World Literature Fall 2002

Instructor: Rainer Schulte


Tel. 972-883-2092

Secretary: Myra Allen


Bibliographical information and additional texts to be used for Seminar discussions are contained in the “HANDBOOK” prepared by the instructor.

At the beginning of each Seminar Session there will be a short report on literary Journals that publish international authors. These reports are presented by the students.

The methodologies derived from the art and craft of translation will serve as a paradigm for the pursuit of interpreting texts.

In this context The Geography of Translation and Interpretation: Traveling between Languages will serve as background reading.


Session I


Background Reading Material

Charles Baudelaire


Arthur Rimbaud

The Drunken Boat


Stéphane Mallarmé


Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun


Rainer Maria Rilke

The Panther

Sonnets to Orpheus

Duino Elegies

Wallace Stevens

Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird

Session I (August 22, 2002)


Nabokov. “Good Writers and Good Readers”

Dieter Wellershoff. “Reading and Writing”

Octavio Paz. “Translation: Literature and Letters.”

Ilse Aichinger. “The Bound Man” –Kafka. “The Metamorphosis”

Exercise: Etymology and Philology (Emerson)

Session II

The Art of Reading

Discussion of assigned essays

Focus on:


Poems by Karl Krolow and Alejandra Pizarnik

Horst Bienek

Mario De Benedetto

Session III

Dissonance of Perception

Ilse Aichinger : Close Reading of “The Bound Man”

and Kafka “Die Verwandlung”

Octavio Paz essay

Interpretation of poems: Ingeborg Bachmann

Focus on Karl Krolow : Paradoxical Juxtapositions

Poems by Alejandra Pizarnik

Session IV

The Challenge of the Foreign

Chapter. “The Challenge of the Foreign”

Introduction to:

“Twentieth Century Latin American Poetry.” pgs 1-20 of Stephen Tapscott.

Twentieth Century Latin American Poetry.

Ramon Xirau, Introduction to Contemporary Spanish-American Poetry

Gottfried Benn. “Brains”

Octavio Paz. “What Does Poetry Mean”

Tahar Ben Jelloun “I write to erase my face.”

Latin American Poets

Jorge Carrera Andrade

Pablo Neruda

Nicanor Parra

Octavio Paz. “Wind From All Compass Points”

João Cabral de Melo Neto

Olga Orozco

Roberto Juarroz

Enrique Lihn

Heberto Padilla

Gabriel Zaid

Alejandra Pizarnik ,

Oscar Hahn,

José Emilio Pacheco,

Homero Aridjis

Session V

The Function of the Interview

Interview with Clare Cavanagh, Gregory Rabassa , Ellen Watson

Polish Writers

Czeslaw Milosz

Wislawa Szymborksa

Julia Hartwig

Urszula Koziol

Tadeusz Rózewicz

Adma Czerniawski

Tymoteusz Karpowicz

Adam Zagajewski

Andrzej Szmidt

Slawomir Mrozek

Chapter. “Translation: The Revitalization of Reading and Interpretation”

Gottfried Benn. “Brains”

Octavio Paz. “What Does Poetry Mean”

Vicente Aleixandre. “For Whom I write” [Para Quien escribo]

Tahar Ben Jelloun “I write to erase my face.”

Session VI

The Grotesque Perception of the World

Discussion of



Horacio Quiroga. “The Pursued” [Mundus Retrospective p.70)

Mario Arregui. “The Cat”

Sorrentino. “There is a Man in the Habit …

Ortiz. Hot Center of Thunder

Session VII

The Image of the Angel

Chapter. “The Challenge of the Foreign”

Isaac Babel. “The Sin of Jesus”

Rafael Alberti. “Concerning the Angels

Homero Aridjis “A Time of Angels”

Rainer Maria Rilke. “Duino Elegies”

Octavio Paz : “ Wind From All Compass Points”

Session VIII

La Condition Humaine

Gabriel Garía Márquez. Love in the Time of Cholera; One Hundred Years of Solitude.


Roberto Juarroz

Gabriel Zaid

Nicanor Parra

Session IX

Experimentation with language

Chapter. Multiple Translations: An Interpretive Perspective

Paul Celan

Durs Grünbein. Chicago Review: p.109

Oskar Pastior

Vicente Huidobro. “Altazor”

Ernesto Cardenal

German Writers

Marcel Beyer

Elke Erb

Thomas Kling

Uwe Kolbe

Friederike Mayröcker

Helga Novak

Brigitte Oeschinski

Raoul Schrott

Karen Duve

Judith Hermann

Wolfgang Hilbig

Thomas Meinecke

Ulrich Peltzer

Ingo Schulze

Hans-Ulrich Treichel

Alissa Walser, Martin Walser; Arnold Stadler

Session X

The Power of the Word

Chapter. “The Environment of Words”

Poems on “Words”


Durs Grünbein. Chicago Review: p.109

Oskar Pastior

Friederike Mayröcker

Thomas Kling

Vicente Huidobro. “Altazor”

Session XI

The Exploration of the Mind’s Landscape

Focus on Alvaro Mutis. Maqroll

To be studied in the context of Robert Musil: The Man without Qualities

Jorge Luis Borges. “Funes the Memorious”

Session XII

The Poetic Mind

Poems on “The Art of Poetry”

Neruda: “Arte Poetica”

Alain Bosquet

Yves Bonnefoy

Niko Grafenauer. “Silence”

Bertalicia Peralta. „Silence“

Session XIII

Focus on Günter Grass

Session XIV

The Multiplicity of Voices

Ulrich Treichel [from Lost]

Giuseppe Ungaretti


Roberto Juarroz

Tadeusz Rozewicz. “The Survivor” Vasko Popa. “Echoing”

Humberto Costantini. “In The Beginning

Andrée Chedid.

Nina Cassian.

João Cabral de Melo Neto

Olga Orozco


Active participation in Seminar Discussion

Interpretive Paragraphs on texts under consideration

Weekly short research exercises

Final Essay Project

This is a tentative outline of topics to be discussed during the semester, subject to change according to student orientation and needs.