BEAM Change:
With Multiple PeopleTools Releases
Table of Contents
Overview 3
PS_Home 3
Toolbin setting 3
Windows Registry settings 4
Alternative Toolbin setting 5
Additional information 6
The purpose of this document is to explain the issues, and options to configuring Change to handle multiple PeopleTools releases.
To avoid conflicts with the PeopleTools executables, ensure that the directory mapping is set to use the PeopleSoft environment’s PS_Home, and not a PS_Home stored locally, (on the C drive). This is the typical structure, with or without, multiple PTools releases.
Toolbin setting
The first aspect that must be addressed to handle multiple PeopleTools versions is the TOOLBIN parameter, which defines where to find, and execute the pside exe.
Change defines this via the Global Properties, the ToolBin parameter:
TOOLBIN P:\bin\client\winx86 P drive is mapped to PeopleTools 8.49
The Global Properties span across all environments defined to Change.
To handle multiple Ptools versions, Beacon recommends moving the definition of the Toolbin parameter down a level, to the environment level.
At the environment definitions, add a new property to define the Toolbin for that specific environment.
This must be done for each environment.
Windows Registry settings
If the two versions of PeopleTools have different windows registry structures, then the workstation must address the windows registry structure. This typically is not required for minor version differences of PeopleTools (ie 8.51 to 8.52).
PeopleTools 8.4x to 8.5x does impact the windows registry, requiring the following action:
The windows registry settings associated with PeopleTools, on the workstation being used by the Change user will require access to both PeopleTools versions, with a registry structure that can handle both versions. This is typical the administrator, and/or the person responsible for migrating jobs across the PeopleSoft platform.
A windows registry structure must be built to handle both PeopleTools version. The PeopleSoft workstation install loads the registry with the settings for that specific PeopleTools version. The install will overlay any previous settings. To build a registry for both PTools versions, the registry must be manually updated. The order of building this registry is very important:
· Install the older version of Peopletools
· Save this registry structure, via a regedit export
· Install the newer version of Peopletools
· Import (via a regedit import) the older structure into the current registry so both version exists
The following is a step by step example
· After install the older version PeopleTools (PeopleTools 8.49) to the workstation,
· Run the PSConfig, launch app designer to ensure a successful install
· (Note: for some versions, app design may have to be launched, and set the build settings to properly initiate the registry directories.).
· From regedit, export the registry structure:
Install the current version PeopleTools (PeopleTools 8.52) to the workstation,
Run the PSConfig, launch app designer to ensure a successful install
From regedit, import the prior registry to this new registry structure:
At this point, both PeopleTools version will reside within the registry.
Please note: PeopleTools versions 8.5x, still builds a registry structure with the name ‘Release8.40’.
Alternative Toolbin setting
Rather than defining a single ‘Toolbin’ parameter for both versions at the environment level, it is possible to handle the multiple PTools releases by creating two Toolbin parameters at the global properties level.
TOOLBIN P:\bin\client\winx86 P drive is mapped to PeopleTools 8.49
TOOLBIN852 Z:\bin\client\winx86 Z drive is mapped to PeopleTools 8.52
However, this means that the migration path tasks must use the correct Toolbin definition. So either version specific migration tasks must be established (Project Build849 and Project Build852) or the parameters within the migration paths must be edited to select the proper Toolbin parameter associated to the environments of that migration path.
· Financial migration path, with Financial environments, using TOOLBIN852
· HCM migration path, with HCM environments using TOOLBIN
Additional information
Additional detailed information related to this topic can be found in:
BEAM Change User Guide
PeopleBooks – PeopleTools Application Designer, Project Build functionality
Knowledge base Project Build document
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