Safety Groups – Five Steps Worksheet
Element Name: Motor Vehicle Safe Driving Areas highlighted in yellow are requirements of the Safety Group Program
Type of Driving:
q Drive Company Vehicle
Step 1 - Set Standard- See Sample Policy Provided
q The standard describes exactly how the element will be implemented in the workplace
q The standard clearly describes the specific responsibilities of everyone in the workplace (e.g., management, supervisors, workers, JHSC, Safety Group contact, etc.)
q It outlines exactly how the standard will be communicated
q It outlines exactly what health and safety training is necessary to meet the standard
q It outlines exactly how the standard will be evaluated at the end of the year
q The requirements of the standard are realistic
q The standard meets minimum legislative requirements.
Step 2 - Communication
q The standard will be communicated to
o All those responsible for implementing the standard
o All those who will be affected by the standard.
Groups of Persons requiring communication / Means of Communication(e.g., bulletin boards, emails, memos, meetings, etc.)
Employees who drive or transport clients- both company vehicle or personal vehicle for work
Step 3 – Training
q The training requirements outlined in the standard will be fulfilled as follows
Groups of Persons to be Trained / Training Content / Method of TrainingManagers / Manager responsibility / Policy- team meeting
Employees who drive / Driving rules/road safety- vehicle safety and maintenance- reporting of incidents-breakdown procedures- vehicle licensing-driving distractions
Defensive driving / Policy/DVD/ meeting/ posters/handouts-fact sheets
(use info from Appendix L, H, Q, O)
Annual skills training
Step 4 – Evaluation:
q Proposed date of evaluation of the standard: ___6 months after training______
q Means of evaluation (e.g., quizzes, surveys, workplace inspection observations, accident statistical review, etc.): _Must include driver performance-example-Appendix G or H- Risky driving quiz
q Persons responsible for conducting the evaluation: _JHSC/ manager of program______
Step 5 – Acknowledge Success/ Make Improvements:
o Who will formally acknowledge / recognize this success? _manager/ CEO______
o How will success be formally acknowledged? Performance appraisal/newsletter__
o Date of acknowledgement: ______
q Improvements recommended as a result of the above evaluation will be completed by: manager_/program lead/JHSC recommendations______
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