Regular Board Meeting Page 4
February 19, 2008
The Board of Trustees of the Eustace Independent School District met in regular session at 7:02 p.m., with President Diane Russ presiding. The following members were present: Mike Smith, Thomas Frazier, James Cox, and Sara McAtee. Gary Walsh arrived at 7:12. Cotton Walker was not present. Also in attendance were Superintendent Coy Holcombe, Assistant Superintendent Janice Beasley, Carol Warren, Business Manager and Karen Thompson, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent.
Ms. Russ called the meeting to order and determined that a quorum was present. Thomas Frazier gave the invocation. Visitors included Danny Davis, Michelle Swan, Odessa Cooper, Emily Cooper. Ms. Russ asked if there was anyone who wished to address the Board in open communications. Mr. Davis addressed the board inviting them to the FFA chili cook off. He discussed the wonderful things that have been accomplished through this fund raiser and encouraged all to attend.
James Cox made a motion, seconded by Thomas Frazier to approve the minutes of the regular board meeting on January 15, 2008 as presented. All members voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
James Cox made a motion, seconded by Mike Smith to approve the budget balances, printed list of checks, tax collections, investment report, and budget amendments for January as presented. All members voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Janice Beasley gave a brief report to the Board about the DEIC meeting on February 12. Items discussed at the meeting included the proposed calendar for 2007-2008. Also discussed was the waiver for a modified schedule for TAKS testing days. There were several questions regarding the proposed calendar and the TAKS testing days. There was also discussion regarding board representation at DEIC meetings. Sara McAtee volunteered to represent the board.
In review of the property value comparisons for 2006 & 2007 Dr. Holcombe pointed out that the reasons our property value increases each year is due to several properties selling for considerably more than the actual appraised value. Dr. Holcombe advised that he spoke with Bill Jackson and he does intend to appeal these rates to get the state values in line with local values.
The board reviewed tax rates, referring to an unofficial list of most schools in our area and their M & O tax rates and their I & S tax rates.
Dr. Holcombe pointed out that the Pre-K expansion grant has not changed. TEA had previously discussed changes in the grant that would jeopardize schools all ready receiving the grant. This means Pre-K funding for Eustace ISD is valid for another year.
The Board received a card of thanks from the family of Ashtyn Hughes, the nephew of former Athletic Director Brad Scoggin.
An e-mail from Primary School teacher Holly Bailey was acknowledged. Eustace ISD supports her son, Roland Bailey, in the annual MDA Stride and Ride. This year Eustace ISD raised $5,600.78 on behalf of the team “Roland’s Racers”.
Dr. Holcombe acknowledged Eustace representatives to theHenderson County Area Football Team. These include Newcomer of the year Trevan Johnson, 1st Team Offense Nick Shutak and Josh Unruh, 1st Team Defense Byron Whitlock, 2nd Team Offense Lucas Cope, Josh Lopez and Chris Compton and 2nd Team Defense Garrett Rhodes. Also, Academic Allstate nominations for 3A, 1st team Brandon Grayson, 2nd team Garrett Rhodes and honorable mention Harley Mitchell and Matt Hickle.
The Board reviewed the January and February issues of Leadership Team Times. This is a monthly publication from TASB (Texas Association of School Boards).
At this time President Dian Russ moved item number 17, to this position. The board spoke with mother Odessa Cooper and daughter Emily Cooper regarding the transfer application submitted earlier. The board presented questions to Emily and her mother. It was agreed to discuss the matter further in closed session.
The Board reviewed TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 82, affecting (LOCAL) policies, first reading.
A. BJCF (Local): Superintendent – Nonrenewal
B. CCH (Local): Local Revenue Sources – Appraisal District
C. DBD (Local): Employment Requirements and Restrictions – Conflict of Interest
D. DBF (Local): Employment Requirements and Restrictions – Nonschool employment
E. FN (Local): Student Rights and Responsibilities
F. FNAA (Local): Student Expression – Distribution of Nonschool literature
G. GKDA (Local): Nonschool use of school facilities – Distribution of nonschool literature
No action was required at this time.
James Cox made a motion, seconded by Sara McAtee to apply to the Texas Education Agency for a waiver to modify the schedule of classes on TAKS testing days during the 2008-2009 school year in order to reduce interruptions during the testing periods. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Mike Smith made a motion, seconded by Thomas Frazier to participate in the Optional Flexible Year Program for 2008-2009. This program allows the district to modify its instructional calendar to provide a flexible year program to meet the educational needs of its students, including providing intensive instructional services. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
made a motion, seconded by ______to respond “is not expected to impact” to Statement of Impact Amendments from Comquest Academy Charter School and Southwest Schools. Comquest Academy is submitting an amendment request to the Commissioner of Education for the purpose of adding a campus and expanding the geographic boundary of the school. Southwest Schools is submitting an amendment request to the Commissioner of Education for the purpose of expanding the grade levels served and increasing the maximum enrollment from 2500 to 5250. Texas Education Agency guidelines require that the Statement of Impact form be sent to each district that may be affected by the proposed change, if the proposed change may adversely impact a district financially or if the proposed changes may impact the student enrollment of a district in a manner that impairs the district’s ability to comply with a court order. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
made a motion, seconded by ______to approve the sale of property described as Lot 5, Block 2, Cedar Branch Park Subdivision. All members present, with the exception of Thomas Frazier, voted in favor of the motion. Thomas Frazier voted against. Motion carried. No action
Gary Walsh made a motion, seconded by Sara McAtee to approve the agreement with Smith, Lambright & Associates to provide audit services for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2008. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Sara McAtee made a motion, seconded by Thomas Frazier to move the date of the March board meeting to Thursday, March 13 because of the spring break holiday. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Enrollment figures as of February 12 were: Primary – 459; Intermediate – 299; Middle School – 341; and High School – 433. The district total - 1,532. This is a decrease of 37 students from the same time last year. The attendance percentages for the fourth six-week period were: Primary – 94.39%; Intermediate – 96.13%, Middle School – 95.7%, and High School – 94.59%. The overall attendance for the fourth six-week period was 95.21%.
The Board discussed the 2008-2009 school calendar proposed by the DEIC committee. Teachers and staff would begin on August 19, with students starting on August 25. Holidays would be on September 1, November 26-28, December 22 through January 2nd, March 16 – 20, April 10 and May 25. Bad weather days would be June 4 and 5. June 3 would be the last day for students and graduation would be on Saturday, May 30. After a brief discussion about holidays, Sara McAtee made a motion, seconded by Gary Walsh to adopt the 2008-2009 school calendar as proposed. All members voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
At 8:02 p.m., the Board took a break. At ______p.m. they went into closed session. The Board came out of closed session at 12:20 a.m., and reconvened in open session at _____ a.m.
Sara McAtee made a motion, seconded by Cotton Walker to approve the additions to the substitute list for 2007-2008 as presented. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Cotton Walker made a motion, seconded by Thomas Frazier to extend the contract of Janice Beasley, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction, by one additional year. This gives Mrs. Beasley a two-year contract beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2008. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Thomas Frazier made a motion, seconded by Diane Russ to extend a one-year contract to Mr. E. L. Kirk, Director of Special Programs for the district, beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Gary Walsh made a motion, seconded by Sara McAtee to extend the contract for athletic director Brad Scoggin by one additional year per stipulations. This will give Mr. Scoggin a two-year contract beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2008. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Sara McAtee made a motion, seconded by Cotton Walker to extend the contracts for principals Dianne Shaffer, Robert Reeve, Karyn Mullen, and Stan Sowers by one additional year per their individual evaluation document. This will give all four campus principals a two-year contract beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2008. All members present voted in favor of the motion. Motion carried.
Diane Russ made a motion, seconded by Gary Walsh to adjourn. All members present voted in favor of the motion and the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 a.m.
Mike Smith, President Diane Russ, Secretary