TitleofthePaper(Title -14 Point, bold centered)
1Author’s name, 2Co-Authors’names
1Department,organization& country
2Department,organization& country
Anabstractshouldbeabout250-300 wordsinoneparagraph.Itshould state briefly thepurposeoftheresearch, themainresultsand majorconclusions. Usesingle linespacing. Thefontsizeshouldbe TimesNew Roman,12points italic.
Keywords:Keyword 1,Keyword 2,Keyword 3(pleaselist3-6 keywords)
1.0 Introduction
PleasewriteyourpaperingoodMalay or English(BritishEnglishwill beusedforconsistency).Thelength ofthefullpapershouldpreferably bebetween 8to15 printedpages.ThefullpapershouldbeonA4papersize. Manuscriptsshouldasfaras possibleconform tothestylesetforthinthePublicationManualoftheAmerican Psychological Association (APA Sixth Edition).
Usesinglelinespacingand2.54cm (or1inch)marginsforallsidesofthepaper.The fontsizeshouldbeTimesNew Roman,12points.Ensurethateachnew paragraph isclearly indicated.Donotusepagenumbering. Allsentencesareto bejustified. Nospacebetween two paragraphs.
1.1Sub-Heading 1
Sub-heading1hasthefollowingcharacteristics:FlushLeft,Boldface,Uppercaseand LowercaseHeading. Leave a spaceof12 point before the next header.
Research objective/s must be clear and specific.
Below is an example of a table. Begin the numbering from 1
Table 1 Adolescents Dyadic Coping and Marital Quality
Dyadic Coping / Marital QualityN / Mean / SD / F / Mean / SD / F
Male / 50 / 1.45 / .88 / 66.88 / 2.73 / .50 / 19.23
Female / 70 / 2.34 / .98 / 3.78 / .57
Study Level
Master / 80 / 2.35 / 0.89 / 77.88 / 4.10 / .60 / 20.62
PhD / 40 / 1.57 / .67 / 2.89 / .34
Belowisanexampleofafigure.Placeyourfigureinthecentre.Shortenthemargins to accommodate the title for the figure. Begin thenumberingofyour figure with 1.
Figure 1 Research Cycle
A discussion section must explain the results and research objectives.
A short conclusion section is to be presentedandshould summarize specific outcomes ofthe research.
Must follow APA Sixth Edition format
Jin, G., Bierma, T. J (2011). Guided-Inquiry Learning in Environmental Health. Journal of Environmental Health, 73(6), 80-91.
Stanfield, P., Cross, N., & Hui, Y. H. (2012). Introduction to the health professions (6th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Conference Paper
Rissman, J., Greely, H. T., & Wagner, A. D. (2010). Detecting individual memories through the neural decoding of memory states and past experience. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 107, 9849-9854. doi:10.1073/pnas.1001028107
Theses / Dissertation
Watts, E. (1999). The freshman year experience, 1962-1990: An experiment in humanistic higher education (Doctoral thesis, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada).