Hello Parents,

The Huron Little League is now open for registration!

Our new website, www.huronlittleleague.com, contains all needed information. Please browse the site to become familiar with it. The site will be our main source for communication, and all forms, documents and upcoming events can be found there. This site should be used exclusively once the season starts. We will still use Blue Sombrero for registration, online payments and building rosters.


Registration – On-site dates can be found on the little league website calendar. All players must be registered on Blue Sombrero (Click Administration, then Link on website). Please do so prior to the on-site registration. If you do not have access to a computer, they will be provided on site. You will also be able to make copies there, if needed.

·  Copies of 3 proofs of residency, such as water bill, copy of license, cable bill, etc., dated from February 1, 2015 to February 1, 2016. Note: 3 water bills is only one proof.

·  Copy of Birth Certificate

·  Volunteer Check in the amount of $75.00 postdated to June 30th, 2016

·  All players must live within Huron borders or attend a school within our district. If you do not live within the Huron Twp. borders, but your child attends a school within the district, a school enrollment form must be turned in.

**See Administration/Documents: Huronlittleleague.com

**HLL is taking a strict stance; all information MUST be turned in at the time of registration, or we will be unable to register your player.

Age Change

All ages we speak about are LEAGUE AGE set forth by Little League International. The age chart can be found on our website. **See Information/Age Determination

HLL has widened the age range within our divisions so that the less skilled players have the option to play down, and the more skilled players have the option to play up. With saying this you may have two “programs” to choose from when registering on Blue Sombrero. We prefer that players remain in their prospective divisions but understand the need for some players to play up or down. Safety of all players is our 1st priority, so coaches and the HLL Board has the ultimate decision if a player can move up or down. Evaluations will take place at the time of drafts.

**All players must play in their respective division for All-Stars**

The HLL had two machine pitch teams in fall of 2015 and it greatly improved the play of all our players. More hits, more fielding opportunities and a better awareness of how the game is played. Our hope is to play majority of our games against other Huron teams, and then start playing other leagues later in the season. Determination of how many other leagues we will play, will depend on the amount of teams we have in this division for the 2016 season. Coaches, you will still need to work with pitchers during practices to prepare them for All-Stars tournament.

Farm Boys: (6-7-8 year olds) (Skilled 6 year olds) - This division will be machine pitch for the 2016 season.

Farm Girls: (6-7-8 year olds) (Skilled 6 year olds)

Minor Boys/Girls: (8-9-10)

Major Boys/Girls: (10-11-12)

Tee Ball: (4-5 ½) - Reserved for 1st year players

Coach Pitch: (5 ½-7) - Reserved for 2nd year players and players who are league age 7, but still need another year in the coach pitch division.

We will continue to add to our website. Check “Teams” to get clarification on what skill level is expected at each division.


Clinics will be held in the month of March. Once we get confirmation from the school on dates and times, they will be posted on the site under Information/Calendar. I will also send an email to the address you’ve provided through registration on Blue Sombrero.

Please make sure to use an email address that you check regularly!


The more coaches the better! HLL asks, if anyone has an interest in coaching, please check “Coach” or “Assistant Coach” when registering on Blue Sombrero. The HLL will provide training and documentation on how to run a successful practice. To be eligible as a coach, you must attend one of the two Coaches Clinics that will be held prior to the player’s clinics. As a coach, you will be asked to help run the player’s clinics. This time with the players will help you evaluate them for an easier draft process. Each team will consist of a Manager (Head Coach) and two Assistant Coaches. Not all who sign up to coach will be able to, but we ask that you still sign up to do so. In past years, we have scrambled to find parents who are willing to step up, so we’d rather have too many than not enough. Coaches Clinics dates will be posted on the website calendar once timing is confirmed from school. All coaches and any parents that help out on the field, MUST fill out a volunteer form, provide a copy of their driver’s license and agree to a background check. Please fill out and bring required documentation to the onsite registration.

Volunteer Obligations

It is required that you volunteer 3 hours, per player, at the concession stand. Your volunteer check will be returned at the end of the season, if you fulfill your obligation. If not, your check will be cashed. With a coach’s approval, you can help on the field during practices, or take score during games, but it must be multiple times to count as volunteer time. Any person who wishes to help with the team, must provide a copy of their driver’s license and fill out the volunteer form (Administration/Documents), including SSN (Required) and it must be turned in before you participate.

Raffle Fundraiser

Every player will be required to either sell (3) raffle tickets, or pay the buyout of $75. For families with multiple players, there is a required cap of (6) tickets, however, more tickets can be given to sell. THIS IS MANDATORY!

The way it works: Cost of each ticket is $20. Raffle tickets are assigned a 3 digit number. The drawing is based off of the Michigan Daily 3 Digit evening drawing. Payouts are on exact numbers, one digit up and one digit down on drawings during the month of May 2016 (no Sunday drawings). Winners will be issued a check, payable to the name on ticket stub and mailed to the address also on the ticket stub. Raffle ticket numbers stay active the whole month!

Any player that has not sold their allotted number of tickets OR paid the buyout by the Raffle turn in date, will not be given a uniform.