Study Questions (Chapter Seven)

1)What are the differences between the Populists and Progressives? Consider their levels of success, their economic background, their geographic location, etc.

2)What were muckrakers? Name three examples of muckrakers, including their causes and the names of their publications.

3)What was the NAACP?

4)Who was Margaret Sanger?

5)What reforms did Robert La Follette fight for?

6)What are ballot initiatives, referendums, and recall elections?

7)What were Theodore Roosevelt’s THREE Cs?

8)What two constitutional amendments were implemented under William Taft?

9)Who ran for president in 1912, and what were the names of their political parties?

10)What were Woodrow Wilson’s opinions about the role of government and businesses?

11)What acts did Wilson pass in order to give government more control over businesses?

12)What factors led to the downfall of the Progressive movement?

13)What was the Platt Amendment?

14)How did Roosevelt create the Panama Canal?

15)What is the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?

16)What does “speak softly and carry a big stick” mean?

17)What is the difference between Wilson’s public statements about World War I (during 1914) and his actual beliefs?

18)What did Wilson demand of the Germans concerning their submarines?

19)What happened to the Lusitania? Why did that happen?

20)What did the Zimmerman telegram say?

21)What did the War Industry Board do?

22)What did the Espionage and Sedition Acts do?

23)What did the court rule in Schenck v. United States?

24)What did 1917’s Russian Revolution inspire in America?

25)Why was the Federal Bureau of Investigation created?

26)What happened during J. Edgar Hoover’s Palmer Raids?

27)What did the Committee on Public Information do?

28)What impact did World War I have on the female work force?

29)What was the Great Migration?

30)How were blacks treated in America’s army around World War I?

31)What did Wilson’s Fourteen Points refer to? Name some of them.

32)What impact did the Treaty of Versailles have on Germany?

33)Why didn’t the U.S. join the League of Nations?

34)Who were the Irreconcilables and Reservationists?

35)What significant technological development greatly expanded the economy during the Jazz Age?

36)With the end of the Progressive movement, how did America’s perceptions of big businesses change?

37)What happened during Warren G. Harding’s Teapot Dome Scandal?

38)How did Coolidge’s views of businesses impact the workforce?

39)How did the automobile affect the development of the suburbs and infrastructure?

40)What led to the new Flapper culture? What were Flappers known for?

41)Who were some members of the lost generation of American writers?

42)What was the Harlem Renaissance? Who were prominent leaders of that movement?

43)What did the executions of Sacco and Vanzetti symbolize?

44)What did the Emergency Quota Act of 1924 state?

45)What happened during the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925?

46)What happened as a result of the 18th amendment? Did it achieve its desired goals? Why or why not?

47)What was Herbert Hoover’s main campaign promise?

48)What in the stock market led to the Great Depression?

49)What in the agricultural workforce (farmers) led to the Great Depression?

50)What were Hoovervilles?

51)What was the Dust Bowl?

52)What led to the creation of the Farmer’s Holiday Association?

53)Why didn’t Hoover want the federal government to step in and end the Great Depression?

54)What were some of Hoover’s federal works projects?

55)What was Hoover’s Hawley-Smooth Tariff?

56)What happened the Bonus Expeditionary Force?

57)What was Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s view of how government should interact with businesses?

58)What was the New Deal, and the First Hundred Days?

59)What was the Emergency Banking Relief Bill?

60)What were the fireside chats?

61)What did the Banking Act of 1933 create (specifically)?

62)What was the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

63)What was the Farm Credit Act?

64)What was the National Industrial Recovery Act?

65)What was the Public Works Administration?

66)What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?

67)What was the Tennessee Valley Authority?

68)What was the National Labor Relations Board (created during the Second Hundred Days)?

69)What was the Securities and Exchange Commission (created during the Second Hundred Days)?

70)What are Keynesian economics (including references to deficit spending and the multiplier effect)?

71)How did conservatives and leftists react to the New Deal?

72)What did the Court rule in Schechter Poultry Corporation v. United States? Why?

73)What was Roosevelt’s court-packing scheme (related to the Judicial Reorganization Bill)?

74)What was the Works Project/Progress Administration?

75)What was the Social Security Administration?

76)What was the New Deal Coalition?

77)Why did the nation go into recession in 1937?

78)What did the second AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act) do?

79)Was the New Deal a success? Why or why not?

80)What is the Washington Conference?

81)What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

82)What was the Good Neighbor Policy?

83)What is the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act?

84)What is MFN status?

85)What was the Nye Commission?

86)What were the first, second, and third neutrality acts?

87)What was the Lend-Lease Act?

88)What was the Atlantic Charter Conference?

89)What was the Tripartite pact?

90)Why did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor?

91)What was the significance of D-Day?

92)What impact did the war have on the power of the American government?

93)What was the Labor Disputes Act of 1943?

94)What was the Selective Training and Service Act of 1940?

95)What was Japanese Internment?

96)What was the court’s ruling in Korematsu v. United States?

97)What happened at the Yalta conference?

98)What was the Iron Curtain?

99)What is the United Nationa?

100)What happened at the Potsdam conference? Why did it lead to Truman’s decision to drop nuclear bombs on Japan?