Morningside Lutheran Church

Council Meeting May 5, 2013

Held at the Home of Terry and Linda Krei

Present: Terry Krei, Jeff Croston, Barb Baker, Lauretta Shaver, Donna Koch, Duane Wasmund, Judy Weatherly, Jim Williams, Laurie Westrich, Pr. Tom LoVan, and Pr. Paul Andell, Absent: Doug Ford, Lori Preuhs and Dawn Kelly

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Terry Krei at 4 pm.

Approval of Minutes: The minutes of April, 2013 were approved; motion by Lauretta Shaver, seconded by Donna Koch, and carried.

Treasurers Report: Will be submitted in writing.

Pastor’s Reports:

Pr. Duane: Grateful for the opportunity to attend the LCMC gathering at Community Church of Joy in Phoenix.

Pr. Paul: (written report)

·  Present the Holy Land slides again on April 14, a snow date, in the kitchen lounge with 31 persons attending.

·  Provide continued Care Core Ministry oversight, meeting with the leadership team, convening the monthly group fellowship, and helping identify ministers to requesting persons.

·  Offer pastoral care through the office, private communions, home and hospital visitation; assist Pastor Tom with both the prayer and the memorial services for Jerry Fisher; preside at the funeral for Alice Humphrey May 4th.

·  Lead a hospital orientation session for interested Care Core Ministers willing to make member visits. Schedule full weekday coverage immediately, an important development.

·  Participate in a number of congregational life events including the Prayer Warrior Breakfast, the kitchen dedication potluck and Multicultural women’s luncheon. In addition, prepare and present a slide program on Philadelphia for Elderversity, May 2nd, 30 attending.

·  Preside and preach for the Multicultural service April 14, offering the kitchen dedicatory prayer that day at 8:00 & 9:30; provide worship leadership periodically at those services, and preach at services April 21.

·  Complete Wednesday Bible Study series on Luke May 1 with a class of 30 people present; begin plans for a new study on Acts to start May 22.

·  Participate in a fun youth night scavenger hunt on May 1 which included ‘hug a pastor.’ Received about 100 youth visitors to my office.

·  Join the staff and council for a dream session May 5th at the Krei home.

·  Attend, in the community, a Jewish Film Festival movie at Congregation Beth Shalom and a lecture on Lincoln at WIT.

·  Mark my arrival in Sioux City one year ago, April 29.

·  Return to Minnesota April 25 – 30, visiting my ailing mother twice in Minneapolis; address snow damage, due to heavy snowfall, with a contractor.

·  Make preparations to leave for Philadelphia on May 8 with my wife, presiding at a wedding May 11, and a Baptism on May 12.

Quote: ‘Being at the right place at the right time is never an accident.’

Pr. Tom:

Old Business:

New Business: Finance committee will deal with request from Prison Ministry. Judy motioned that we regretfully, and with gratitude, accept Ben Anderson’s resignation. Laurie seconded. Motion carried. Ben will work through June 30, 2013. Next meeting will be at church on June 10th.

Team Reports:

Executive Team:

Worship and Creative Arts Team: No council action needed.

Christian Education Team: No council action needed.

Social Concerns Team: No council action needed.

Parish Fellowship Team: Not represented.

Finance Team: No council action needed.

Property Team: No council action needed.

Evangelism Team: No council action needed.

Youth Team: Not represented.

Multi-cultural Team: Not represented.

Adjournment: Duane motioned that we adjourn, and Laurie seconded.

Respectfully submitted,

Lauretta Shaver

Team minutes

Finance Team: Minutes of the regular Meeting held on Monday, May 13, 2013

Members present: Chairperson Duane Wasmund, Dave Luhman, Peg Becker, Dick Anderson, and Rich Michaelis. Pastor Darrin Vick and Administrator Barb Baker were present.

The meeting was called to order by Chair Wasmund at 5:30 pm and Becker opened the meeting with a devotion and prayer. Dave Luhman will have the devotion next month.

Finance Team minutes of the 4-4-13 regular meeting approved on motion by Luhman, second by Becker, all ayes.

MLC Council minutes of the 4-8-13 meeting were reviewed by members with no questions.

Fund Raiser Requests: (1) LCMC Men – Father’s Day appeal (6-16-13) with temple talk and table, with funds to be used for the Start-Up churches, approved on motion by Michaelis, second by Anderson, all ayes.

Financial Reports:

Income and expenses for 4-30-13 shows year-to-date revenue $350 lower ($368,042 last year and $368,392 this year), expenses $66,773 higher ($318,571 last year and $385,344 this year), and an operating net balance $67,123 lower ($49,821 positive last year and $17,302 negative this year). Church Staff expenses YTD are $64,598 higher ($184,979 last year and $249,577 this year). Discussion was held on expense account items. Luhman asked Baker to change the name of Account #05012 to “Emerging Mission Opportunities” as shown in the 2013 MLC Budget. The 4-30-13 reports of restricted accounts, concentrations, and investments were provided to members. The Capital Campaign report shows $1,036,063 of funds invested which includes $79,426 set aside for a 10% tithe.

Old Business:

(1) Motion by Luhman, second by Anderson, all ayes, approved the investing $80,000 of the Perry Estate restricted funds (Account Numbers 91500 and 91600) into a 12-month CD at Kingsley State Bank.

(2) Luhman asked Administrator Baker for an update on the options available for implementing Online Giving. Baker will bring the costs associated with two options for our next meeting.

(3) Kitchen remodel project is short $347 at this point, however, there are still a few donations coming in yet.

New Business:

(1) Motion by Luhman, second by Becker, all ayes, approved disbursing $1,500 from the Emerging Missions funds of the 2013 Budget (Account #05012), to the Damascus Road - Prison Ministry congregation in Fort Dodge, with funds to be used for remodeling costs of a new worship area within the prison. Funding needed is $40,000 with $28,000 raised with our donation.

Other Matters: None.

Meeting adjourned at 6:30 pm on motion by Becker, second by Anderson. We closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

Respectfully submitted by: David Luhman, Acting Finance Team Secretary (5-15-13)

Parish Fellowship Team: Meeting Notes

Present: Dawn Kelly, Barb Redler, Susie Heacock, Karen Jacobs, Melissa Gilbertson, and Carol Leit.

Dawn opened with prayer.

As a team we will be sharing Joys and Concerns for our team to pray about for the month. Items of concern were mentioned and will be prayed for. This is a great ministry opportunity we can do for each other.

Kitchen Potluck:

Potluck was a success. We served about 125 people. Good fun and fellowship was had by all.

Fellowship Survey:

We reviewed the responses we got back from the survey. Dawn has shared these results with the pastors and will also forward to the Council to see if any of the information can be used by other teams.

Mother’s Day Flowers:

We are working with the middle school and high school to hand out carnations to women in general on Mother’s Day. The kids will also be opening and greeting at the entrance doors. Dawn priced the flowers at .75 for 450. If there are any extra they can be used for nursing homes or shut-ins.

Father’s Day:

We talked again on something to give out for Father’s Day. We talked about candy bars and crosses. Barb will price the crosses and we can go over again in June.

Ben’s Farewell:

We briefly discussed plans to do a farewell for Ben Anderson on June 30th. We will make more definite plans in June.

Meeting was adjourned with the Lords Prayer.

Evangelism Team: Minutes from May 2013

Attended: Tom Elsen, Terry Burns, Vicki Hansel, Jan Brown, and Donna Koch.

Meeting was called to order and opened with prayer by Donna.

Budget review: The budget was reviewed by the Evangelism team. The team reviewed Easter expenses and voted to move budget dollars from Outreach to Easter Outreach, this will keep us within our total budget while allowing us to know the full extent of the Easter expenditures.

Gordon Drive sign: Discussion around the sign and the messages displayed. Tom Miller joined us and explained that the entire team of church personnel give input on the sign at the Tuesday meetings and final decisions are made at the meeting. Ideas were shared that the sign should change often and the messages always be “fresh” not more than a week old.

Outdoor Services.

§  TV and Radio: The entire radio and TV budget was used on Easter Services.

§  Billboards: We have contracted two locations for two months (June and July). The art will remain the same, but with our new cross symbol included.

§  Yard Signs: The team voted to do yard signs for outdoor services, we will do 200 instead of 250 because we seem to always have about 50 left over.

§  Journal Ads: We have the Feature ad on 5/9 (perfect timing). Tom showed the team the feature ad that has been prepared.

§  Fellowship: Fellowship is planning baked goods on June 30th and a hot dog feed on July 21st. Evangelism will supply the water for each of these events.


§  Terry reported that there was no response for Alpha from the Easter Services or other communication.

Care Disciples:

§  Donna received a note from Ken Dorale stepping down as leader of Care Disciples. Den and Diane will remain as visitors, but not take the lead role. A new leader is being requested for the CARE Disciples.


§  Gary will show a video at our next meeting

New Items:

§  Comfort and Joy at the Ball Park: a recommendation was received to include the Boys and Girls home with our Ball Park fellowship this summer. The team agreed, Fellowship will do a tailgate party with hot dogs. Evangelism will organize the event with the Explorers Ball Park and the Boys and Girls home. We will have MLC families “adopt” a boys and girls home resident or worker, we will check into doing the first pitch, maybe singing the national Anthem, pictures with players, and other fun activities! This will be a great outreach between MLC and the community!

§  11:00 Radio broadcast issues: it was brought to our attention that some issues have occurred with the 11:00 radio broadcast. This will be looked into.

§  Food Pantry: can we hand out something to the people that come to the food pantry? Donna to check with Social Concerns.

Meeting was adjourned by Donna followed by the Lord’s Prayer.

Multicultural Team:

Youth Team: Meeting Minutes May 13th, 2013

Present: Paul Peterson, Ben Anderson, Phyllis Peterson. Marilyn Dirks, Jodi Bosley and Lori Pruehs. Absent: Julie Hanson, Jane Krehbiel.

Call to Order: Lori Pruehs called the meeting to order at 5:30.

Opening Prayer: Lori opened the meeting with prayer.

Ben’s Report:


Sunday School

·  Sunday School continues to go well. Attendance stayed around 20 for the month as the students were able to finish out the book of Matthew. Along with their usual study some videos built off of our study were used and facilitated by Karl Seggerman and Paul Peterson in my absence for Recharge and a marriage retreat.

Merge (Wednesday Night Programming)

·  The month of April was a great month for Merge. We started off the month with Dan from Ingham Okoboji Lutheran Bible Camps coming to help facilitate a night. This was followed up by a Question & Answer night for the students and two evenings centered on growing our relationship with Christ by taking intentional timeouts to grow in Him. Also during April, the 8th grade students were able to attend two weeks with Powerline (our HS ministry).


·  Recharge drew two full vans of students down to Okoboji for the Spring Recharge. It was a great experience to get to see new and veteran students attend, learn, and enjoy camp.


Merge (Wednesday Night Programming)

·  We will close out our Wednesday night programming for the year in May with one last meeting of students and a final leader’s meeting to talk over the year and gain insight for the future.

Sunday School

·  Sunday School will close out in May for the school year as students will take the end of the year test to compare Biblical knowledge from the first and last day of Sunday School.

Mother’s Day Flowers

·  Students will get the opportunity to handout flowers to the females of our church in honor of positive influence in all of our lives.


·  On the 29th of May, high school and middle school students will head up to Valleyfair for a time of fellowship and fun.


·  June 8-15: Middle School Mission Trip to Montana

·  June 24-28: Confirmation Bootcamp

·  June 26: Movie & Dinner Event for Students

Paul’s Report:

Past Events:

PowerLine and Sunday school wrapped up for the summer and both had great endings to the year. PowerLine and Merge ended the year with an exciting version of a scavenger hunt. Shelly Nash and I will meet during the summer to plan High School Sunday School for next year.