Earth Science Regents 06-07 Name:______

Plate Tectonics Webquest Worksheet Period:______

Mr. Lombardo

Directions: Answer the following questions on these worksheets using the internet sources through the webquest. Use this worksheet as a rough draft before you type your answers for final submission.

1. What evidence did Alfred Wagner use to support his theory of continental drift?

2. Why do you think people didn't believe continental drift theory when Wagner first explained it?

3. Who were the two scientists that brought forth supporting evidence to Wagner's theory, and what was their evidence?

4. What are the three different types of plate boundaries, describe each type? (Draw pictures of each too!)

5. Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of plate boundary is present.$

6. What are the three different types of convergent plate boundaries? (Draw more pictures!)

7. Give an example of a location on Earth where each type of convergent plate boundaries occur. $

8. Explain what plate tectonics and ocean trenches have in common?

9. How old are the rocks off the east coast of North Americacompared to the rocks right along the mid Atlantic ridge, why do you think this is the case?

10. What is a convection current or convectioncell, describe how it works (Include (draw)a picture of one too)?

11. What are the two main sources of heat inside the Earth?

12. What types of tectonic forces create mountains?

13. What are horsts and grabens (describe and draw a picture of both), and where can they be found?

14. Describe how the mountains across Utah and Nevada were formed?

15. What are two bad things that can happen as a result of plate tectonics, how did plate tectonics cause these events?

16. What are three good things that plate tectonics provide for humans, how do plate tectonics provide these things?

Don’t forget the bonus questions

1.) How might the continents be positioned in the future? Describe how the positions might/should change.

How about this one?

2.) You see what scientists think will happen up to 250 million years into the future. What do YOU think will happen to the continents if we go even further into the future? For example 500 million years?