Hill and Plain PTO Meeting – DRAFT

September 9, 2013 1:30pm

Meeting was called to order by Co-President Jen McSherry. She opened the meeting by explaining what being a member of PTO means.

Teacher’s Reports


Principal’s Report (Ann)

-Would like to see even more interaction from the PTO in the school

-Wipes are being bought from Costco for the children to use on their way in from recess to lunch (until the ones from BOE get here)

-PTO would like her do more “robo-calling”

Treasurer’s Report (Allison Sidel)

-The new budget will be ready to be voted on at the October meeting. A lot of the Hospitality money was rolled into the events that use them

-The 2013-14 year will start off with approximately $16,000

Science Fair/Science Cart/Garden (Becky Passero)

-The garden has many goodies waiting to be harvested. Help yourselves.

-Christine Costable proposed buying an indoor garden cart using some of the grant money gifted by IBM. She will do further research and submit grant form at October meeting

-Proposed to move Science Fair from May to either February or week after Spring break. Will contact JPS and NES to discuss.

-Science cart will begin sometime in October. Grade leads will be:

  • K – Lisa Jackson
  • 1st – Jessica Ryan and Megan Christian
  • 2nd – Christine Costable
  • 3rd – Becky Passero

Yearbook (Heather Tietjen)

-Picture Day is 10/2/13

Fall Festival – Friday, October 2, 2013

-Need to form a sub-committee to get this accomplished. Will meet on 9/10/13 to begin discussions.

  • Money structure: charge flat fee at door or buy tickets
  • Arts/Crafts
  • Games
  • Food
  • Volunteers – trying to get Kohl’s to come help

-Asking Christine Oberc to do some sort of dance


-KastleKreations – Wrapping paper, candy, home goods/decorations

-Danbury Militia Football – Friday 9/21 at 6:30pm

-The sprinf fundraising survey was discussed. Despite that most do not like the wrapping paper it is our biggest moneymake.r

-We do so many that people can choose which they want to participate in. A flat cash donation always welcome too!

-Looking into more sporting events, like football and hockey

-Looking to Bingo Nite and movie nite

Holiday Store

-Begin shopping now. Items should cost about $1. Do not forget your tax free# and begin remitting receipts for reimbursement.

Supply Drive

-Jen will reach out to lead teacher for each grade to see what teachers run out of most often. A list of items will be sent to parents requesting donations for classrooms.

Book Fair (Eileen Shields)

-3rd grade books are in!

-Training for fair will be next week (9/15)

-Mrs. Sheeran still has $700 of Scholastic dollars to use

-Eileen will let new teachers know we have $2000 in Scholastic dollars to use for classroom book orders. Any remaining will be opened to other teachers.

Volunteer Coordinator (Maura Kaschube)

-Still collecting names. Will continue to do at Curriculum Night

-Will still use Signupgenius.com


-Allison Shears volunteered to chair

-Can online to boxtops4education.com to get more and shop online retailers for more tops electronically

-Stop&Shop has an education give back program. Please sign up!

Lit Week

-Will need extra help as Michelle may be getting a full-time job

RAT (Jessica Poodiack & Kim Rogg)

-Would like to merge the “pledge form” and “minutes read form” into one

Hospitality (Dawn Curry)

-Staff Welcome Back Lunch was a success

Grants (Jen McSherry)

-***From the final spring meeting, to confirm he is still coming*** Kyle Dine (nutrition) September 13, 2013 - $595. Payable that day. APPROVED