IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

Project / IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title / IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date Submitted / 18 November, 2008
Source / [Pat Kinney]
[Kinney Consulting, LLC]
[Chicago, IL] / Voice: [1.847.960.3715]
Fax: []
E-mail: [
Re: / 802.15 Plenary Meeting in Dallas
Abstract / IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose / Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice / This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release / The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.

IEEE 802.15 Plenary Meeting – Session #57

Hyatt Regency, Dallas, Tx

November 10, 2008

Monday, 10 November 2008

1:32 PM The chair, Bob Heile, called the meeting to order. There were approximately 100 attendees.

The chair asked for new attendees to raise their hands; 13 were present.


·  Social on Wednesday at the hotel at 6:30 pm

Chair informed the group of, and displayed the IEEE-SA patent policy presentation slides 0-5 (

Chair displayed and read the standard IEEE Anti-Trust statement.

Chair asked the participants who wished to declare a Letter of Assurance or to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that the participant believes may be essential for any of the ongoing activities within the 802.15 WG. There were no responses to this call.

Rick Alfvin stated the information (IEEE 802.15-08/466r01) on registration requirements and the network information. Basic topics covered were:

·  Registration requirements

·  Network information

·  Attendance sheets

·  Voting Tokens

·  Voting Rights

·  Meeting Video Audio recording – not allowed

802.15 Work Group Membership status:

·  173 voting members

·  54 nearly voters

·  100 aspirants

Future Sessions

·  18 – 23 Jan 2009, Hyatt Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA

·  8 – 13 March 2009, Hyatt Regency and Fairmont Vancouver, BC

·  10 – 15 May 2009, Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth, Montreal, Canada

·  12 – 17 July 2009, Hyatt Regency San Francisco, CA

·  20 – 25 Sept 2009, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI

·  15 – 20 Nov 2009, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, GA

Chair presented the EC Meeting Report (IEEE 802.15-08-0753-00)

Chair asked to have the WG approve the agenda (document IEEE 15-08-0721-02-0000). Art Astrin moved to approve the agenda with James Gilb seconding the motion. Following neither discussion nor objection the agenda was approved.

Ben Rolfe moved to approve the previous meeting minutes (document 15-08-737-00-0000) and James Gilb seconded the motion. Following neither discussion nor objection the minutes were approved. No matters resulting from the previous minutes

J Barr presented the Treasurer Report (IEEE 802.15-08/752r1)

•  Sep 7, 2007 - $225,452.43

•  $123,856.85 Bank of America

•  $102,550.69 in Wachovia (new joint IEEE account)

•  Additional funds remain in Face-to-Face Events account:

•  F2F ≈ $36,674 (Nov08)

•  Reserves:

•  Meeting Expense Reserve - $262,126

·  Waikoloa attendance: 379

•  Net surplus $18,557

Review 802.15 Objectives, activities, and plans for this session

Task group reports follow:

Reed Fisher status on TG3c

·  LB43’s recirc is completed with 78% approval, recirc passed

Clint Powell gave TG4c review

·  Sponsor Ballot recirc closed with approval

·  This week’s effort will be towards comment resolution

Phil Beecher gave TG4d

·  Sponsor Ballot recirc will close on Friday

·  This week’s effort will be towards comment resolution

Pat Kinney gave TG4e goals for week

·  Finalize definition effort

·  Hear preliminary proposal presentations

Myung Lee (CUNY) gave a TG5 review

•  Sponsor ballot results of 72/1 for approval of 98%

•  27 technical comments

Arthur Astrin gave BAN TG6 review

•  8 meetings: channel modeling and TRD

•  CFP drafting

Mike McInnis gave RFID SG (SG4f)

·  Working on PAR and 5C

SG-VLC(SG7) by Eun Won

·  Working on PAR and 5C

SG-NAN(SG4g) by P Beecher

·  Working on PAR and 5C

TerraHz IG by R Roberts

·  Presentations for high power miniature TerraHz, integrated Photonics for TerraHz, TerraHz system safety issues

802.15.2 reaffirmation will be managed by S Shellhammer

2:34 PM The chair recessed the meeting

Wednesday, 12 Nov 2008

10:33 am Bob Heile, WG chair called the meeting to order.

WG Chair made announcements concerning social and logistics.

802.18 Status by J Barr

·  ITU advanced process vote on Thursday PM1

802.19 by Sheung Li

·  No report

802.15 TG3c by Reed Fisher

·  Recirculation ballot LB47 ended on 3 November. Of the 299 comments, 102 comments have been closed.

10:36 TG4c report by Clint Powell

·  1 comment on the recirculation

10:37 TG4d closing report by Phil Beecher (15-08-804-00)

10:40 TG4e

·  Finished application space definition effort

10:42 TG5 closing report by Myung Lee (15-08-770-01)


Move that the WG seek conditional approval from the 802 Executive Committee to forward 802.15.5 draft d8P802.15-5_Draft_Standard.pdf to RevCom.

·  Moved by Myung Lee, seconded by James Gilb

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 69/1/1, the motion carries

10:46 TG6-BAN by Art Astrin

·  Approved channel model 27 for, 9 against

10:48 RFID Study Group by M McInnis

Motion: Move that the WG accept the proposed comment resolutions (doc#15-08-803-02-rfid) and the corresponding modifications to the 802.15.4f PAR and 5C (15-08-664-03, 15-08-665-02). Further, the WG authorizes the Study Group and Working Group chairs jointly to make any modifications needed to the comment package prior to its submission to the EC at or before 1700 central time, Nov 12. Any resulting modifications to the PAR and 5C will be brought to the WG affirmation at the WG closing plenary.

·  Moved by Michael McInnis, seconded by George Cavage

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 63/0/6, the motion carries

11:00 SGNAN by P Beecher


·  Was there an active effort to verify that 802.16 and 802.11 were not better solutions? This effort was not started by 802.15.4 rather it was started by industry users that wanted to leverage the momentum from 802.15.4.

·  Are we ready to support the 2.4 GHz band option of the PAR? The 802.15.4g TG will be responsible to query any proposals and mandate appropriate coexistence.

Motion: Move that the WG accept the proposed comment resolutions (15-08-755-02-0nan) and the corresponding modifications to the 802.15.4g PAR and 5C (15-08-705-03, and 15-08-706-01). Further, the WG authorizes the Study Group and Working Group chairs jointly to make any modifications needed to the comment package prior to its submission to the EC at or before 1700 central time, Nov 12. Any resulting modifications to the PAR and 5C will be brought to the WG affirmation at the WG closing plenary.

·  Moved by Phil Beecher, seconded by George Flammer

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 63/1/5, the motion carries

11:25 VLC by Eun Tae Won

Motion: Move that the WG accept the proposed comment resolutions (15-08-801-01) and the corresponding modifications to the 802.15.7 PAR and 5C (doc 15-08-656-02). Further, the WG authorizes the Study Group and Working Group chairs jointly to make any modifications needed to the comment package prior to its submission to the EC at or before 1700 central time, Nov 12. Any resulting modifications to the PAR and 5C will be brought to the WG affirmation at the WG closing plenary.

·  Moved by Eun Tae Won, seconded by Joachim Walewski

·  Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 63/0/4, the motion carries

11:33 802.11 WNG liaison by Jay Bain

FCC announcement of white space discussion was extensive

11:38 WG chair recessed the meeting until Thursday evening.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

18:34 WG chair called the meeting to order

Chair informed group that Darcel Moro was leaving facetoface-events. Chair and work group expressed sincere thanks to her for her years of contributions.

Chair reviewed the agenda.

18:37 802.18 by J Barr: ITU discussions were held

802.11n report by J Barr doc 15-08-830-00

·  All comments were rejected

·  In January: P Kinney to give tutorial on 15.4, and J Barr to give tutorial on Bluetooth AFH

·  Expected release is now 10 March 2010

Bluetooth liaison by J Barr 15-08-815-00

18:57 TG3c closing report by Reed Fisher (15-08-0836-00-003c)

Motion: To give permission to the 802.15.3c Task Group to start 2nd recirculation ballot of Draft Standard P802-15-3c-D02_Draft_Amendment with the condition that it is first amended with the resolutions in 08/742r04.

Moved by R Fisher

Seconded by J Kato

Discussion: expressed concern that the resolution on comment 139 was not correctly implemented in the draft r3, hence the reference to r4.

Upon neither further discussion nor objection the motion carries with unanimous consent

19:11 802.11 VHT liaison by R Fisher doc 11-08-1287-02

19:14 TG4c closing report by Clint Powell (15-08-773-01)

Motion: That the 802.15 WG seeks conditional approval from the EC to submit the 801.15 TG4c Draft amendment

·  Moved by Clint Powell

·  Seconded by Phil Beecher

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with the results of 31/0/0, the motion carries.

19:20 Closing report for TG4e by P Kinney (15-08--00-004e)

19:22 TG6 BAN closing report by Art Astrin (15-08-708-02-0006)

19:28 RFID SG by R Heile

Motion: Move that the 802.15 WG approve the PAR and 5C as per documents 15-08-763-0 1and 15-08-665-03

Moved by Art Astrin and seconded by Ben Rolfe.

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 32/0/0, the motion carries.

Move that the 802.15 Working Group requests the Executive Committee to approve the renewal of the SG-RFID

Moved by R Alfvin and seconded by B Rolfe.

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 32/0/0, the motion carries.

19:32 SG-NAN closing report by Phil Beecher (15-08-0838-02)

Motion: Move that the 802.15 WG approves the revised versions of NAN PAR and 5C documents 15-08-705-04 and 15-08-706-02

Moved by P Beecher and seconded by Jay Ramasastry.

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 33/0/0, the motion carries.

Move that the 802.15 Working Group requests the Executive Committee to approve the renewal of the SG-NAN

Moved by P Beecher and seconded by Jay Ramasastry.

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 34/0/0, the motion carries.

19:42 VLC SG by Eun Tae Won (15-08-835-00-vlc)

Motion: Move that the 802.15 WG approves the revised versions of VLC PAR document 15-08-656-03

Moved by Eun Tae Won and seconded by Art Astrin

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 30/0/0, the motion carries.

Move that the 802.15 Working Group requests the Executive Committee to approve the renewal of the VLC SG

Moved by Eun Tae Won and seconded by Art Astrin

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 30/0/0, the motion carries.

19:49 TerraHz IG by R Roberts

Two presentations on how to generate THZ formed a science committee

19:50 TG11s Liaison by M Lee

802.11a expects to complete comment resolution by January 2009

Motion: to request EC authorization to start sponsor ballot to reaffirm IEEE 802.15.2

Moved by J Gilb and seconded by Clint Powell

Upon no discussion the vote was taken with results of 28/0/0, the motion carries.

New Business

Chair noted that the EC is considering dropping the Monday 802 plenary and changing the EC meeting on Friday to later that afternoon.

19:59 Motion to adjourn was made B Rolfe seconded by P Beecher. Upon hearing no objection, the motion carries; the session is adjourned.

Annex A

180 Attendees

Last Name / First Name
Ahn / Gahng-Seop
Alfvin / Richard
Arita / Takashi
Astrin / Arthur
Bae / Taehan
Bahr / Michael
Bain / Jay
Barr / John
Batra / Anuj
Baykas / Tuncer
Beecher / Phil
Bhatti / Ghulam
Bosco / Bruce
Bourdoux / Andre
Bravin / Nancy
Britz / David
Bynam / Kiran
Cavage / George
Cavalcanti / Dave
Chambelin / Philippe
Chang / Soo-Young
Chaplin / Clint
Chebbo / Hind
Chen / Runhua
Choi / Chang-Soon
Choi / Seyeong
Chong / Chia-Chin
Connell / Ciaran
Davenport / David
De / Hendricus
Ding / Gang
Dixon / Paul
Dolmans / Guido
Dotlic / Igor
Ekbal / Amal
Ellis / Jason
Enns / Frederick
Farlow / Charles
Farserotu / John
Fischbeck / Jeffrey
Fisher / Reed
Flammer / George
Fukatsu / Noriyasu
Fukui / Kiyoshi
Fukunaga / Shigeru
Gilb / James
Glibbery / Ronald
Goodall / David
Gorday / Paul
Gowans / Andrew
Hagino / Brian
Hara / Shinsuke
Harada / Hiroshi
He / Linhai
Heile / Robert
Hernandez / Marco
Hillman / Garth
Ho / Jin-Meng
Hong / Seungeun
Hong / Wei
Hosur / Srinath
Ho / Jae
Hwang / Jung-Hwan
Ida / Ichirou
Ihara / Kiyoyuki
Ikegami / Tetsushi
Ishida / Kazuhito
Iso / Akio
Jeon / Beomjin
Jia / Zhanfeng
Joo / Seong-Soon
Junho / Koh
Su / Chol
Kang / Noh-Gyoung
Kang / Seok-kyu
Kang / Tae-Gyu
Kato / Shuzo
Kent / Jeritt
Kerry / Stuart
Khan / Farooq
Ho / Dae
Kim / Jaehwan
Kim / Kyeongpyo
Kim / Seong
Kim / Yongsun
Kinney / Patrick
Ko / Young-Chai
Kohno / Ryuji
Kojima / Fumihide
Kondou / Keitarou
Kuerner / Thomas
Kwon / Edwin
Kwon / Hyukchoon
Bum / Ki
Lakkis / Ismail
Lan / Zhou
Lee / Anseok
Lee / Myung
Lee / Wooyong
Lewis / Daniel
Li / Liang
Lynch / Bradley
Martin / Frederick
Mathew / Abbie
Mcinnis / Michael
Mesecke / Sven
Meyer / Klaus
Miniutti / Dino
Morgan / Mark
Moss / Jeremy
Nagai / Yukimasa
Naganuma / Ken
Nakagawa / Tatsuo
Ngo / Chiu
Noda / Makoto
OBrien / Dominic
Oguma / Hiroshi
Ohta / Yoshitaka
Omeni / Okundu
Pace / James
Park / Hyung-Il
Park / Seung-Hoon
Park / Taejoon
Patel / Maulin
Patro / Ranjeet
Poegel / Frank
Powell / Clinton
Woo / Chang
Qu / Huyu
Quan / Wang
Rahman / Mohammad