Male Reproductive

I) Penis

A) Congenital

Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis

- hypospadias = opening on the ventral surface

- epispadias = opening on dorsal surface

- both associated with failure of testes to descend and other urinary malformat’s

B) PrepuceCircumcision or not?

- phimosis = orifice of prepuce is too small to retract; swelling; constriction of

glans = paraphimosis, leading to urinary retention

C) Inflammation

- balanoposthitis = inflammation of glans and prepuce, many bugs, fungi etc.

- may lead to scaring and restriction of urinary flow.

D) Tumors: remember HPV

Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis

- condyloma acuminatum = papilloma; HPV types 6 and 11

- carcinoma in situ:

- Bowen’s disease; shaft (men and women; other malignancies)

- Erythroplasia of Queyart; glans

- Bowenoid papulosis: pigmented-brown; in situ; both men and women; HPV 16

- invasive carcinoma

- squamous cell ca

- infections, irritation, HPV 16 and 18

- not too common, goes to local nodes

- white to grey and gritty

II) Testis and epididymis

A) congenital

- cryptorchid: undescended; position; unilateral; cancer; infertility; buserlin

- synorchism: fusion

B) atrophic changes; atherosclerosis; age; inflammation; crypt; hypopit; obstruction;

radiation and chemothrx; exhaustion atrophy

C) inflammation; bug, less often autoimmune

- rarely separate, ie epidid and testis; bug frequently from urinary tract; age

- GC; younger men; ascending infection

- mumps; rare in prepuberty; about 30% in post puberty; edema and mononuclear infiltrate

- TB; starts in epidid and spreads to testis; blood

- syphilis; testis first, then epidi; secondary phases of disease; end arteritis

D) Vascular and “mechanical”; torsion and infarction; HURTS

E) Scrotal masses

- Testicular

Tumors, i.e. neoplasia (Solid)

- Epididymal

Inflammatory (rubor, dolor, calor, TUMOR)

- Peritesticular

Hernia, hydrocele (transilluminates) vascular

F) tumors of testis; (1) germ cell = reproductive element; (2) non-germinal = supportive

- Tumor markers (measured in blood)

- Embryonic tissue signals

- Beta HCG

- Alpha-feto protein

- When to draw blood sample?

- germinal line; highly aggressive; wide spread; trx progress; histology classes; many are “mixed pattern”; mediastinum and supraclavicular nodes

- development; crypt; genetic, isochromosome I(12p), testicular dysgenesis

- seminoma; most common; three common patterns; no AFP or HCG

- watery clear cells with fibro ct stromal bands; lobules

- Embryonal carcinoma; aggressive; 20-30 yrs group

- fleshy with areas of hemorrhage and necrosis

- glandular and “alveolar” arrangements; embryonic

- often part of something else, rare as a single tumor

- +/- markers

- yolk sac; embryonic yolk sac looking; rare; AFP+

- choriocarcinoma; HCG+

Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis

- syncytium of pink staining cells like syncytial trophoblasts

- small primary with wide spread mets

-teratoma; three categories, most are malignant in males

- embryonic tissues types, look for cartilage, skin and bone

- markers +/-

- “mixed pattern”; most frequent; grade by most aggressive element

- general features of all forms of testicular malignancies

- painless enlargement

- distant spread

- mediastinum and supraclavicular nodes

- mediastinal primary (?)

- clinical stage is very important

- Stage I; testis

- Stage II: retroperitoneal mets bellow diaphragm

- Stage III: above diaphragm

- Markers always !!

- nongerm line: sex cord and gonadal stroma

- Leydig cell: stroma: androgens, estrogens and even corticosteroids

- testicular enlargement; maybe gynecomastia

- Sertoli cell tumor: sex cord; “androblastoma”; rarely hormonally active

- primary testicular lymphoma; rare

- non-neoplastic “tumors”

- hydrocele

- hematocele

- spermatocele

- varicocele

- chylocele (lymph obstruction, not really chyle as in GI)

III) Prostate: (1) inflammation; (2) hyperplastic enlargement and (3) cancer

Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis

A) inflammation; (1) acute and chronic bacterial and (2) “chronic prostatitis”

- acute bacterial: ascending; E. Coli; gram neg rods; enterococci

- catheter, surgical manipulation, TUR, “experimentation”

- dysuria, fever, chills

- chronic bacterial: low back pain, dysuria, suprapubic pain, common bugs

- chronic abacterial prostatitis: very much like chronic bacterial, but sterile cultures, Chlamydia,

Ureaplasma (?)

B) BPH, very common

- androgens; dihydrotestosterone (DHT), transitional zone of prostate, periutheral

- nodular enlargement with glandular hyperplasia; both glands and stroma

- urethral compression with secondary problems

- cancer risk (?) not much if any

Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis Ref: Robbins; Pathologic Basis of Dis.

C) Cancer, frequency increases with age; very common tumor, but not common cause of death

- not common in Asia

- risk factors; age; race; family hx; hormone levels; environmental

- adeno with various patterns; Gleason’s grading system

- sclerosis in many cases

- perineural involvement


- Gleason is cyto grade: ‘Score’ and ‘Grade’

Score = 1 – 5, Grades is sum of best and worst

- stages = spread

- I (A1 and A2) microscopic, focal or diffuse, no spread out of cap

- II (B1 and B2) confined to prostate; +/- 1.5 cm

- III (C1 and C2) extracapsular spread, but confined to pelvis

- IV (D1) retroperitoneal nodes 3 or fewer

(D2) distant spread

- bone mets may be OSTEOBLASTIC OR LYTIC, but prostate is one of the few that will produce blastic mets

- PSA; made by both benign and malignant growths of prostate.

- Must now sizeof gland to accurately interpret.

- serine protease, liquefies seamen

- greater diffusion of PSA out of malignant cells, not more production

- Surgery , hormone manipulation and chemo

- synthetic analogs of LHRH

- Androgen refractory prostate cancer

IV Sexually transmitted diseases


- Hepatitis B

- GC

- Syphilis





Testing; false positive VDRL


- Chlamydia