Online Questions, Cardiovascular Name:______
Multiple Choice Questions (some may have more than one correct answer; list all correct answers)
_____ 1. Erythrocytes are
a. also called RBCs b. spherical c. produced in bone marrow
d. one kind of leucocyte. E. carriers of oxygen.
______2. An antibody is
a. a plasma lipid b. in serum. C. a protein
d. a gamma globulin e. involved with clotting
_____ 3. Very small vessels that deliver oxygenated blood to capillaries are called
a. arterioles. b. venules c. arteries d. veins e. setum vessels.
______4. The blood-filled cavity of an open circulatory system is called the
a. lymphocoel. b. hemocoel. c. atracoel. d. sinus. e. ostium.
______5. Pulmonary arties carry blood that is
a. low in oxygen b. low in carbon dioxide c. high in oxygen
d. high in carbon dioxide e. on it way to the lungs
______6. Blood enters the right atrium from the
- right ventricle. B. inferior vena cava. C. superior vena cava.
d. pulmonary artery. E. jugular vein.
______7. The pericardium surrounds
a. atria only. b. ventricles only. c. blood vessels.
d. the pulmonary vein. e. the pulmonary artery.
______8. One would expect an ostrich to have a heart most like a
a. lizard b. crocodile. C. earthworm. D. human e. guppy.
______9. In general, blood circulates through vessels in the following order:
- veins, venules, capillaries, arteries, arterioles
- venules, veins, capillaries, arterioles, arteries
- Arteries, arterioles, venules, capillaries, veins
- Arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins
- Arteries, arterioles, carillaries, veins, venules
______10. Monocytes
a. are RBCs b. are WBCs c. are produced in the spleen
d. are large cells e. can become macrophages
Matching: For 1-10, use a. – m. below (one per blank)
____ 1. Network of fluid-carrying vessels and associated organs that participate in
immunity and the return of tissue fluid to the main circulation.
____ 2. The bicspid located between the left atrium and the left ventricle.
____ 3. The fluid in lymphatic vessels.
____ 4. The fluid portion of the blood consisting of a pale, yellowing fluid.
____ 5. A contracting chamber of the heart which forces blood into the ventricle.
____ 6. The rhythmic expansion of an artery that may be felt with the finger.
____7. The smallest arteries, which carry blood to the capillary beds.
____ 8. Contraction of the heart muscle, especially that of the ventricle, during which the heart pumps blood into arteries.
____ 9. Largest blood vessel in the body through which blood leaves the heart and enters the systemic circulation.
_____ 10. A blood vessel that carries blood from the tissues toward the heart.
a. Aorta b. Arterioles c. Artery d. Atrium e. Blood Pressure f. Interstitial fluid
g. Lymph h. Lymphatic system i. AV valve j. Plasma k. Pulse
l. Systole m. Vein
Short Answer
- Describe the functions of the lymphatic system.
- Describe what is occurring with the heart during the systolic cycle.
- Describe what is occurring with the heart during the diastolic cycle.
- Explain two similarities between arteries and veins.
- Explain two differences between arteries and veins.