Reading Topics Ch. 39 ALL… Remember 100pt. 20Q quiz on Monday 4/28 


1 Opening Quote 939. Who? In what context is the person speaking about being a crook?

2 Chart 939-PC 939.Title of Chart? Title of PC? Common Concern of the 70’s economy? What happens to “Real” incomes in the 70’s? Due to? The Consumer Price Index rose at an annual rate of what in the 1970’s?

3 Photo 940. The Nixon Doctrine. Do we still go anywhere to fight communism or “police” the world?

4 bbox 941-PC 941-Photo 941. Subject? According to the bbox…What was our fundamental Military Strategy? The PC and Photo…What do most Americans by the 1970’s think of our participation in Vietnam? Nixon disagrees and believes that there was a “silent majority” that approved of our countries actions…. With his elections in 68’ and 72’ … it makes you wonder which perspective is correct >

5 Claymation 942-PC 943. Who is the famous Secretary of State and National Security Advisor for Nixon and Ford? What is Détente? (French word ) What product does Nixon use to help our Foreign Policy with China and the USSR?

6 Photo 945. Environmental issues began to be addressed in a huge way in the 1970’s … Who is pictured (The mother of the Modern Conservation Movement) What is the Name of her book?

7 Electoral Map 1972…946. Due to the controversy of Watergate ….Nixon becomes the only President to resign in history… Bumper stickers of the period would say “ Don’t blame me I’m from Massachusetts.” Why?

8 bbox 947. Where do US forces secretly bomb in 1969-1970? What where they bombing? (remember purple line on map 916)

9 PC 948 – What Crisis? The price of what quadruples in 1974?

10 Photo 949-PC 950 (2)- ex. The ev. 951-PC 952. Common Topic? Referred to in 3 of the visuals… What did Nixon do in the White House that ended up being the “smoking gun,” proof of his cover-up efforts in the Watergate controversy? What literally was Watergate? Nixon attempted to not give up the “evidence” by claiming “executive privilege” (pc) In The Supreme Court…US v. Nixon… ruled What? Nixon does what Aug. 9th, the only pres. To do so in history? Who becomes the ONLY NON-ELECTED PRESIDENT IN HISTORY? What does he do for Nixon after he becomes President?

11 Brown Pages 954-5 Title? South Vietnam fell when? Most early immigrants from Vietnam were ? How many escape? Resettlement officials attempted to find what for each Vietnamese family? How many Vietnamese descendantstoday in USA?

12 Photo 956. What had become the most morally charged and divisive issue in American Society by the end of the 20th century?

13Photo 957. Who is pictured? What campaign? She claimed that the ERA amendment… would bring what (3) changes for women?

14 Brown Pages 958-59*****Very IMPT*** Title? Pictured 958? Declaration? Where? When? Photo 959- New Feminists were called? 2 leaders mentioned? READING- Founding Mother of American Feminism? Inspired by? Famous line from the Declaration of Sentiments? Terms that distinguish the Women’s movement of the 19th century from that of the 20th century? Credited for founding the 2nd wave? Book? Where was the “Comfortable Concentration Camp” for women? Organization founded by BF in 1966? Ideas, Leaders, and Tactics of 2nd wave feminists grew out of ? Amendment that FAILS, in 1982 3 states short of ratification? More Radical Leader? Two organizations she worked with during the civil rights movement? Organization R.Morgan founded due to her experience of SEXISM while working for civil rights? Protested where, what? Threw what in Trash cans? (3) Key diversity in 2nd wave feminists? Gender_____ v. gender______? Key commonality in 2nd wave feminists… (key weapon in gender discrimination)?

15 Photo 960. Protest demonstration, where? Demonstrating against, what? Fed what that develops in the 1980’s with which President?

16 Photo 961. Historic Peace Accord…signed between what two countries in 1978? Who is President? What are the accords called? Hoped that peace would come to which part of the world?

17 PC 961. Carter Returns what? By when? Who is upset in the PC?

18 Graph 962- bbox 963. According to the graph, by 2000, it took how much to buy what 1$ could by In 1967? In the bbox, Pres. Carter, speaks to the Nation on TV due to the sluggish and struggling economy…This speech is called ? He states that there is a crisis of what?

19 PC 964. The 1st SALT talks were led by Nixon….The 2nd SALT talks Carter… What does S.A.L.T. stand for?

20 Photo 964. What country is protesting the USA and Jimmy Carter in 1979? What lasts 444 days, without question leading to Ronald Reagan’s victory over Carter in the 1980 Presidential election? Who were held hostage, 444 days?

INTRO [Stagflation]

21 The entire decade of the 1970’s did not witness a productivity advance equal to…? At this rate, in the 70’s, it would take ______to bring about another doubling of the avg. worker’s standard of living (which had happened twice…50’s and 60’s) Income ______in the 2 decades after 1970…Family income failed to decline ONLY because of the addition of ______wages to the family. The 70’s economic GLOOM gave way to an unaccustomed ______.

22 Why the slump in productivity in the 1970’s (4)? Yet in the last analysis…it is a ______?

23 The Vietnamese War drained? Deflected? Touched off?

24 Rising Oil Prices? Gov’t policies of the 60’s? Without a ?

25 Both ______and ______are inherently INFLATIONARY, because they put ______in people’s hands without ______to the ______of goods that these dollars can buy! When too many _____ chase too few _____ , PRICES _____.

26 The cost of living more than ______from 1969 – 1974, The largest and steepest INFLATIONARY CYCLE in American History.

27 Industries like ______, ______, and ______became to be dominated by foreign manufacturers due to the lack of forward thinking by American Businesses.

28 A stalemated unpopular ______, and a ______unresponsive economy ended the liberal dream that an ______could spend its way to ______.

Nixon “VIETNAMIZES” the War

29 Nixon urged Americans to stop ______at one another.

30 He harbored bitter resentments against the ______.

31 Nixon’s best asset was his knowledge of ______.

32 Nixon’s new policy in Vietnam was called? The Plan to withdraw the ______US Troops over an extended period. The ______could then take over the WAR.

33 USA would honor its current commitments BUT in the future…. The world would have to fight their own wars… This is called the ______.

34 Nixon appealed to a ______who supported the WAR.

35 VP Spiro Agnew called the anti-war group ______. Nixon, simply, called them ____.

36 By Jan. 1970 Vietnam had become the ______in American History, and the ______most costly.

37 The Draft exempted ______and men with critical civilian skills, thus the armed forces were made up of the ______young Americans. ______plummeted as time went on…. The 1968 ______massacre was reported in 1970 further hurting popular support. Nontheless…Nixon in 1970 widened the WAR by attacking ______.

Cambodianizing the Vietnam War

38 North Vietnam and the Viet Cong (S. Vietnamese communists) … had been using ______(Ho Chi Minh Trail) as a springboard for ______, ______, and ______. Nixon decides to attack ______and the Trail.

39 ______nationwide protest…@ ______state university in Ohio, ___ were killed and @ ______state college in Mississippi ______were killed and the Nation fell prey to turmoil.

40 Bitterness over Cambodia was getting worse between ____ and _____.

41 26th Amendment?

42 “Pentagon Papers” , leaked to the NY Times in 1971, documented problems in Vietnam during the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations … This DECEPTION especially upset the media and people furthering the ______Gap between the Gov’t and the People.

Nixon’s Détente with Beijing and Moscow [Ping Pong Diplomacy]

43 What two Communist Nations were in conflict at this time… which Nixon uses as an opportunity to get out Vietnam with their support.

44 Nixon’s national security advisor, later Nixon and Ford’s Secretary of State, ______began to secretly meet with officials from ______to discuss ______in 1969?

45 Ping-Pong Diplomacy…begins with Nixon’s visit to ______in Feb. 1972… (remember the USA’s pp team played there…Forrest Gump, illustrates)

46 Nixon next “ponged” over to ______in May of 1972.

47 Nixon’s visits ushered in an era of ______(French word)

48 The USA agreed to sell _____, ______, and other cereals to the USSR…in exchange the agreed to the 1st SALT treaty….What does SALT stand for? And an ABM Treaty.

49 M.I.R.V.? How many thousand nuclear warheads were deployed by both sides by the 1980’s?

50 South American country where the CIA/Nixon ousted Marxist Slavador Allende in favor of Military Dictator Augusto Pinochet?

A New Team on the Supreme Bench

51 The Warren Court, 1953-1969, was an “active” court…Certainly reflecting a deep concern for ______.

52 Griswold v. Conn, 1965-

53 Gideon V. Wainwright, 1963 –

54 Escobedo, 1964 & Miranda, 1966-

55 Engel v. Vitale, 1962 & Abington Township v. Schempp, 1963 –

56 Reynolds v. Sims, 1964 –

57 Nixon attempting to change the Supreme Court …. Make it less “active”…. More conservative… appoints a new Chief Justice ______in 1969 and he appointed ______more by 1971… however Conservative they were supposed to be… They were the Majority in the MOST CONTROVERSIAL CASE of modern times ______v. ______, 1973…which legalized ______.

Nixon on the Homefront

58 Nixon, surprisingly, since he was a conservative republican, presided over a significant expansion of the ______. Such as (3)? And a new one?

59 Philadelphia Plan-Federal Contracts? Affirmative Action? Griggs v. Duke Power co. 1971? Charges of “Reverse Discrimination” … Bakke v. California, 1978 (p. 957)

60 Environmental protection…. Nixon and Congress (controlled by Democrats) creates what two (2) new Federal Government agencies in 1970? What 2 Acts of Congress 1970, 1973?

61 Nixon stuns the world in 1971 by doing what? (2)

62 Nixon planning for the 1972 Election … Strategy was called? Opposed 3 ideas?

The Nixon Landslide 1972

63 What issue dominates the 1972 election?

64 Democratic Opponent?

65 12 days before the election, Dr Kissinger announces?

66 Nixon won all states except?

67 Jan. 23, 1973 what is agreed to ? # of American troops left in Vietnam after Nixon’s Vietnamization strategy, 1973?

The Secret Bombing of Cambodia and the War Powers Act

68 Congressional opposition to the expansion of Presidential War Making Powers by Johnson and Nixon led to What act being passed by Congress in 1973? What did the act require?

69 What month and year does the DRAFT end?

The Arab Oil Embargo and the Energy Crisis

70 The beginning of the Energy crisis… Middle East erupts again when what two countries unleash a surprise attack on Israel in 1973? Nixon’s response? Arab Nations response to the USA saving Israel? USA reaction at home? OPEC (what does it stand for?) does what in 1974 after lifting the embargo (5mths long) ? Fuel efficient automobiles from where become commonplace… hurting the American Auto Industry, for sure?

Watergate and the Unmaking of a President (Washington Post has a great website on this  )

71 What is the name of the scandal that causes Nixon to resign in 1974, the only President in American History to do so?

72 What begins the story…Jan. 17, 1972 (way before the 72 election) ? Who did they work for (acronym is somewhat ironic ) ? This was just one of Nixon’s ______?

73 Who was forced to resign for taking bribes when he was Gov. of Maryland? Who takes his place as VP, according to the 25th amendment?

74 Nixon from the beginning claimed, what?

75 John Dean III, white house atty, claims that Nixon knew…what?

76 Saturday Night Massacre? (3) fired…

77 Who rules against Nixon forcing him to turn over the TAPES?

78 8/8/74?

79 Who becomes the ONLY and 1st UNELECTED President of the USA?

The 1st Unelected President

80 One of Ford’s first actions was to PARDON whom?

81 Helsinki Accords, 1975, 35 nations agree that?

Defeat in Vietnam

82 The last Americans in Vietnam were removed by ______April 29th , 1975?

83 Cost of Vietnam? # of US Dead? # of US Wounded?

84 America had lost what in Vietnam (4)?

Feminist Victories and Defeats

85 What group showed vitality and momentum ?

86 In 1972 Congress passed Title 9 (IX) of the Educational Amendments…. Prohibiting? Biggest Impact? Roe v. Wade, 1973? Backlash… divorce rate does what 1960 – 1976? ERA ?

The 70’s in Black and White

87 Swann v. Meckelenberg County, 1971 had allowed for busing to be used to integrate schools … but only so far because in Milliken v. Bradley, 1974 the court rules that students cannot be required to be bused outside ______.

88 Native American Activists protest @ 2 places in 1970, by taking over ______and in a confrontation with the FBI @ ______in 1973. Both led by A.I.M. (American Indian Movement) US v. Wheeler, 1978- ?

The Bi-Centennial Campaign and Carter Victory

89 Election of 1976… candidates and parties? Winner?

90 Promise of Jimmy Carter, he kept it by the way  (he said)?

91 New Federal department created by Carter?

92 Carter pardon’s what group… very controversial…. ?

Carter’s Humanitarian Diplomacy

93 Opposed Apartheid in what 2 countries?

94 Biggest Success 1978… Treaty called the Camp David Accords…was between what two nations>

95 Transferred ownership of what US asset to the Panamanians by the year 2000?

Economic and Energy Wars

96 During Carter’s Presidency, 1977 – 1981, the economy was in turmoil…. Inflation rate climbed to ______% by 1979…. Deficits in the Federal Budget reached ____ Billion in 1980…. INTEREST RATES, including the Prime Rate (rate banks charge other banks), climbed to ______% by early 1980.

97 Iran Hostage Crisis.. The ____ is overthrown (put in control in 1954 by a coup supported by the CIA) in 1979. The Revolutionaries called the USA the “______,” OPEC raises oil prices again…(skip to bottom 963) and in Nov. 1979, the ______is taken by a revolutionary MOB in Teheran, Iran…taking all present HOSTAGE ( for 444 days, until Ronald Reagan is inaugurated)… Meanwhile… Carter’s rescue mission failed killing ____. Seemingly showing Carter as incompetent. (a big reason along with the economy why R. Reagan is elected in 1980 election.

Foreign Affairs and the Iran Imbroglio

98 Carter and Soviet Leader Brezhnev meet in Vienna and sign what agreement?

99 What country invades Afghanistan Dec. 1979? What was Carter’s Response? What about the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympic Games?