Monday, March 6, 2017

-Tutoring Club is available in the am from 7:35 to 8:35 Monday through Friday and in the pm from 3:15 to 4:15 Monday through Thursday.

-Intramurals continue today – 6th/7th/8th graders will have sports in the Girls’ Gym. In order to participate, you need a Tutoring Ticket, which you can get by attending tutoring or if you have an 83 or above in all classes, you can see your counselor.

-All students received Field Trip Permission Slips for the end of the year trip. The 6th grade trip will cost $45.00, the 7th and 8th grade trips will cost $ 50.00. Make sure all slips and money are returned to the homeroom teacher by Thursday, April 27, 2017. Just a reminder, even if you will not be attending the trip, a permission slip must be returned.

-The Computer Club will be collecting Box Tops. Turn in your box tops to your homeroom teachers during the month of March. If you have any questions, see Ms. Pagano in room 007.

-Scrabble Club will meet this Wednesday, March 8, 2017 in room 103. All are welcome.

-Volleyball practice is on Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the boys’ gym right after school.

-Martial Arts Club will meet today after school in the Cafeteria.

-Attention cast of Hairspray - there will be a full cast choreography rehearsal for the cast in the cafeteria on Tuesday, March 7, 2017. Be ready to dance; all cast members must attend. This is our only day to choreograph this number so please be prompt. Tuesday’s rehearsal will be from 3 pm to 5 pm. Remember that Wednesday’s rehearsal will only be the cast members featured in Good Morning Baltimore, and will be from 3 pm to 5 pm in the auditorium. If you were unsure if you were cast, please check the list outside the auditorium after period 1 or with Gabriella Perez at some point today. If you know you were cast, but missed Friday’s first rehearsal, please see Gabriella Perez or Sofia Asali for a two-week schedule and a copy of the contract. Contracts must be returned to Ms. Conway at tomorrow’s rehearsal.

-Today 13 students were rewarded for being Everyday Heroes. Congratulations and keep up the good work.

-Have a great day!