Wednesday 11 November2013
held at RoebuckSurgery
Patricia Salter (AC)Jan Cutting (JR)
Derek Ransome (AC) Jean Ransome (AC)
Sylvia Gutsell (AC)Peter Davey (AC)
Caroline Lwin (JR)Adrian Stanford (AC)
Brenda Williams (AD)Marjorie Wise (AD)
Moura Jones (JR)
Cath Barbary and Sarah Upton on behalf of Roebuck Surgery
AC = Dr Chopra, AD = Dr Dunfield, JR = Dr Rowan, SP = Dr Paget, LP = Dr Parker
Apologies were received from Norma Turner, Gail, Brooks, Heidi Watt, and Tracy White.
Minutes from previous meeting
Minutes had been circulated and agreed.
Matters Arising
- MacMillan Coffee Morning.
This was held at Guestling Surgery on 27 September and over £220 was raised. Many thanks to all those who helped out.
Comments were made about the effective notice board in the first floor waiting room. Although some felt that it did not provide enough information regarding the shingles vaccine. Pat reported that the noticeboard at Guestling is working well, although it can be tricky to find a time to do it when the waiting room is not utilised.
Guestling Surgery
An update was requested on the progress of the proposed replacement branch surgery and Sarah confirmed that the matter is slowly progressing and they are waiting to hear back from ESCC.
Adrian has kindly volunteered to take photos for the website for us. Sarah recommended he pop into the surgery and co-ordinate that with Gail Brooks, Practice Manger. (subsequent to meeting Sarah, spoke to Gail who will put the suggestion to the doctors at their next meeting to confirm they are happy with this).
Caroline also suggested that there be a section on the website for the Patient Group. Sarah is going to look into this with the web production company.
Hastings & Rother Commissioning Group – PPG Group
Caroline had been scheduled to attend this meeting on 25 September however did not attend as her requests for further information regarding this meeting had not been responded to. She had been trying to contact Sara Geater at the CCG but did eventually contact the lady running the Bexhill group who got some extensive notes sent through following the meeting. These were circulated at the meeting and full copies of will be circulated with the minutes.
Adrian Stanford said that he would be happy to attend the next meeting in December.
East Sussex Pharmaceuticals Survey
These questionnaires which had been delivered to the surgery were circulated to the group. Sarah highlighted that there are no proposals to change the services at present and this appeared to be an information gathering exercise. Prepaid envelopes were attached or the survey can be completed on line. Survey closes 29 November.
Roebuck Emergency Services Survey + Patient Survey 2014
The surgery had requested that Sarah put together a survey regarding A&E and out of hours attendances and a draft had been circulated. The original intention was that this would be in addition to the annual patient survey; however the group agreed that they currently felt “surveyed out” due to the number of surveys over the past few months.
They felt that with the insertion of a couple more questions both tasks could be covered in one. It was agreed that additional questions would be asked about the use of the website and promoting the PPG. It was also proposed that questions could be asked about extended hours but it was felt subsequent to the meeting that this area was addressed by the earlier questions regarding emergency services. There was a strong consensus within the group that the A&E data would mostly be available from other sources and they were not quite clear why the surgery were being asked to provide this information.
The patient survey will be circulated both in the surgery and on the website. The website collates all the data for us and unfortunately this necessitates the questions on occasions being a little repetitive to get the best possible data interpretation.
The role of the PPG
This matter was covered under the heading of the CCG – Patient Group. Sarah reminded the group that the group does belong to the patients and if at anytime they wish to form their own committee that would be encouraged, with support from the Practice. Agenda items are always welcomed. There was some talk regarding setting up health promotion events but there is the problem of venue. One suggestion was the new classroom opening up on the Stade. There was discussion around involving young people in their healthcare.
Peter had supplied a print out from the National Association of Patient Participation and information regarding this will be circulated with the minutes.
Any Other Business
Dogs in the ground floor Foyer
Caroline reported that she had recently tried to access Dr Rowan’s waiting area and as some one who is nervous of dogs felt extremely apprehensive when having to pass a noisy and unattended dog tied to the railing inside the main door. She felt this was obstructing the entrance to Dr Rowan’s surgery and could be most threatening of a small child in a push chair. Sarah was aware of the owner of this dog and will discuss this matter within the Practice.
Guestling Surgery
Pat requested that there be some children’s books available in the waiting room as there are currently none. Sarah agreed to look into the hygiene aspects surrounding this but has a supply of children’s books that are no longer required and will donate if appropriate.
Peter reported that the doormat there is very worn and no longer fit for purpose.
There were also reports of dirt around the bottom of the chairs. Sarah will look into this, but did report they are currently awaiting a new vacuum.
Date of Next Meeting
There was a request that more meetings be held at Guestling Surgery. This is more difficult to access in the evenings and at this time of year it is also dark. Sarah stressed the importance to keep in mind the balance between the number of patients registered in Hastings compared with that of Dr Chopra at Guestling, although this balance is not reflected in the group with Guestling patients being very active we must continue to encourage Hastings residents to become involved.
Next meeting - Wednesday 22 January 2014, 6.15pm at Roebuck Surgery.