Potential Science Projects

Please read over each of the following project descriptions, select your top 2 choices, complete the provided selection paper and return it to me next class. It must clearly list your top two choices and why you think each would be a good choice for you. I will match each of you to one project based on your input. I have tried to give a broad range of choices to meet your unique learning styles. I am not a fan of group projects but if you can give me a good argument for doing one of these projects that says **Suitable for Pairs with a classmate then I will give it serious consideration.

I will be giving you some class time to work on them but most of it will need to be done on your own time at home. Projects will be due on Tuesday, October31, 2017 – Day 3.

Project #1: Timeline (Not suitable for pairs.)

Space exploration has only been happening for less than 50 years. Within this time frame, a number of major advancements have occurred.

a)Research the major events in the history of NASA and the CSA(Canadian Space Agency).

Include: space shuttle launches, launches of space vehicles and space probes, missions to repair the Hubble Space Telescope, and any other interesting/important information.

b)Create a Timeline to represent these events

The timeline should be long enough to fit on the side wall of the classroom and wide enough to see from a distance. It must include color, diagrams, pictures, headlines, etc.

c)Include on your timeline why each event was significant.

d)Explain what future space travel will be like. What are the current goals of NASA and the CSA? What types of vehicles, flights, missions, etc. will occur in the future?(Includeresearched information and your own ideas.).

Timeline MUST be in your OWN WORDS!!!

Marking Scheme:


Significance of events are explained in own words /10

Explanation of future of space travel is clear and concise /7


Timeline is unique and creative /3

Timeline is neatly and professionally done /5

Drawings are included and colored /2

Bibliography completed accurately /3

Total: /30

Project #2:Design a Mission (Not suitable for pairs.)

There have been many missions conducted on the past by NASA, including landing on the moon, sending space probes to other planets, building large telescopes in space, and building an International Space Station. Before starting this project, research some of the other missions (manned or unmanned) that NASA has completed. This will help you determine uses for further missions.

a)Create a mission to another part of the universe (i.e. a planet, the sun, etc.).

-What will your mission explore?

-What must you do to prepare prior to the mission launch?

-What will you expect to find on your mission?

-How will your mission lead you to further missions?

b)Design a Mission Patch to represent your mission: (Research mission patches designed by NASA for ideas)

- The Patch should be drawn and colored on blank paper and should fill the whole page.

- Explain what each component of the patch symbolizes and why you chose them.

Marking Scheme:


Mission is relevant and plausible /5

Mission questions answered clearly and concisely /7

Mission Patch explanation clear and concise /5


Mission Patch neatly drawn and colored /3

Mission and Patch are professionally done /5

Mission and Patch are unique and creative /3

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #3:Model of Space Shuttle (Not suitable for pairs.)

a)Research the components of the space shuttle

-What are the functions of each component?

-How does the Space Shuttle fly into space?

-What parts are reusable and what parts are not reusable?

b)Design and build a model of the Space Shuttle using common household materials.

-Label each part.

-Ensure that parts that are removed during flight can be removed from your model.

Marking Scheme:


Space Shuttle questions are answered clearly and concisely /8

Model is complete and labeled /7

Model is well done and built to last /5


Project is neatly and professionally done /5

Ideas are unique and creative /3

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #4: Model of the Solar System (**Suitable for pairs)

All the planets in our solar system are different sizes and different distances away from the sun and each other. Observing a real-life visual representation of the solar system is the easiest way to fully appreciate these varying sizes and distances.

a)Research the relative sizes of the planets.

b)Research the distances of each planet from the sun.

c)Build a model of each planet in terms of its relative size. (Determine an appropriate scale factor).

d)Set up the planets within the classroom so that the distances between them and the sun are accurate.

You will need to develop an appropriate scale factor so that the entire solar system will be accurate and fit within our science classroom.

Marking Scheme:


All components of the solar system are included /4

Relative sizes of the planets are accurate /5

Relative distances of the planets are accurate /5


Planet models are accurate representations of actual planet /5

(i.e. Planet colors, shapes, etc. are accurate)

Project is neatly and professionally done /5

Project is unique and creative /4

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #5:Colonization of Mars (Not suitable for pairs.)

What will humans do if the earth is no longer habitable? NASA has been researching options and are looking to Mars as the site of the next human planet. Why do you think Mars is the next best option?

Imagine you are one of the first humans to arrive on the new colony of Mars.

a)What are the conditions on Mars? (i.e. Gravity, atmosphere, oxygen level, water, radiation, weather, temperature).

b)How are the conditions on Mars similar to those on earth?

c)What are some factors that will affect our ability to live on Mars?

d)What are scientists currently doing to help us learn how to colonize Mars?

e)Based on all of the information you have researched, what do you think the first Mars colony will look like? Draw a detailed diagram showing your own ideas of how this colony will look. Include labels, color, and an explanation of each component’s function.


Marking Scheme:


All questions answered /5

Questions answered clearly and concisely /8

Drawing complete and colored /5


Project unique and creative /5

Project professionally done /5

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #6:Travel Brochure: 7 Wonders of the Universe

Imagine it is the year 2615 and travellingsafely at the speed of light is now possible.You work for a space travel company and youhave been assigned the task of creating atravel brochure (complete with an itinerary)to advertise travel to a number of unique andinteresting sites anywhere in the universe.


  • 7 different & unique objects are to be visited.
  • You may work with a partner to research sites but each student must submit their own “individual” & “unique” brochure.
  • Your information (point form is preferred) should be typed (preferred) or neatly hand-written and should be large enough to be read easily.

a)Select seven different and unique objects you feel must not be missed on a tour of the universe (assuming the time and means to do so)

b)Research: Gather accurate information about the objects you choose.

-How was it formed?

-How old is it?

-When and how was it discovered?

c)Design/create your travel brochure and itinerary. The itinerary should reflect the locations of the objects in the universe and the distances between them.

-Present in words, numbers and images, what is currently known about each object.

-Describe the chronology (order) of discovery of each object and the technologies by which it has been studied.

-Provide a convincing argument for why each of your seven objects should be included in your list of the “Top Seven” Wonders of the Universe.


Marking Scheme:


Research is evident in your accurate, clear and concise responses to questions. /10

(A good balance between the Quantity and quality of information exists.)

Interesting and effective brochure: It should make me want to go to see these objects! /5

Your brochure/itinerary shows evidence that attention has been given to the use of /5

proper spelling/grammar, and scientific terminology.


Project is neatly and professionally done /8

-The cover page/ title stand out.

-You use colors well to make important information stand out.

-Use of eye-catching graphics/photos: Actual photos? Graphics? Clipart?

-Layout – neat , complete and organized; easy to read

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #7:Storybook Project (Not suitable for pairs.)

What would it be like to take a trip through the solar system? Suppose you had an unlimited supply of money and NASA and the CSA had developed a way to travel to all of the planets in the solar system. Imagine starting from the sun and write a story describing all the adventures you encounter as you travel through the solar system.

Be sure to include accurate details of the planets you pass. You’ll need to research these details.

Be creative and include any other adventures you may discover. For instance, maybe hop a ride on a passing comet, or view an asteroid from afar.

Have fun with this project, the possibilities are endless!!

The storybook must include a title page and original, colored pictures to illustrate your story.

Marking Scheme:


All planets included/4

Information included is accurate /4

Illustrations are colored and relevant to the story /4


Story is interesting to read /4

Story is clear, concise and well-organized /4

Story is neatly and professionally done /4

Story is unique and creative /4

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Note: Credit for project ideas #1-5, 7 L. Checkley, 2002(CSD)

Project #8: Humans in Space: The Health Factor (Not suitable for pairs.)

All space missions normally include medical personnel because space travel is extremely risky to human health and costs a lot of money.

a)Research the effects a zero-gravity space environment has on the human body.

-What parts of the body are affected? How Why?

-Research the OSTEO project run by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Describe what this project is and why it is important.

-Research how astronauts who have gone on space missions have attempted to reduce these strains on their bodies.

-Research and describe the potential mental health issues that astronauts could be susceptible to on long, deep space flights.Describe some of the techniques that astronauts have used on past space missions to reduce mental strain.

b)Develop a training program (weights, cardio, flexibility, etc.) that would keep the astronauts healthy when in orbit around earth or during deep space flight. Research fitness regimes designed by NASA for ideas. Do not forget that gravity does not provide resistance in space.


- Draw and color diagrams on white paper, or poster board,to illustrate each part of your

training program. Your diagrams should be large enough to be viewed easily when hanging

on the wall..

- Label each part of your training program and provide a concise explanation of what purpose it

servesin helping the astronaut maintain his/her health.

Marking Scheme:


All questions answered /5

Questions answered clearly and concisely /8

Drawings complete, labeled and colored /5


Project unique and creative /5

Project professionally done /5

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #9:Humans in Space: Reality versus Fiction (**Suitable for pairs)

There are countless movies and TV shows that feature a crew of humans travelling in outer space. Pick your favourite video/show and explore the accuracies and inaccuracies in the depiction of human space travel (i.e. Star Trek, Mission to Mars, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, etc.).

a)Submit the recorded video clip segments that you choose to discuss in depth. A min. of 4 short clips should be included.

b)Research NASA/CSA and other reputable sources for correct information on how things actually do/should act/look in space. Provide detailed, clear and concise explanations of why the video clips you have chosen are either accurate or inaccurate. You should do this by pre-recording your voice so that you assume the role of the expert scientific critic for the director’s video commentary as you would hear in the “video extras” section of a DVD.

Have fun with this project, the possibilities are endless!!

Marking Scheme:


A min. of 4 video clips are provided with critiques. /5

Research is evident in your accurate, clear and concise recorded commentaries /8

A written transcript of your commentary is provided. /5


Project unique and creative /5

Project professionally done /5

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #10:Space Junk: Pollution is a Global Problem but is it A Galactic Problem too? (Not suitable for pairs.)

a)Research the topic of “Space Junk”, the thousands of bits of broken satellites and garbage in orbit around earth.

-Exactly what kind of “junk” is up there?

-How much “space junk” is there?

-Should we be concerned about the space junk? Can it harm us here on earth?

-Can the space junk harm Earth-orbiting satellites, or space shuttles when in flight? Be specific in your responses.

b)Draw and color a diagram showing where such junk is located. Give an indication of the distance from earth. Label some of the types of junk in your diagram.

c)Discuss how and when “space junk” should be cleaned up. Suggest ways this could be done.

Will it be expensive to perform such a clean-up? Explain. Who should be involved in the clean-up process? Where should the funding come from? Etc.

Marking Scheme:


All questions answered /5

Research is evident in your accurate, clear and concise responses to questions. /8

Drawing is complete, labeled and colored /5


Project unique and creative /5

Project professionally done /5

Bibliography completed accurately /2

Total: /30

Project #11: Mission to Mars: “Dream Team” Selection (Not suitable for pairs.)

What will humans do if the earth is no longer habitable? NASA has been researching options and are looking to Mars as the site of the next human planet. A manned mission to Mars, or even beyond, is a very likely event in the near future given our advancements in technology. Suppose you have been chosen to make the final selection of astronauts for this mission – who would be on your “Dream Team”?

a)Research past space missions to determine the quantity and type of skilled astronauts that would be required to perform a mission of this magnitude. Give a written explanation of your findings.

b)Research both retired and currently active members of both NASA and the CSA and decide who would have the best qualifications for this mission. Is there anyone else that you feel should be included due to their unique qualifications or recent contributions to science, technology or space studies? Give a written explanation of who you have chosen and why.

Note that you have been told that there must be at least one woman and at least two Canadians on board to satisfy the demands of both diplomatic relations and equal rights groups.

c)Provide accurate and detailed biographies for each team member that you select. You will need to present this information to the Space Council for final approval and they need all of the important facts regarding your candidates. For instance –

-Name and age of candidate

-Family information

-Educational background


-Health – physical, mental, eyesight, hearing, etc.

-Where they are currently living?

-Astronaut Training

-Have they been on previous space missions (when, how many, where to, duration …)?

-Recreational or other activities they do for enjoyment


d)Provide a visual display of your selected candidates for the Space Council’s approval. Your display should be wall mountable and should include a recent photo of each candidate as well as a shortened version of their biography including their qualifications.

Marking Scheme:


A detailed written report of the type and quantity of skilled

personnel neededis provided. /5

Research is evident in your accurate, clear and concise biographies /8

Visual display is complete, with labeled photos and brief descriptions /5


Project unique and creative /4