Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 6th March 2013, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Clr Carol Pratt
Clr Pat Burnett
Clr Tricia Barber
Clr Geoff Bagnall
Cllr Brian Baldwin
Clr Tina Domigan
Clr David Daykin / Cllr Trevor Allen
Clr Richard Cheetham
Cllr Sue Sprules
Clr John Green
Asst Clerk Jo Edmonds
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr John Gregory, Clr Linda Steer
Visitors: / District Cllr Jackie Cheetham, Mr. M Peachey (resident), Simon Cranmer of Hatfield Forest National Trust.
13/38 / Welcome and apologies
Chairman Clr. Carol Pratt opened the meeting, welcomed members, received apologies as above and introduced Joanne Edmonds, the new Assistant Clerk. / All note
13/39 /

Declarations of Interest:


Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a replacement form if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

/ All note
13/40 / Minutes
(previously circulated)
The minutes of the Council meeting 6th February 2013, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman, Clr Carol Pratt. / All note
13/41 / Open Forum
Simon Cranmer from Hatfield Forest National Trust gave an update on activities at the forest and what was planned for 2013.
§  450 000 visitors in 2012. 2nd most visited National Trust site in East of England
§  'Woodfest' September 2013
Simon agreed to put an article together for the next newsletter detailing the planned events at the forest for 2013.
DC Jackie Cheetham reported:
§  UDC last week approved a proposal to reduce Council Tax 2013/2014 by 1%
§  UDC is giving grants to people whose Housing Benefit is being reduced.
§  Little Canfield Parish Council have been asked to liaise with TPC in regards to dog bins and collections. It has been agreed that TPC will take responsibility of bins and collections on the whole of Priors Green. UDC will print and distribute leaflets to all residents (Takeley & Priors Green) in regards to being a responsible dog owner.
§  New transfer documents will have to be signed for the Priors Green Community Centre as there was a mistake on original documents. The new forms are currently in the post.
Martin Peachey (resident) gave an update of recent Community Speed Watch activity. TPC will seek an update from ECC in regards to the request for traffic calming measures in Takeley Street.
Following a serious RTA on Hatfield Broad oak road this week Mr. Peachey wished to commend the excellent response of Emergency Services.
In response to an enquiry from a resident in Garnetts a litter pick will be organised and advertised in next months Grapevine magazine. Saturday 13th April at 10am meeting on the Four Ashes village green. TPC will also write to the local shops asking them to keep their shop fronts clean and clear of rubbish, and request the UDC Rangers to litter pick verges in Takeley. It was also suggested that TPC contact the Probation Service to explore any opportunity to provide resources for litter picking.
Essex Superfast Broadband Project - article to be published in next newsletter to explain to residents how to register their interest. Villages will be prioritised on level of response received. / All note/
13/42 / February 2013 Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for February 2013 were tabled & agreed.
TPC noted a completed bank reconciliation. / All note
13/43 / RCCE Membership for Priors Green Community Hall
(previously circulated)
Agreed to renew the annual membership to the RCCE for Priors Green Community Hall at a cost of £40. / All note/
13/44 / Catch 22 re Z Bikes (or Wheels To Work)
(previously circulated)
Request for donation due to lack of funding. It was agreed that TPC would request some statistics from Catch 22 as to how many Takeley residents use the scheme. If no evidence of residents using the scheme is forthcoming the item would not be rescheduled at next meeting. / All note/
13/45 / Grove Cottage, Bishops Stortford
(previously circulated)
Grove Cottage provides social and educational activities for people with learning disabilities and are requesting funding support to prevent the closure of the special needs Pre School and Nursery in Bishop's Stortford. Children from Takeley currently attend the nursery.
TPC agreed a donation of £750. TPC will find out the actual number of children from Takeley who attend, and will consider making a further donation in the next financial year. / All note/
13/46 / Bench at Roseacres
TPC agreed colour and style of bench to replace the vandalised bench at Roseacres TPC Approved cost of £400. / All note/
13/47 / Molehill Green Post Office Stores - litter bin request
TPC agreed to add a large hooded style bin to the schedule of litter/dog bins. Initially collections will be fortnightly. / All note/ Clerk
13/48 / Stansted Airport Consultation on proposed Clearway (Terminal Road South) & parking bays on Seventh Avenue
(previously circulated)
TPC agreed not to respond to the consultation.
It was also agreed that TPC would write to the new MD, Andrew Harris, at the airport pointing out that some of the airport is located within Takeley Parish, and that the Parish Council would very much like to establish a regular line of communication with the new owners, and be involved in future planning for the airport. The Clerk will invite him to the next Parish Council Planning meeting to discuss future plans, including safe access to the airport for pedestrians. / All note/
13/49 / Clerks Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report.
§ Priors Green Community Hall new transfer documents are being issued due to a mistake on original paperwork. Clr Richard Cheetham available to sign new transfer documents on return from holiday on Wednesday 20th March.
§ Byway 25 (Jacks Lane) TPC will contact CC Clr Sue Barker to ask for her support on the proposal to extinguish vehicle rights on byway 25.
§ Takeley Sports Field – boundary hedge since the boundary hedge has been cut back it has become apparent there is a wide gap between the pedestrian gate and the hedge. Should fencing be installed?
Site visit to be carried out and findings reported back at next meeting. Youth activities A Youth Worker has contacted TPC and visited the village with a view to commencing visits with the Essex Youth Bus.
The Youth Worker was also happy to provide support with training and possible funds for any future Youth Centre project.
§ Police & Crime Commissioner Forum (7/3/13) Clr Richard Cheetham will be attending meeting.
§ Mobile Library Service No objections to change/length of stop at Priors Wood. Re Takeley Park TPC will respond suggesting half an hour slot maybe more appropriate than 20 minutes. The revised timetable will be listed in the next newsletter.
§ Clr Tricia Barber will attend the next SSE Parish Liaison meeting 14/3/13 / All note/
13/50 / Sports Field & Recreation Ground Inspection Report
Clr John Green has completed inspections of the Recreation Ground & Sports Field. A report was approved by TPC.
Recreation Ground refurbishment: TPC approved request from main contractor to continue working through the Easter holidays as currently running behind schedule. / All note/ Clerk
13/51 / Non Agenda Report
(previously circulated)
TPC noted the report. / All note
13/52 / Other Reports
Maps now available in office at Station House in addition to on line access.
Crumps Farm Liaison Meeting 5/3/2013
Clr John Green provided an update to TPC.
Local Policing
The car that has been abandoned on foot path close to Coopers End roundabout was reported to PCOS on 6/3/2013.
Clr Daykin requested TPC follow up for April meeting:
-Cutting of verges
- outstanding road/pothole repairs / All note

The meeting finished at 9.30pm.

THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday 3rd April 2013 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.

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