Syllabus Review and Team Formation

CMSC 101 / IS 101Y – Fall 2013August 29, 2013

To be answered and turned in as a team.

  1. Where is your professor’s office located? ______
  1. What are the dates of the two exams?

Midterm: ______Final: ______

  1. True or false? (circle one)

T F It’s OK to talk to other students about the assignments.

T F It’s OK to ask a teaching fellow or peer mentor to help you figure out why your code isn’t working.

T F It’s OK to ask another student to look at your code for Processing Assignment 2 and help you debug it.

T F It’s OK to ask another student on your team to look at your code for the group project and help you debug it.

T F It’s OK to ask a student on a different team to look at your code for the group project and help you debug it.

T F It’s OK to copy passages from Making Your Mark into your reading journal entries without quotation marks, since it’s an assigned textbook.

  1. Which of these will not be factored into your final grade? (circle one)
  2. Reading journals
  3. Lecture notes (completeness and neatness)
  4. Group project
  5. Quiz grades
  1. How many textbooks are there for this class? (circle one)
  2. 0
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  1. How many textbooks will you need to purchase for this class? (circle one)
  2. 0
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  1. Which of the following statements is true? (circle one)
  2. All group members receive the same grade on group assignments.
  3. Group members vote on each other’s grades.
  4. Non-contributing group members may receive a lower grade.
  5. Group members may be voted off the island.
  1. Who are the teaching fellows for your section?
  2. ______
  3. ______
  1. At which of these times can you attend office hours? (circle all that apply)
  2. Sunday 3:00-4:00pm
  3. Monday 11am-12pm
  4. Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm
  5. Wednesday 9-10am
  6. Thursday 5:30-6:30pm
  7. Friday 1:30-2:30pm
  8. Saturday 1-2pm
  1. What is the policy on late assignments?
  2. Assignments cannot be submitted late.
  3. Late assignments will be assessed a penalty.
  4. The policy depends on the type of assignment.
  5. None of the above.
  1. Between today (August 29) and December 10, on how many Tuesdays and/or Thursdays do you not need to come to class?
  2. 0
  3. 1
  4. 2
  5. 3
  1. If you submit Processing Assignment 2 two days late, and the grade would have been a 90 if you had submitted it on time, what will your actual grade be?
  2. 0
  3. 65.025
  4. 63
  5. 60
  6. 90

Grade Weight Voting

On the syllabus, the categories of assignments and grading weights are listed as follows:

Individual work [20% - 35%]

  • Professional development assignments (five journal entries, surveys, cover letter, and resume)
  • Three programming assignments

Team work [25% - 40%]

  • Data analysis assignment
  • Team project (deliverables: project design, prototype demo, prototype evaluation, project poster, and project presentation)

Group peer evaluation [5% - 15%]

Tests and quizzes [20% - 35%]

  • Quizzes (individual and team grades)
  • Midterm exam
  • Final exam

The exact weighting of these categories will be determined by a vote of the students in the class. As a team, decide what weight each of these categories should have (within the ranges given) and record them below.

NOTE: the weights MUST add up to 100%!

Individual work [20% - 35%]______%

Team work [25% - 40%]______%

Group peer evaluation [5% - 15%]______%

Tests and quizzes [20% - 35%]______%


Team Roster

Team Name:______

Team Members and Emails: