendezvoused with SHIELDS (DD-596).1

0645hrs. Commenced air operations.1

1150hrs. Refueled SHIELDS (DD-596).1

1346hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1401hrs. General Quarters.1

1514hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1534hrs. Ceased carrier qualifications.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-14N, Long. 118-35.5W; 1200 - Lat. 32-20N, Long. 118-23.7W; 2000 - Lat. 33-16.9N, Long. 118-46.8W.1

Jan. 30 -0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A off coast of southern California.1

0611hrs. Rendezvoused with SHIELDS (DD-596).1

0649hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1100hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1105hrs. Detached SHIELDS to proceed as previously directed.1

1608hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1630hrs. Commenced offloading aircraft of CAG-11.1

1815hrs. Completed offloading aircraft of CAG-11.1


Positions: 0800 - Lat. 33-05N, Long. 118-28.4W; 1200 - Lat. 32-53.5N, Long. 118-06.3W.1

Jan. 31 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957, with the wives and the dependents of the officers and men embarked.1

1048hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

1315hrs. Ceased flight operations.1

1342hrs. SHIELDS alongside for simulated refueling operation.1

1629hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

2031hrs. Phone report made of fire in compartment C-0204-M. Sounded fire quarters. Informed NAS Fire Department.1

2035hrs. NAS fire trucks arrived on the pier.1

2040hrs. Investigation of fire proved to be a closed compartment filled with steam from a leaking valve of a small steam line. No significant damage suffered by the compartment. Secured from fire quarters.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 33-00.3N, Long. 118-02.2W.1

Feb. 1 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 2 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 3 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 4 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0810hrs. Inspection party from BENNINGTON(CVA-20) reported onboard to conduct annual Administrative Inspection.1

1529hrs. Completed Administrative Inspection.1

Feb. 5 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1


Feb. 6 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0800hrs. Full dress ship in the presence of HMCS ONTARIO (CLL-32) till her departure, on the occasion of the anniversary of Her Majesty the Queen of England accession to the throne.1

1015hrs. HMCS ONTARIO (CLL-32) stood out of the harbor. Undressed ship.1

Feb. 7 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

1252hrs. Commenced loading ammunition.1

1720hrs. Completed taking on 400 rounds of 5"/38 and a like amount of powder.1

Feb. 8 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0852hrs. COMDESRON 15 came aboard for an official call.1

1049hrs. COMDESRON 15 left the ship.1

Feb. 9 -Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 10 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier J-K, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0907hrs. Underway for operating area in accordance with CINCPACFLT Note 03120 of 29 November 1957.1

1030hrs. Rendezvoused with DESDIV 151 for opposed sortie exercise.1

1210hrs. HOPEWELL (DD-681) and WEDDERBURN (DD-684) detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1315hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

1319hrs. Conducting carrier qualifications.1

1640hrs. Launched one AD, commenced carrier qualifications with four F11F aircraft from NAS North Island.1

1715hrs. Recovered four F11Fs. Completed carrier qualifications.1


1900hrs. Rendezvoused with MARSHALL (DD-676).1

1915hrs. Commenced night operations.1

2335hrs. Detached MARSHALL (DD-676) and PORTERFIELD (DD-682) to carry out assigned duties.1

2340hrs. Secured from air operations.1

Positions: 1200 - Lat. 32-25N, Long. 117-40.4W.1

Feb. 11 - 0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area A off coast of southern California.1

0700hrs. Rendezvoused with MARSHALL (DD-676) in the southeast corner of area MM-12.1

1015hrs. Commenced flight operations.1

1400hrs. General Quarters.1

1515hrs. Secured fro general Quarters, having exercised in engineering drills.1

1725hrs. Ceased air operations.1

1835hrs. Rendezvoused with PORTERFIELD (DD-682).1

2000hrs. Conducting air operations.1

2115hrs. Secured air operations. Detached MARSHALL and PORTERFIELD to carry out assigned duty.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-51.6N, Long. 118-13.6W; 1200 - Lat. 32-32.7N, Long. 118-49W.1

Feb. 12 -0000hrs. Steaming independently in Operating Area B off the coast of San Diego, CA.1

0817hrs. Commenced man overboard drill.1

0826hrs. Lifeboat in the water.1

0839hrs. Dummy recovered.1


0840hrs. Lifeboat recovered.1

0850hrs. Rendezvoused with MULLANY (DD-528).1

1019hrs. Commenced landing aircraft.1

1530hrs. Resumed air operations.1

2040hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals. Visibility reduced to two miles.1

2046hrs. Secured from fog signals.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-08.5N, Long. 118-36.2W; 1200 - Lat. 32-11.5N, Long. 118-28.3W; 2000 - 32-13.5N, Long. 118-37.2W.1

Feb. 13 -0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY (DD-528) and STODDARD (DD-566) in Operating Area B off the coast of San Diego, CA.1

0532hrs. Launched three aircraft for carrier qualifications.1

1050hrs. F3H, Buno. 137028, piloted by LTJG J. GARLITZ, USN, crashed into the sea while being launched from the starboard catapult and sank in 550 fathoms of water. Maneuvering to clear pilot.1

1059hrs. The pilot was recovered and returned on board the helo.1

1330hrs. General Quarters.1

1415hrs. MULLANY detached to proceed on duty assigned.1

1437hrs. Secured from General Quarters.1

1640hrs. Rendezvoused with MULLANY.1

2352hrs. Secured from flight quarters.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 31-59.5N, Long. 118-31W; 1200 - Lat. 32-37.5N, Long. 118-40W.1

Feb. 14 - 0000hrs. Steaming in operating area off coast of southern California.1

0403hrs. Commenced carrier qualifications.1


0645hrs. Detached MULLANY to proceed on duty assigned. Assigned STODDARD to plane guard.1

0832hrs. Refueled STODDARD.1

1043hrs. Detached STODDARD for duty assigned.1

1610hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 32-35.7N, Long. 118-01.5W.1

Feb. 15 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0930hrs. Commenced loading special weapons.1

1000hrs. Completed loading special weapons.1

Feb. 16 -Moored starboard side to Pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

Feb. 17 -0000hrs. Moored starboard side to pier M-N, NAS North Island, San Diego, CA.1

0720hrs. Received four A3D aircraft.1

0845hrs. Underway to operating area from NAS North Island, San Diego, CA., in accordance with Op Order 203-58, Orta 2-58.1

0905hrs. Sounded four short blasts as SHIELDS (DD-596) was close aboard on port bow.1

1036hrs. Commenced sounding fog signals as visibility decreased to 1 ½ miles.1

1600hrs. Conducting flight operations.1

Positions: 2000 - Lat. 31-12.2N, Long. 120-03W.1

Feb. 18 -0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY enroute from San Diego to the operating area.1

0330hrs. Commenced air operations.1


1731hrs. Completed air operations.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-57N, Long. 121-52.8W; 1200 - 30-08.1N, Long. 121-43W; 2000 - Lat. 30-09.6N, Long. 121-55W.1

Feb. 19 -0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY and STODDARD enroute to operating area.1

0025hrs. Received report of man overboard. All ships conducting search immediately.1

0043hrs. Quarters for muster. Man overboard evaluated as reported in error. Search continued.1

0200hrs. Ceased search with destroyers resuming previous stations.1

0530hrs. Commenced launching aircraft for training strikes.1

1048hrs. Ceased training strikes.1

1720hrs. MULLANY alongside for refueling.1

Positions: 0800 - Lat. 29-59N, Long 121-20.1W; 1200 - Lat. 29-57N, Long. 121-25W; 2000 - Lat. 30-23.8N, Long. 122-12.5W.1

Feb. 20 -0000hrs. Steaming in company with MULLANY and STODDARD in operating area off coast of southern California.1