18.10.16 Isabel Russell
CHSWG Minutes
Tuesday 18th October 2016
1. Apologies/Attendees/Welcome
Present: Anna Bradley, Isabel Russell, Jane Fairclough, Pip Harrison, Doris Ross, Linda Atkinson, Nicola, Bowman, Tina Bellamy, Kate Johnston
Apologies: Val Randall, Claire Jackson, Judith Cook, Lindsay Short, Alison Lawson, Suzanne Marley, Nicola Taylor, Annabel Cager.
2. Items to be brought up under AOB
Email sent to Mrs. Bowman
3. Minutes
KJ - openfit moulds ongoing
IR - Teen Council informed about NDCS Apprenticeship workshop
4. Update from Sensory Support
User Audit Summary.
Good news: Many positive comments received about the quality of support offered by Sensory Support from children and young people, parents, schools and Learning Support Assistants (excellent, first class, invaluable, outstanding, amazing, proactive, informative, knowledgeable). High percentage of audit returns. High percentage of responses rated excellent or very good, up to 97% from responses from LSAs. Any suggestions from the Audit for Service improvement have been incorporated into the Service Development Plan for 2016-2017.
Service Development Plan
The seven areas for development were shared and feedback requested from the parent representatives. Area 1:Improving preparation of Sensory Impaired Children and Young People (SICYP) for adulthood. Area 2: To support the development of positive emotional health and wellbeing of sensory impaired children and young people. Area 3: Ensuring that progress of SICYP in Northumberland is as good as others nationally, and the gap between attainment of those with SI and those without is narrowed. Area 4: SICYP in Northumberland with mild and moderate hearing losses are more vulnerable than those with severe and profound impairments to underachievement in comparison with hearing peers. Area 5: Increase Stakeholder Voice. Area 6: Preparing for traded services. Area 7: Ensuring that reporting procedures provide concise, relevant information, reflecting the current requirements of Education, Health and Care plans and stakeholder voice.
Staff/Team updates:
Joyce Allison- Mobility and Habilitation Officer
Anna Bradley- Teacher of the Deaf
Jane Bishop - retired
Student Voice
Teen Experts Council relaunched and now includes two VI young people as well as 6 HI young people. Topics discussed at meeting on 10.10.16 - aims of the Council, aspirations, role models, social events and fundraising. The young people were asked to look at the Sensory Support Service website and email any comments or suggestions for improvement/development before the next meeting.
5. Transition day update
To be held on 26th November 2016 from 10am -1pm at the Education centre at the Freeman Hospital. Flyers have been given out. The Listening Bus will attend.
6. Ongoing parental feedback from NHSP
See attachments
7. Discussion around open fit moulds
Kate is currently producing guidance around the provision of open fit moulds. The advice will centre around what is best audiologically for the child.
8. Ear buddies - potential for new development
Based on research carried out in Glasgow, a small frame (splint) has been devised that can be used on babies within the first four weeks after birth, to pin back little ears that stick out. It has been shown to be effective and there is now a leaflet available at the RVI informing parents about this procedure.
9. New Trainee Clinical Scientist in Audiology
Two pathways into Audiology available- the practitioner's training route and the scientist training route. There are ten appointments made to the scientist training route across the country and one has been appointed to the Freeman.
10. Social Care in Northumberland
Two social workers have attended a 5 day training course in sensory loss for children and adults and are now equipped to carry out assessments in the home. Sue Prince, Social care Lead for Sensory Loss across adult social care hopes to attend the next CHSWG meeting.
Questions were raised about the availability and funding for BSL interpreters if there was a need on a visit by a social worker. IR to discuss with NT
11. AOB
A question was sent to the meeting via a parent representative regarding the provision of BSL interpreters in state schools. Sensory Support to provide a response.
12. Date and time of next meeting
Tuesday 28th february 2017 at 4pm at Riverside Centre.