The Semicolon ;

Use a semicolon to join parts of a compound sentence.

Ex) Sam Wood scanned the area everything seemed to be in order.

It may also be used before a transition, joining parts of a compound sentence.

Ex) Mr. Colbert’s factory has been closed consequently, many people have been laid off.

Use a ; when there are several commas used in a series (list). Use semicolons to separate the parts.

Ex) We have traveled to Victoria, BC Edmonton, Alberta Toronto, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec.

Add semicolons where necessary.

1)Several players are new nevertheless, this year’s team should be a good one.

2)Requests for reprints of the Justin Bieber poster have poured in the printer cannot keep up.

3)Time is up put your pencils down.

4)Ticket sales are slow therefore, the show closed two weeks early.

5)The motorcyclist follows these safety rules: first, he wears a helmet second, he signals before he changes lanes and third, he keeps a safe distance from the car in front of him.

6)For entertainment, we will present first, a magician who does a disappearing act next, a comedian who does impressions and finally, a singer who sounds like Miley Cyrus.

7)Fatima won the race furthermore, she broke the course record.

8)At 12:15 AM Kyle’s brother arrived everyone was waiting up for him.

9)They won a trip to Sydney, Australia London, England and Paris, France.

10)Homer Simpson loves his doughnuts moreover, he loves his beer.

11)He remained in South Africa for two years before he returned to college.

12)I will fold the letters Lisa will place them in the envelops.

13)The sprinkler has been left on all night the grass must be soaked.

14)Mail arrived from Vancouver, BC Calgary, Alberta and Regina, Saskatchewan.

15)Her whole life changed for the better she had now discovered life’s meaning in semicolons.

16)The Colonel’s chicken was cooked to perfection it was crisp and tasty.

17)Craig scored the only goal in the game it was all they needed to win the cup.

18)Mrs. Jackson is known internationally for her dancing ability she is, of course, modest about her accomplishments.

The Semicolon ;

Use a semicolon to join parts of a compound sentence.

Ex) ______

It may also be used before a transition, joining parts of a compound sentence.

Ex) ______

Use a ; when there are several commas used in a series (list). Use semicolons to separate the parts.

Ex) ______