Peer Edit Sheet for Soundtrack of my Life Essay


Are there at least eleven paragraphs, each one containing 4-6 sentences? Yes No

Introduction and Development:

Is the introduction effective? Explain. What could be improved? (Note: Everything is perfect is not acceptable J)

Underline what you believe to be the thesis sentence or controlling idea. Write it here.

Are there at least five vivid, active verbs or sensory images? List them. What other things in the essay need further description or emotion? Is there higher level of vocabulary throughout? Explain.

Make notes of simple, less specific words that could be changed.

Are a variety of sentence types utilized? Does the essay have flow?

Are ideas separated into paragraphs with transitions in between? If not, where are the natural breaks and what are connecting words that could be used?

Mechanics, Voice and Organization:

Circle all spelling errors, run-on sentences, fragments, and any other grammar errors.

How was the collection organized?

Do you feel a personal connection or can you relate to the paper? Is so, how has the writer done that? What can the author do to strengthen that audience relationship?

Evaluate the examples in lyrics, performers and personal connections. Does it go above the obvious? Is it properly formatted?

Evaluate the internal thoughts. Are they realistic? Do they further the essay?

If you are not familiar with the music, etc., would you still be able to follow the essay? In other words, is there enough context and explanation for ANYONE to read it and understand it?

Conclusion and Final Thoughts:

Does the conclusion adequately sum up the paper and tie up any loose ends? How?

What grade would you give this paper?

Does the paper contain all of the elements of a personal narrative and follow the guidelines on If not, what does the author need to do to ensure all of them are included/met?

Suggestions for improvement: (Wishes)

Things they did well: (Stars)