Dear Longhorns,
I hope everyone is having a great summer. We will have our first practice August 8th. You must have your physical form turned in before August 8th to practice that day. If you turn it in on August 8th you will miss the first day of practice.Don’t get behind before we get started.(Cedar Hill CareNow $25 Physicals until July 31st)
- Athletic Participation Packet has to be completely filled out online to get equipment
Steps to complete registration: (Must have student ID to complete registration)
- Parents log onto this hyperlink:
- Click on the “Electronic Participation Forms” tab.
- Complete forms 1-7.
- Submit a parent and student electronic signature on each form.
- Then click on the “Download and Print” tab, print the physical, medical history, or any additional medication forms. You must have a physician signature on the physical form.
- Print a copy for your records.
- Turn in your athletic fee, physical, medical history, and any additional medication forms to the Cedar Hill athletic training department for review.
- You can turn in your physical at the High School: August 1st-5th 8am-12pm / 2pm-5pm
August 6th 9am- 12pm
- You can pick up your Equipment on: August 1st – 5th 8 am to 6 pm
Things you should know:
- We will be selling Longhorn Cards again. We expect every team member to sell 10 cards.
- August 8th Online registration begins (For more information go to Parents section)
Key Dates:
- August 1st- 6th Turn in Physical Packets Pick up equipment
- August 6thStart Presale of Longhorn Cards for a week
- August 6thTeam and Individual pictures: (JV Group 9:10 am / JV
Individual 9:30am / Varsity Group Pictures 9:30 am Varsity Individuals9:50 am)
- August 8th1st day of practice 7:00 am
- August8th – 18th Morning Practice 7:00 am(subject to change depending on weather)
- August 8thOnline Registration begins
- August 13thSaturday morning Practice at 8:00 am
- August 13thFood/Drinks from 5:00-6:15pm Booster Meeting at 6:30 at the High School Auditorium Door # 37
- August 13th Mandatory Parents Meetingat the High School at
7:00 p.m. in the Auditorium Door # 37
- August 13th Longhorn Card Blitz Night 5:00 pm
- August 18thLonghorn Round-up (Varsity)
- August 19th Scrimmage vs. Mansfield Timberview @ Cedar Hill (JV at 5:30 pm &Varsity at 7pm)
- September 5th Labor Day 6 pm practice (time may change)
- October 10thFair Day 8 am practice
- Picture Day: Be at the school 30 minutes before picture time to get your uniform. (Be patient on picture day) Picture Packets will be available when you pick up equipment.
- Cedar Hill CareNow $25 Physicals (Until July 31st)
If you have any questions, please call me at 214-793-4852