Unit #12 Study Guide

Chapters 39-42

Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, W.

1.  The American armed forces in Vietnam were composed largely of…

2.  President Nixon’s 1970 invasion of Cambodia led to…

3.  The_____Amendment______the voting age to ______.

4.  When it came to welfare programs, Richard Nixon…

5.  Richard Nixon’s legislation guaranteed that Social Security raises would be indexed to guarantee against inflation…

6.  The difference between Lyndon Johnson’s affirmative action programs and those of Richard Nixon was…

7.  All of the following were created during Richard Nixon’s except: a) the EPA b) Supplemental Security Income for the disabled c) The Endangered Species Act d) Occupational Health and Safety Admin e) Medicare

8.  To control creeping inflation in the early 70’s, President Richard Nixon…

9.  Richard Nixon’s southern strategy included the policy of…

10.  As a presidential candidate, South Dakota Senator George McGovern appealed most strongly to the….

11.  In 1973, the American public was shocked to learn that…

12.  In response to congress’s attempt to stop him from continuing the bombing of Cambodia, President Nixon…

13.  The 1973 War Powers Act…

14.  As a result of Richard Nixon’s aerial bombing of neutral Cambodia in 1973…

15.  As a result of U.S. support for Israel in 1973, when it was attacked by Egypt and Syria…

16.  America’s strong support for Israel in the 1973 Arab-Israeli War led to…

17.  The most controversial action of Gerald Ford’s presidency was…

18.  When the North Vietnamese launched a full-scale invasion of South Vietnam in 1975…

19.  While most of the social movements born in the 1960’s declined or disappeared, one that continued and gained even greater momentum in the 1970’s was the …

20.  The Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade declared state laws prohibiting abortion were unconstitutional because they…

21.  The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) failed to be ratified by the needed 38 states largely because…

22.  The Supreme Court, in the Bakke case, held that…

23.  The first wave of feminism grew out of the ______movement, and the second wave of feminism grew out of the ______movement.

24.  In 1976, President Gerald Ford won the Republican nomination by defeating a strong challenge from…

25.  The opposing major party candidates in the bicentennial presidential campaign of 1976 were…

26.  The guiding principle of President Carter’s foreign policy was…

27.  President Jimmy Carter’s most spectacular foreign-policy achievement was the…

28.  The first major trouble to afflict President Carter’s foreign policy was the…

29.  The oil shocks of the 1970’s brought home to Americans the stunning fact that…

30.  Arrange the following events in chronological order 1) Arab oil embargo 2) Iranian hostage crisis 3) Fall of Saigon 4) Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

31.  Liberal Democrats complained that Jimmy Carter…

32.  In contrast to the Old Right, many New Right activists of the 1980’s were most concerned about…

33.  Which of the these social issues was not an important concern that the New Right hoped to constrict or eliminate through legal action 1) Divorce 2) Pornography 3) Homosexuality 4) Abortion 5) Affirmative Action

34.  Ronald Reagan differed from FDR in that Roosevelt…

35.  When did Ronald Reagan begin to abandon his liberal New Deal political philosophy and to espouse a conservative antigovernment line?

36.  The strong tax revolt against extensive government programs and spending was spurred by the passage of Prop 13 that severely limited property taxes in what state?

37.  Despite his failure in the White House, President Jimmy Carter earned widespread admiration in his post-presidential years for his…

38.  Ronald Reagan’s essential domestic goal as president was to…

39.  The foreign leader with whom President Reagan felt the strongest ideological and political kinship was…

40.  President Ronald Reagan and the new British prime minister, Margaret Thatcher, shared all of the following goals except 1) limiting the role of government, especially in regulating business 2) shrinking the power of labor unions 3) strengthening the Anglo-American alliance 4) enhancing the role of religion in public life 5) promoting a muscular foreign policy, especially against the Soviet Union

41.  Conservative Democrats who helped Ronald Reagan to pass his budget and tax-cutting legislation were called…

42.  The only two places not swept by Ronald Reagan in his 1984 electoral landslide over former vice president Walter Mondale were…

43.  The Iran-Contra investigations revealed Ronald Reagan as a president who…

44.  In his second term, President Reagan departed from the militantly anti-Soviet stance of his first term by….

45.  One of the greatest consequences of Reagan’s expansion of the federal debt was to...

46.  Solidarity was…

47.  As one consequence of the demise of the Soviet Union…

48.  The Supreme Court cases of Webster v. Reproductive Health Services and Planned Parenthood v. Casey…

49.  Two of Clinton’s early political blunders occurred in the areas of…

50.  The vigorously partisan leader who led Republicans to a majority in the House of Reps in 1994 was…

51.  Bill Clinton’s primary political advantage throughout his two terms of office was…

52.  In 1999, President Clinton authorized U.S.-led NATO forces to launch a bombing campaign against the nation of…

53.  President Clinton attempted to promote peace negotiations and better relations among all of the following except 1) Israelis and Palestinians 2) Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland 3) North and South Korea 4) China and Taiwan 5) India and Pakistan

54.  The Supreme Court’s ruling prohibiting further recounting of Florida’s votes and awarding the 2000 election to George W. Bush was based on…

55.  In his campaign for the presidency in 2000, George W. Bush promised to…

56.  Which of the following was not among the polarizing conservative policies that George W. Bush pursued when he assumed the presidency? 1) Appointing extreme conservatives to the Supreme Court 2) Sharply cutting federal taxes 3) Withdrawing American support from international programs sanctioning abortion 4) Refusing to permit government-sponsored stem cell research 5) Repudiating the Kyoto Treaty and opening Alaska to more oil exploration

57.  The new cabinet-level agency charged with protecting America against foreign terrorist attacks was the…

58.  The USA-Patriot Act provided…

59.  Which of the following was not among the issues that sharply divided Americans during the George W. Bush Administration 1) The introduction of high technology into education, business and government 2) The degree to which civil liberties could be limited in order to combat terrorism 3) Proposals to privatize Social Security 4) Affirmative action in college admissions and employment 5) Gay rights and same sex marriage

60.  All of the following proved to be characteristics of the new information age economy except 1) instant global communications 2) high-tech computer and media businesses 3) the decline of traditional occupations mediating between products and clients 4) an end to the boom and bust capitalist business cycle 5) outsourcing of white collar American jobs to Third World nations

61.  The post-WWII rise of Big Science was characterized by…

62.  The gap between rich and poor widened in the 1908’s and 90’s for all of the following reasons except 1) global competition 2) decline of unions 3) tax policies of the Carter and Clinton administrations 4) the growth of part time or temporary work 5) greater economic rewards for education

63.  Despite numerous victories, feminists in the 90’s and 00’s continued to be frustrated for all of the following reasons except 1) percentage of women physicians in America remained low 2) women generally were paid less than men in the same job 3) women remained concentrated in feminine occupations 4) women continued to be legally barred from holding high level, high prestige positions 5) women continued to bear the greatest responsibilities for the welfare of children

64.  One dramatic trend regarding American poverty that occurred in the 90’s and 00’s was…

65.  The money used to provide Social Security payments to retirees comes from…

66.  In terms of immigration patterns, the period from the 80’s to 2004 has witnessed…

67.  The New Immigrants of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries…

68.  In 2005, the foreign-born population accounted for ______percent of the United States population

69.  President George W. Bush’s plan to offer a “path to citizenship” for 12 million illegal immigrants while tightening border control and penalizing illegal immigrant hiring…

70.  The strong gains that President George W. Bush had made among Latino voters in the 2004 election were largely eroded when…

71.  The most populous group of Latinos in the United States comes from…

72.  Douglas Wilder was the first African American to serve as a…

73.  One reason more black politicians were winning electoral office in the 90’s and 00’s was that they…

74.  African Americans’ goal of achieving higher education received a substantial boost when the Supreme Court ruled in 2003 that…

75.  A few early-twentieth-century intellectuals like Horace Kallen and Randolph Bourne were advocates of…

76.  Critics of multiculturalism in American education charged that too much of it would lead to…

77.  Which of the following is not among the reasons that Mexican immigrants were, for a long time, slow to become American citizens 1) most lived very close to Mexico and remained identified with that country 2) Many returned frequently to Mexico to visit home and family 3) Almost all Mexican immigrants remained migrant farm laborers unable to settle down 4) It was often considered a badge of dishonor to adopt American citizenship 5) The Mexican government actively discouraged Mexicans from taking US citizenship

78.  In 2006, the number of college graduates in the 25-34 age group was approximately one person in…

79.  Which of the following was not among prominent American playwrights or musical theater creators in the late twentieth century? 1) August Wilson 2) David Mamet 3) Tony Kushner 4) Jackson Pollock 5) David Hwang

80.  The leading painting movement in the immediate post-WWII period was…